10. Drive

23 2 1


Reviewer- Everythingbibulous

Cover and title:

Your cover is absolutely perfect! The shades of blue really drew me in and then the placement of your title, genre, and your name was fantastic. Adding the characters was a wonderful touch and helped me envision how they both looked which is personally what I prefer. Your title was simple yet intriguing.


I loved your description! Especially the part where the girl took charge of the kissing for once. Usually, it's always the man who would initiate a kiss so it was refreshing to finally see the female do it for once. And then the rest of your description gave me the perfect amount of knowledge of your story.

Grammar and punctuation:

Your punctuation and grammar were fantastic and I didn't notice any repeated errors in your story. Though I would suggest on making your vocabulary a bit bigger. One of my biggest pet peeves when reading a story is when someone uses words like "stuff" to describe something. It's not a big issue but I would just recommend looking for a different word choice if you happen to have the time.


I'm a sucker for plots like yours. They always leave me interested and entertained throughout the whole story but hey practically any romance plot keeps me interested! Just make sure that your plot stays stable throughout your story and you'll be fine.

Overall thoughts:

I really enjoyed getting the chance to read your story and I found myself at times getting completely sucked in! I loved the mood boards it added a nice touch on your character's looks and personalities. Adding the copyright was incredibly smart and not something I usually see smaller authors do so amazing job on putting it in there. Overall your story made me have quite an enjoyable experience and I'm very lucky that I happened to get to the one to review it. Keep up the great work and let me know if you have any questions <3

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