chapter nine

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I looked down to my hands and fiddled with my rings. The radio was playing and Charlie was tapping his free hand on his thigh to the beat. Should I talk to him? What do I say?

I just had a panic attack right in front of him. In front of them.

How much more pathetic can I get?

"You're not," I heard him say, eyes fixed on the road. "I said that out loud didn't I?" I winced, taking a peek at him to see that he nodded, a small smile evident on his face.

"I'm sorry," he said. "For what?" I asked.

"If I didn't ask all that, you probably wouldn't have to go through that," he said as he stopped at a red light.

"It's okay. Even if you didn't, it could've just happened," I said, looking down as I bit my nails.

"Bite more and you'll bleed," he said and I turned to him, before we both let out small laughs.

I looked out of the window, little droplets of rain sliding down the glass. "It's rarely not raining isn't it?" I said and I heard him hum.

"It's Vancouver, it's like that," he chuckled.

We sat in silence as we waited for the traffic light to turn green, and out of nowhere my stomach decides to betray me and grumbles.

Charlie looked at me, and I chuckled, putting my hand on my forehead. "Sorry. Haven't eaten all day," I sighed.

"Well then, we're gonna have to feed you," he said, just as the light turned green and we started moving again.

"You don't have to–"

"Nope, you're getting fed. That's that," he shook his head, driving us to who knows where. I couldn't help but smile to myself. Maybe we could at least be civil, I mean we're gonna be facing each other for the next 6 months or so.

•°. *࿐

I tried to hold in a laugh since I had food in my mouth but it was pretty hard. Especially with Charlie cracking jokes pretty often.

I covered my mouth with my hands as Charlie laughed across from me. "I swear if I choke on my food it's on you," I jokingly threatened, taking a sip of my drink.

"I'll take my chances," he shrugged, giving me a small smile.

For the first time since I first saw him again, I felt comfortable. There wasn't really much of an awkward tension or whatsoever, and I'm glad.

I liked this. The two of us just sitting down together, talking and laughing.

"Do you wanna head straight home after we're done or...?" Charlie asked and I shrugged.

"I think I'll just chill at home. We don't have anything scheduled for today right?" I asked again and he shook his head.

We continued eating as we talked about other things. It was chill and laid back, and I liked it.

After we were done, Charlie drove me home and again, we stopped in front of his door. His was two doors away from mine, 6024 while mine was 6021.

"Thanks for the ride, and the food," I said and he chuckled, nodding. "Don't worry about it."

"You should probably get some rest," he said again and I nodded. "Yeah, bye. I'll see you tomorrow," I said and he smiled.

"See you tomorrow."

•°. *࿐

I woke up, feeling fresh and cheery for no specific reason. The attack I got yesterday drained a lot out of me, and usually I'd sleep in but not today.

Probably because it's gonna be our first day on set. Well I don't have any scenes today but me and the boys are gonna go on set anyways to watch and support Madison.

First time on an actual set. I'm not even filming today and I'm already nervous. I got out of my bed, heading for a warm shower before getting into something comfortable for the day.

I saw in the groupchat that Owen and Jeremy were gonna go together, and apparently Charlie would stay back for a bit since he overslept.

I grabbed my keys and purse, my phone already in my pocket and I got out of my apartment.

I walked over to Charlie's, knocking on his door. The door opened, revealing the man himself.

"Hey. Wanna get coffee with me before we go?" I asked, a small smile on my face.

He looked a little surprised, but then his face lit up with a grin.

"Sure, just lemme finish getting ready. You can come in and wait on the couch," he said, letting me in and I thanked him.

He went into his room while I sat on his couch. Pretty tidy place.

I picked on my nails as I waited for him, but he didn't take that long. He closed his bedroom door and turned to me. "Shall we?"

✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡
another update today coz i'm kinda feeling good and i hv a lot pre written anyways

[ ✓ ] 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍. charlie gillespie ¹Where stories live. Discover now