chapter twenty four

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Fast forward to the fourth month of filming, it was now the day before Thanksgiving. Owen had left to go visit his family for the holiday, while the others stayed back in Vancouver and decided to celebrate together instead.

Harvey had flew out to Vancouver to celebrate with his sister along with their friends, since they've all gotten along fairly well. Now they were off to a restaurant to have dinner together.

The girl had on a simple black turtle neck shirt paired with some ripped jeans before topping it off with a cropped jean jacket.

The Maynard siblings made their way into the building before heading towards a private room in the back, where the others were already waiting. They all greeted each other before Harvey took a seat right next to Savannah, causing his sister to give them a knowing look.

Oceane sat down at the opposite side of them, her phone chiming with a notification that indicated it needed to be plugged in before she felt someone settle right next to her. Ignoring her phone, she looked up and a smile made it's way to her face when she realized who it was.

"Well you're a tad bit late today Charles," she teased and he rolled his eyes.

"By barely a minute before you," he responded, shoving her shoulder slightly as she let out a laugh.

Charlie then leaned down slightly, whispering so that no one would hear. "When we're done I wanna take you somewhere."

"Where?" the blonde asked quietly, turning to him. His face then lit up with a grin as he lifted his shoulders.

"It's a surprise," he chuckled.


I was now being led through the dark, my eyes shut as I gripped tightly onto Charlie's hand.

"Are we close? Where are you even taking me?" I questioned.

"It's a surprise Des. Just keep quiet and follow me."

"Are you planning on murdering me Charlie? 'Cause this isn't exactly a smart way to do it," I said, earning a small laugh from him.

"If I were to murder you I wouldn't tell you before hand Oceane," he said and I let out a soft sigh.

We kept walking until we came to a halt, Charlie making his way to stand behind me. "You ready?" he asked, his hands on shoulders and I nodded.

I could feel his warm breath hit my neck as he leaned down to my ear, sending shivers down my spine. Whatever the heck this boy was doing, he got me right here.

"Open," he whispered.

I slowly opened my eyes, instantly hit by the sudden feeling of nostalgia. I looked around my dark surrounding as I remembered the place, considering it hasn't changed a slight bit since the last time she went there.

"Remember this?" he asked, walking around so he could stand a little bit ahead of me. I turned to him, a small smile tugging onto my lips.

"Our place," I said softly and he smiled.

Our place.

The same park we'd run away to. The same park I'd casually sneak out to just so I could meet up with him. I knew this place, like the back of my hand.

"Nothing's changed. It's still secret, it's still ours," he said, walking towards the big tree and settling down right under it as he leaned back.

I walked over, joining him by his side.

"The memories in this place, still running through my head until this very moment," he said softly, leaning his head back.

"Yeah," I mumbled, leaning slightly onto his arm.

Out of all of the memories, there was one in particular that stood out. That would be the same day I was diagnosed anorexia. My parents were on the verge of divorce, and I was only 13. Everyday there was always a fight, and I just felt so out of control.

Desperately feeling the need to just get a hold of something that I can control in my life, it was my meals. I'd eat little to nothing on the daily, pretty much only serving on water.

Charlie knew, and I hated that. I didn't want him to see me in that kind of condition, but he did. And I could tell how it messed him up. Everyday he kept trying to get me to eat something, but I'd take a bite or two and turn him down.

That was a depressing memory, now for a happy one. Under this exact same tree, we told each other how we felt. How we liked each other as definitely more than friends.

We were only 14 and barely knew anything about those kind of stuff, yet it somehow made both of us the happiest we've ever been.

This tree was also the same place we kissed for the first time. I smiled to myself at the memory. We were just kids, acting as if we knew all about love and shit.

"What are you thinking?" I heard him whisper, his cheek leaning onto the top of my head.

"Stuff," I shrugged.

I turned around and looked up at him, only now realising how close our faces were. It was like that day in the trailer all over again.

I could feel his breath fanning my face and I felt my heart skip a beat. I'm almost positive he felt something too when I noticed his eyes flicker up and down between my eyes and my lips, hell I was doing the same.

The close proximity of our faces made me shiver. It wouldn't be the first time, yet I felt my stomach flip.

His eyes crashed into mine and I could almost swear that we could hear each other's heartbeats. It's just the two of us here now, no one was gonna walk in and somehow end whatever was happening here.

I found myself leaning in slightly, and Charlie was the one to close the space between us. I felt electricity jolt through my veins the moment our lips collided. It wasn't like those quick pecks we'd share before, this one felt more intense.

Our lips moved in sync, like they were a perfect fit as I felt a whole universe in my stomach. I reached up, my hand trailing from his neck before tangling up into his hair as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

In one swift moment, he had placed me onto his lap as he deepened the kiss. His tongue poked my lips for an entrance, but I didn't react, purposely ignoring it. He then proceeded to tickle my waist, causing my lips to part as I let out a soft giggle. That gave him an entrance.

His grip onto my waist tightened as we fought for dominance, but then he won.

Both desperate for air, we pulled away, pressing our foreheads together as we caught our breath.

✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡
not quite sure i liked how it went BUT THEY HAD A MOMENT Y'ALL IT HAPPENED THEY KISSED

[ ✓ ] 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍. charlie gillespie ¹Where stories live. Discover now