chapter six

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First song is 'Now or Never' by Sunset Curve, which is the boys' original band before they, well, got killed by hotdogs.

I also discovered that Luke's the lead singer. From what I remembered, that boy can sing alright. We heard the metronome as the boys counted in their heads before the playback kicked in.

"Take off, last stop
Countdown till we blast open the top
Face first, full charge
Electric hammer to the heart"

Charlie started the song, and something about hearing his voice sing again sent chills down my spine.

It was amusing, the way he was constantly bouncing on one feet as he strummed his electric guitar. That boy can never stay still.

I was standing by the banister in between Savannah and Madison while Jadah was next to the later girl. We were jamming, Madison knowing every word while Savannah was bopping to the music with Jadah.

These boys were amazingly talented, I'll tell you that. It was also entertaining to see Paul stand in as the fourth band member, Bobby.

The song came to an end and they bowed as we started chanting, "Sunset Curve! Sunset Curve!"

Next was 'Bright', the one where they discovered that not only they can be heard when they play with Julie, but they can be seen. It was really fun and honestly, I'm just questioning how I even earned myself a spot in this team.

•°. *࿐

It's been a few hours and now we were taking a break, rolling around and laughing in the dance space.

"I don't care if I'm wrong– Owen has a buttcut," Charlie said with his whole chest, causing us to just laugh even more.

"It's the fact that we've only been hanging out since boot camp for like a few weeks and we're all so glued, it's crazy," Madison said.

"Oceane is gonna get sick of us," Owen joked and I laughed.

"Oh hey now, let's not scare away the only sane one out of all of us," Jeremy said and I snorted.

"Me? Sane? Oh please," I let out, trying to keep in a laugh by covering my mouth with my hand.

"I have a feeling she's evil," Jadah said and I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Maybe I am," I teased, a playful smirk on my face.

"Oh no– run!" Savannah joked as well, acting scared and I playfully roared at her. That literally made the boys lie down on the floor laughing.

"What was that– rawr," Owen mocked, using a baby voice for that 'sound effect' and I wheezed, slapping the floor with my hands.

"Oh no she's a hitter," Jeremy pointed out and I laid on my back, trying to get all that sanity back.

I sat back up, clearing my throat and put on a straight face. "Okay I am back and mentally stable," I said as everyone else tried to match my straight face.

The moment I locked eyes with Madison, we both burst out into a silent laughter, practically rolling on the floor as we kept hitting anything near us.

"Okay so–" I heard Kenny call out but he stopped when he saw the mess me and Madison were in as the others simply laughed at us.

"I work with literal kids," Kenny let out a chuckle before letting us calm down again.

"Okay okay yeah, what's up?" Madison asked once we pulled ourselves together.

"I kinda wanna do a lil improv for 'I Got The Music' where Madi kinda just vibes and Tori, Louise, Oceane and basically all the dancers will follow her lead. Hopefully through that we can incorporate your style into the dance," he explained to us.

"Wait– I'm supposed to just vibe and let like 10 trained, professional dancers follow my steps?" Madison asked and I can see the nervousness on her face.

"Hey, you're a great dancer and I'm sure you'll be fine," I said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She let out a breath before standing up, picking me up with her. The others cleared the dancefloor before the dancers came in and the music started playing.

"I can't professionally dance but well," Madison said, shrugging as she chuckled nervously but we all simply gave her some encouraging smiles and words.

The girl started jamming out as she did some moves while we followed suit, her eyes always looking for me for reassurance.

"Yes gurl!" I hyped her up as we all then faced the mirror while mirroring her moves.

"Yes shawty!" we could hear Jadah cheer from outside the space as we jumped around.

When the rap part came up, Madison turned to me before we both did random moves, mirroring each other.

After a little dance break, the song ended and we all cheered, hyping Madison up.

"You go girl!" Tori clapped and the young girl smiled, adjusting her shirt.

"I was close to peeing myself y'all," she said causing us to laugh as I wrapped my arms around her.

✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡
filler coz why not hehe

idk wtf this was anyways

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