- 15.

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Chapter 15: Brighton.

I let my lungs fill in with the fresh air. The wind blew my hair back lightly, making my eyes squint into the distance.

I was seconds away from seeing the people i loved more than anything in the world; my heart pinned, my palms continued to sweat.
My nerves got the best of me, barely able to pull my luggage behind me.

I whip round to a flustered and excited Tubbo, his arms already around me. Without second thought, i embrace his hug as my eyes tear up.
"Tubbo, oh my god. It's so great to see you!" I say finally, completely breathless. He's grinning more than i've ever seen him, clasping his hands together.

"You have no idea how long i've wanted to finally meet you!" He replied, ruffling his hair a bit. I put my arm around him as he helps me with the luggage i brought.

"Thank you Tubbo, you're the best." I said, wringing my hands free from the cramps. He winced slightly at the weight, but shrugged it off with a soft smile. "How was the journey?"

I pondered. "It wasn't awful, but certainly not the best." I say, looking at the redness on my hands.
"Ouch." Tubbo sympathises, giving me an 'i'm sorry' look. "On the bright side though, we're about to go out to everybody else!"

My heart started pounding even more. I was already super comfortable around Tubbo, but how will i be around the rest? Sure, i knew them for a long time, but what if i don't settle in?

Tubbo notices the shadow cross my face.
"Hey Val, it'll be alright!" He reassured me, squeezing my hand. "Don't stress. Everyone's so excited to see you!"

I return him a weak smile, holding my breath. We continue to walk in a comfortable silence, simply enjoying each others company.

"THE WOMAN??" A heavy accent yells from across. My eyes shoot up at an instant, a tall, angry, blonde brit running towards me.

Before i could even speak, Tommy had thrown me off my feet, lifting me off the ground in his embrace. He stays with his arms wrapped around me, the rest talking amongst themselves until he lets go.

We're both breathless for a few seconds, us both with a stupid grin on our faces.

"Finally meeting, eh?" He commences, after i'd said hello to everyone else.
"Yup." I was still very nervous, fumbling with the handle of my luggage Tubbo had (reluctantly) returned.
"You're okay right?" He whispered. I give him a quick nod, and he turns to face the exit.

"You'll love Brighton, i just know it. I've already been here for a few days actually, came a bit early." He scratches his neck, smiling sheepishly.
"Right." I mumble. It was extremely awkward.

"It's only awkward if you make it awkward." He says immediately after, as if he read my mind.
"Before the two lovebirds go fluttering away..." Tubbo laughs. "The car is right here. If you don't mind." He finishes, his hand out for my luggage. I hand it to him, and he takes it swiftly.

Everyone was very normal around each other, comfortable in one another's presence. I wasn't uncomfortable, but i definitely wasn't settled in either. Philza, (everyone's father) plots out everyone's seats.

"ALRIGHT!" He yells over the noise. "It's not like i want to shout, but you never listen." He glances to Tommy. "Let me think. Alright, Wilbur, me and you at the front."

𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒, TommyInnit Where stories live. Discover now