
Audrey turned the corner, rubbing the sleep from her eyes with the back of her hand. She looked so beautiful, even early in the morning right after she wakes up with her hair all messy in a bun and no makeup on. But she still had no pants on. I smiled at the fact that she stood in front of me in just a sweater and underwear.

She froze when she saw the sight before her.

I sat on the other side of the table. In her spot there were three items: McDonald's pancakes (her favorite breakfast), a soy chia tea latte from Starbucks (her favorite drink on a cold day like today), and a plane ticket back to NYC. She crept closer to the table to examine the things.

"Morning!" I smiled, huge. Her face scrunched up and she stared at me, the plane ticket under her hand. All of a sudden she burst into tears.

My smile fell and I grew extremely worried. Quickly, I got up and went to the other side of the table and knelt down to her level.

"What's wrong, babe." She looked me in the eye. Ugh, those blue eyes.

"You're the best boyfriend on this entire planet." She slammed her lips onto mine. I smiled into the kiss. Liam Payne has done it again! Success! She pulled back and stared down at the pancakes with a smile on her face. Looking back up at me, she spoke again, with a huge grin on her face. "I'm really hungry."

"Well dig in." Without hesitation, she sat down and started eating. I gave her a kiss on the check.

"Gotta go get ready, babe."

Once inside my room, I took a breath and sat down on the end of the bed. I wanted to fix the issues in my life. There were relationships that I just needed to mend. I dialed Harry's number.


"Uh, yeah, Harry. It's me."

"You okay mate?" I felt like such a girl, but at that moment, I broke. The emotions I kept inside me just came out. "Mate, are you crying?" I hung up on Harry. Staying right where I was on the bed, I sobbed. I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. I tried to tell myself to breath, I tried to tell myself to stay strong but I just had never felt that weak. I can't live without my boys. It was supposed to be me and my boys forever so why did they shun me. Because I fell in love? I did nothing wrong.

>Harry's POV<

"So just come with what you need for like a week and then we can ship everything else! God, I can't wait to see you, babe!" I walked into rehearsal with a big smile on my face and my phone pressed to my ear. Liam was the only one here. He looked up when I came in. I heard Erika saying something on the other end of the phone, but now I was barely hearing.

"Listen, love, I have rehearsal. I've got to go."

"Mkay, I'll see you Monday. I love you!" I could practically hear Erika's smile as I hung up.

I sat down next to Liam on top of a speaker.

"What's up with this morning, mate?" This morning, I know Liam was hurt. He wanted to tell me something but felt like he couldn't. Which makes me feel conflicted. In all honesty, I love Liam. But I also love Louis. (Not in the gay way our fans think.) The only reason Louis dislikes Liam right now is because he's on Eleanor's side, which I can't blame him for. But seriously, bros before hoes. I chose Louis over both Erika AND Liam. So why can't Louis just choose Liam over Eleanor.

"I miss you." Liam sighed.

"I miss you too. But you understand right?"

"Yeah. Unfortunately, I do." I smiled.

"But I do care about you, bro. What's going on? Erika and Kiani are moving out here so Audrey won't be so lonely." I kind of feel for her. Poor Audrey must feel horrible. We used to actually be close friends too, Audrey's awesome.

"Audrey's dad died." My mouth dropped.

"Are you kidding?"

"No. But Audrey and her dad had an...odd relationship."

"What exactly do you mean?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Don't tell her I told you, but he abused her." My mouth dropped even farther.

"No.." My voice trailed. I had absolutely no idea. I've never felt more guilty before in my life.

"Yeah, it's complicated.. I bought her a plane ticket to go to the funeral. She's leaving Sunday and will be back Monday. But the thing is, because of her dad, she's a little afraid of love." I mentally groaned. My ex was like that.. It did not end well.

"So, do you love her." Liam stared at me. His brown eyes looked sad, they said it all. I nodded I'm understanding and gave him a bro hug.

"I'm gonna show her. If I can't tell her, I'll make her see it." I smiled at Liam. He's learning from the best. Yeah, I know, I'm cocky.

------------Author's Note---------

Hey guys(: haven't really talked to you guys in awhile! I hope all of you had a wonderful and safe holiday. Now, down to business: I'm planning another fan fiction soon. It will probably be a Harry one(: there will be more details on it soon! Please vote on this chapter if you'd read it! I love you all so much! Please please please, comment/vote/fan!! I am so thankful for all these reads and all of your support, THANK YOU! Love you :D

xx, Ashley

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