chapter eight

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We were now in the recording studio, recording the last minute added song 'Stand Tall'. I don't know why I'm here, but Madison insisted I came and watch her.

At this point that girl is my child.

In a few minutes Owen was supposed to go in and record his solo. I saw him sitting on the couch, shaking his legs up and down as he fiddled with his fingers.

I walked away from Alana, their vocal producer and sat next to the boy.

"You good?" I asked and he turned to me, shrugging.

"When I recorded 'Now or Never' or any other songs for the show, I didn't feel this nervous. But this one, maybe it's cause I technically have a whole verse- well not really but yanno," he said to me and I nodded understandingly.

"You'll do great, I know it. Now go and kill it in there," I said, giving his shoulder a quick squeeze with a warm smile. He nodded, shooting me a quick smile before heading into the booth.

I walked over to stand behind Alana, who had Charlie sitting on the chair beside her.

"You got this!" Charlie yelled so his friend could hear him in the booth. "He was so nervous this morning," he whispered to Alana who nodded, understanding.

Madison stood next to me while Jeremy sat on the arm rest of the couch.

"You got this! You're the best drummer in the world!" Madison yelled to him as well.

I smiled, looking at how supportive everyone in this room is. They're the kind of people you know you can count on, no matter what.

The instrumental played and Owen starting singing his part. He sounded shaky, definitely the nerves and anxiety. Anxiety's a bitch.

"Whatever happens even if
I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall"

"Okay we're gonna do that again, as many times as we need okay?" Alana said to him and he nodded.

Kenny sat down on her other side, listening attentively. The playback ran again as he sang his part at least 3 more times.

"Yeah? That was perfect. I think we got it, I think we're good," Alana announced and Kenny nodded before erupting into cheer with the rest of us.

"You did great!" Jeremy said to him when he walked out of the booth.

"I nearly peed my pants," Owen joked, causing everyone to laugh. "You did great bud," I said, raising a fist as he bumped his onto mine.

Owen's part was the last one they needed, that means we were done for the day. Jeremy suggested that we should all take a walk to a coffee shop a few blocks away, and that's what we did.

The whole time, Jeremy was on his phone calling his girlfriend- or well fiancee while Owen and Madison were constantly messing around with each other. Me and Charlie ended up walking next to each other, not like I liked it right now.

"Hey Oceane?" I heard his voice call for me and I gulped, before simply humming in response.

He cleared his throat, grabbing my arm slightly to stop me before letting go. I turned to him and raised my eyebrow.

He looked over at our friends, and they weren't too far away but far enough to not be able to hear us if we keep walking at this distance. So we did that.

We walked slowly, making sure to stay a small distance from them.

"What happened?" he asked me.


"What happened to us?" he asked again.

I felt chest tighten slowly as my hands that were in the pockets of my denim jacket shake slightly.

"You moved away, I didn't hear from you at all ever since. I just- I need to know what happened Des," he said and I winced at the nickname.

I haven't heard him call me that in years. I don't think I want to anymore.

"I don't know Charlie," I mutter, feeling as if I was getting locked up in a small and tight room.

I knew he was speaking, because when I turned to him for a split second I saw his lips move. But I couldn't hear anything. Heck I could barely feel anything.

I gasped, stopping in my tracks when I felt my feet suddenly get frozen in place. My heart was racing and I felt as if a brick was placed on my chest.

I didn't know what was going on, I saw and heard my friends call for me but it sounded so far away. All I know was that I felt two hands grabbing me to face them, and I was instantly met with a pair of hazel eyes.


"Oceane! Look at me, eyes on me," I said, holding her to face me as we stood at a corner of the sidewalk.

There were tears at the brim of her eyes, but most importantly she could barely breathe. Instinctively I cupped her face with my hands, looking straight into her eyes.

"You're alright. You're safe. We're right here with you," I said gently. I saw her breathing slowly go back to a normal pace and she slowly stopped shaking.

Wait- she wouldn't like your hands on her, my mind started speaking, causing me to drop my hands to my sides again.

Madison rushed to her, holding her hands. "You okay girly?" and the blonde nodded.

"You know, those kind of stuff just... happens most of the time," Oceane shrugged, forcing a smile.

"You know what guys? I think I'll just head home. I'm exhausted," she said, giving the others a quick smile.

"Yeah okay, do you want us to send you?" Jeremy asked and she quickly shook her head.

"No no, it's fine. I can just walk and call an uber," she said. "You guys should go have fun."

"Wait no, I'll drive you," I blurted, causing her to look at me. "Please?"

I saw her think about it for a while, before shrugging. "Sure, why not?"

✎ᝰ┆𝐚𝐝𝐢 ♡
this felt so random yet i kinda like it? idk man, we're slowly getting into the "what happened before" thing so yeet

[ ✓ ] 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍. charlie gillespie ¹Where stories live. Discover now