chapter twenty eight

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"Where are you taking me now?" I chuckled as Charlie dragged me through set by our locked hands.

"We have a whole hour until the next scene so we're gonna go fill our time " he said as he casually skipped around with me trailing behind him.

I let out a chuckle and shook my head but followed him anyways. We ended up outside in the parking lot sitting on a curb as we watch Jadah randomly chase Sacha around. Apparently he took something from her, but who knows what goes on with these kids.

I let out a giggle when Sacha tripped over his own feet, falling onto the cement floor by the entrance. Then I realized Charlie had been quiet this whole time.

I turned to my right, finding him staring right at me.

"What are you looking at rockstar?" I teased.

"Just my own little sunshine," he said with a smile as he pulled his knees up to his chest and leaned his head on it, still holding eye contact.

If his eyes were the ocean, as cheesy as this sounds I would be drowning right now. I stared back, copying his position so now I had my head laid on my knees.

"That song you sang in your apartment yesterday, it was beautiful Des," he said softly, his eyes never straying away from mine.

"That was supposed to be my lil secret but I forgot you have the spare key to my apartment," I chuckled softly.

"Well we could hear you from outside and Jadah was mad curious so I let us in," he shrugged, grinning at me. "I'm glad I did."

I could tell from the look on his face he wanted to know more about the song. But knowing him, he'll never ask.

"Wanna know a secret?" I playfully whispered.

He played along, scooting closer so I could whisper into his ear.

"It's about you," I whispered. "They all are. Most of the things I write," I added.

He pulled away slightly to meet my eyes. It was as if he was searching for something, maybe an indication if I was lying or joking— but of course he couldn't find any.

Because I'm not lying or joking. It's true. I write with him in my mind. Most of the time it inspired me more, as if he was my little creativity switch.

"I like that," he smiled softly before looking down as his cheeks tinted pink and I giggled, nudging him a little with my elbow.

"Not you blushing, Charlie," I laughed and so did he.

We fell silent, simply sitting in each other's presence. The fact that all of this would end in a few weeks suddenly hits me, and my mood shifted the slightest bit. Of course, we have a week break for Christmas before we come back and finish this all in one week.

I'm leaving Vancouver in a few weeks. We all are. We'll wrap season one and who knows when season two will come around. Hopefully soon because let's be real— these people have been keeping me afloat.

"Where are you spending Christmas?" Charlie's voice snapped me out of my daze.

"London I guess. With Harvey and Tanya, since technically we're the only family we have," I shrugged.

"Come back with me," he blurted. I turned to him, eyebrows raised.

"Come back with me. For Christmas. Bring Harvey and Tanya too," he said again and it was like his face visibly perked up.

I haven't spent Christmas with the Gillespies in so long, it's been 6 years. Are they mad at me? Do they hate me for taking off?

"I don't know—"

"C'mon, it'll be like the old days! It's not exactly something new Des," he pleaded. "Please," he said again, taking my hands in his as he gave me his best puppy eyes.

He knows how those used to work for me.

Well jackpot, cause it still does.

"I mean, I'm down," I said and he let out a cheer but I quickly quiet him down again, "I don't know about the other two."

"Ask them! Call them, call them now!" he exclaimed, tugging at me to call them and I let out a small laugh.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and quickly called my brother, putting the phone on speaker so Charlie could join in.

"What do ya want you idiot? It's too damn late for me to deal with your annoying ass"

I chuckled and Charlie let out a laugh. "I know where you get it from," he said to me.

"Well hello Harv. Charlie here has something to ask," I said before pointing the phone in his direction.

"Oh I'm asking— hey Harv!"

"Yes Charlie, hello"

"Wanna come to California to celebrate Christmas with my family? Tanya's invited too and Des is down if you guys are down," he asked straight to point.

The line went quiet for a second and I could tell Charlie got nervous. That was until we heard Harvey speak again.

"Is that... really okay?"

The uncertainty was clear in his voice, and I know he had the same thing running in his mind like I had earlier.

"Yeah man, of course! They definitely won't mind," Charlie quickly reassured him— well, us.

"Well, okay then. I'll tell Tanya and then we can get a flight"

Charlie quickly agreed and told him that he had his and my flight covered, saying that we'll leave for California in two days.

Well, I guess we're celebrating Christmas with the Gillespies again.

✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡
might just drop the luke fic—

all in favor (for me to drop the luke fic) SPAM THE COMMENTS

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