- 2.

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Chapter 2: 5:36 PM

"MEN?? Pieces of shit. What about you?"

"REALLY? Because I agree. No less! What about women, like yourself?" He replied, his tone loosening up.

"Women are so much better?? Common knowledge, Tom" Val snickered, reading the chat which was laughing along.

"Did you call me Tom? What the fuck?" Tommy gasped, with fake disappointment in his voice. "BUT, I SO AGREE. I love women. Who's your favourite woman?"

"My favourite woman? Like-"


"Overall?? Hm." Val thought, leaning back in her chair. "I'd say the queen? Pog"

"THE QUEEN?? That's it, you're no longer just woman to me. Val, is it?" He screamed into her headset. And to think you're the same age? She thought, half jokingly.

"Yes, it's Val. Did anyone tell you that you act like a fucking child?"

"You are so rude. I take back everything I just said" He started laughing really loud.

She laughed back to this statement, and they talked for a few more minutes before settling down into a comfortable silence. Her mood had already lightened since talking to him, now genuinely looking forward to streaming the rest of the game. She heard him click on his mouse and type very quickly.

"WOAH there. Why do you type so fast? Speedrun?" She half smiled, not looking up from her hands.

He was silent for a few seconds, before finally realising she said something.

"What? Oh, yeah! Speedrunning this shit" He laughed at his own joke.

"Do you usually laugh at your own jokes?" She was mocking him, alright. And he knew that too well.

"Yes I do, WOMAN. Know your place in-front of the big-" His speaking was cut short by Val's phone ringing, with a rather interesting ring tone.

"Jump in the Cadillac
(Girl, let's put some miles on it)
Anything you want
(Just to put a smile on you)
You deserve it baby, you deserve it all
And I'm gonna give it to you"

"IS THAT THE FUCKING BRUNO MARS SONG???" Tommy retorted, very angrily.

"DAMN?? Do you have a vendetta against it or something?" She yelled back, whilst laughing. Her chat was laughing as if they understood his anger, but she decided to ignore it completely. The song slapped, at least in her opinion.

"What the hell is a vendetta?" He said, clicks on his keyboard following."Oh- Then yes. I have a personal vendetta against this song." He finished, Val being able to hear the pout in his voice. She laughed at his antics quietly, before returning her attention to yet another game popup.

DAY 2.

- Welcome to day 2. Yesterday, you had written your first letter, and today you will do the same. However, this time you have to tell a story from your childhood.

Reading that, Val tensed. She didn't want to get into details about her god awful childhood. Her mind started wandering, further than she wanted it to. She remembered what he was like...

"HELLO???? Did you fall asleep or something?" The scream of an annoying British boy broke her out of the trance.

"OH- I'm so sorry, Got distracted" She said sheepishly, before returning to the pop up.

- Make sure to make it convincing enough, after all you're not here to make friends. Lies come in handy sometimes, don't they? Pull right at the heartstrings. Good luck.

Val laughed at this, thinking of a potential story that she could write. She thought of every potentially good memory. But of course, no luck. Hearing the fast clicks from Tommy's end, she assumed that he already had a story. Knowing him for like, 5 minutes, told her that it was going to be something REAL stupid.

He WAS stupid.

My Childhood Story:

well, this was hard but. here goes; I used to live in a small neighbourhood around the outskirts of London, not a nice place ill tell you that. I went to this public nursery. my best friend at the time was pretty fuckin stupid. like really stupid yk? he liked to do weird things, and by that I meant he would shove a crayon up his nose then chase others around LMFAOOO. he didn't do it to me though, he was really kind to me and a funny guy. anyway, he also really loved getting into fights with other kids in the nursery, and the little shit got me involved one day. some girl had started laughing at me, something stupid, obviously. and out of anger??? I think??? I said that I wished she got punched in the face. THEN GUESS WHAT HE DID? he went right up to her and punched her SO HARD. I mean so hard she stumbled over and started sprouting fountains. quite literally. he then walked away, came to me and asked

"so, why did I punch her again?"

I started crying because I knew I was going to be in so much trouble. and as predicted, they called my parents and I got grounded or something even though it literally wasn't my fault? sorry its not that funny. I did try :)

Val sent her letter in, giggling as she did so. The memory was always really funny to her, she had always wondered how the boy was now. Her chat enjoyed the story too, laughing with her. She then started reading out some donos and subs, whilst waiting for Tommy's story. And sure enough, a new letter popped up in her inbox.

My Childhood Story:

I hate this topic so much. Who chose it? Anyway, this was in the outskirts of London at this one nursery, not very poggers but it was temporary. I was best friends with this one girl, she was pretty quiet but we got along really well, considering we were opposites. I was the weird kid that everyone loved, obviously, since I am such a big man. I got dared to jump into a puddle of mud that was outside. IT WAS SO DISGUSTING. They are all stupid for doing that to me. Of course, the big man fears nothing, meaning I jumped right in, and COVERED head to toe with mud, I slam into the principal herself!!! Great news for me right!! Needless to say, I was somehow expelled from nursery. EXPELLED. Deadass expelled from nursery. My parents then took me to another nursery, where my behaviour was monitored or something. I cant lie, it was very funny. Not to the principal though.

After reading, they were both laughing REALLY hard at each others stories.

"Hey, that guy took one for the team, don't you think?" Tommy yelled at Val, still laughing about mostly his own story.

"PRECISELY Tommy. Anyway, its a bit weird that our stories are so similar? Like the locations and stuff."

"Yeah, my best friends name was Valeria, she was ok. One of the many women who spoke to me." He said, his ego so large it could burst.

"Mine was Thomas, I always called him Tomathy though. He was a real bitchboy If I ever knew one!" Val laughed, reminiscing at the memory.

"SWAG!! Thats a bit similar to my name. Funny stuff! Did you know that I played on the football team with the number 69?" He burst out laughing, barely able to contain himself.

Val felt her lip twitch a bit, before she let the laugh out.


With that, they both couldn't stop laughing, Tommy slamming the table with his hand, and Val leaning back in her chair.

"You know, you're not that bad actually." Val admitted, taking a quick look at her quick scrolling chat.

"Thanks WOMAN. Even though I didn't need your input, I guess I appreciate it." He said smugly. "I think you're okay too, I guess"

"Thanks Tommy, that means a lot."

WOAH that was one hell of a chapter lmao. Foreshadowing much?? Maybe . Pretty swag. I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY THE STORY!!! SEE U GUYS IN THE NEXT CHAPTER BOOOM

𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒, TommyInnit Where stories live. Discover now