19. Forbidden Territories

43 1 1


Reviewer- Everythingbibulous

Cover and title:

Your cover is so pretty! I can say that it's one of the best that I've personally seen on this. I'm not even sure what part of it drew me in first but it was like it compelled me in a way. I also loved the quote that you chose to put on the cover. Your title was good it fit your story and I don't have any sort of complaints about it.


I loved your description I swear it was something straight out of a published novel. It gave me a great description of your characters along with giving the story a description that would tell me enough without telling me the whole plot.

Grammar and punctuation:

First of all, I have to say that I was completely shocked when I realized that English wasn't your native language. I didn't really have any complaints about your story and the fact that your grammar was better than most stories that I've seen on this app and English isn't your native language is mind-boggling to me. Honestly, the only complaint I really have is instead of writing "24 hours" I feel like it looks better when you put "Twenty-four hours" but maybe that's just my personal preference.


I loved your plot it's something that I would run to in Barnes and nobles. I loved Via's personality and I saw myself at times relating to her. Honestly, I have no complaints about your plot it's something that I always choose to read and you kept it stable throughout the chapters that I had the chance to read.

Overall thoughts:

I don't even know where to begin. I absolutely loved your story and I'll most definitely continue to read it. The title the description just everything about your story was incredible. I honestly don't know what you did to make me like it so much but whatever you did succeeded. Your story was one of the best that I've read on this app and I know that you can have a bright future in writing if you choose it as your career path. If you have any further questions please let me know. I wish you and your story an incredible future on this app <3

Diamond Review Shop- OpenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora