14. The Faceless Killer

47 4 1


Reviewer- ElysiumKingdom

Cover and Title:

The cover reflected the theme of the book quite well. The dark colors and the silhouette blending together really created a mysterious vibe. It gives an instant feel to the book, and I particularly liked the variety of covers that were shown afterwards. The title, in a way, is pretty self-explanatory. The theme of the story and what it's about is clear after reading it.


Your blurb is pretty perfect. The information in there is solid and holds the most precise of balances. Enough of the past is introduced that the situation at hand is understood, and the present reflects enough that the reader can figure out what kind of story it's going to be and the general feel for the book is given.

Writing Style:

Your style is in many ways quite advanced and engaging. It is all too easy for stories to gain a flat and monotonous feel to them when the sentences all seem to start in the same repetitive manner, such as overusing the word 'I' or 'He' or 'The', among others. Yours, however, did not. It was constantly being shaken up by structuring the sentence in a way that rendered the need for those words redundant, as well as offering a smooth flow to your work. Because of that, I found it engaging and easier to read; it immersed me into the story as there was no barrier created by repetition.

Filler words seem to have been taken into account here too, and they are few and far between which I found to be impressive. But there were one or two sentences which were fragmented. I feel as though those sparse occasions occurred in an attempt to avoid certain words being implemented. Or it could have just been wandering thoughts. Either way, they were not common, and didn't hold an impact on understanding what was happening.

Your vocabulary is also advanced, which provides stimulation, as well as reflects the mature themes within the book.


They were pleasant, informative, and just plain pretty in parts. They were not overbearing to the point that as a reader I felt consumed by them, nor were they too fleeting that the object of your skill became unimaginable. In the words of Goldilocks, they were 'Just right'.

When it came to Alexis in particular, I felt as though you really managed to bring her character to life with the way you narrated her. It was effortless and I could picture her so clearly, from the way she looked to the way she acted.

However, for as great as your descriptions were, managing to capture the smallest of details and to expose the chemistry between characters, sometimes there wasn't enough when it came to the setting. There was enough given to give a rough and general idea, but with your capabilities, I feel that were you to apply a little more to the background, you'd all round bring a scene to life.


What I do love about it so far is the knowledge that somehow all the characters we've met are going to interlink somehow. It's fun and like a small mystery for the reader to figure out how they're going to connect with one another and to pick up any clues along the way.

The plot idea itself is great. It can never truly be overdone as every serial killer has their own unique twist, their own reasons and story. The time period in which the killer has been on the loose and the steady building death toll holds the promise of suspense and excitement.

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