Chapter 14 'Goodbye, father.'

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*Y/n's pov*

I quickly put my phone back in the pocket. Thousands of thoughts entering my head. 

'What did he want to do?'

'I need to be careful'

'All I know is Hisoka is his enemy'

'What if he will kill him'


'I have to warn him'

'He doesn't deserve to die'

'I still love him'

'Wait, I love Chrollo and Hisoka at the same time?! Y/n, what the hell?'

"Y/n, are you okay, dear?" Chrollo interrupts your mind. "Yes" you kiss him on cheek. He opens the door as you two walk in. He puts bags down and sits next to you grabbing your hand. "Y/n, what's going on? You seem nervous and terrified. Did someone hurt you? Who texted you?" He leaves a small kiss on your forehead. Without your noticing, he takes your phone. He went through your messages. You were shocked seeing him heartbroken. Was he crying?  "Chrollo, wai-" he interrupts you "Don't tell me you plan on leaving me for him" You felt bad for seeing him like this. You wanted to answer 'no' but nothing was coming out from your mouth. "So, you just played me? You used me, didn't you?" His broken, deep gray orbs meet yours, your heart felt broken. I smiled at him, hugging him tightly. "No, Chrollo, I didn't use you" I pull back and focuse on his eyes. " Chrollo, I... uhm.. I feel the same way... I love you" his sad face turned into shocked features. "What did you say?" he speaks, smile appearing. "I said I love you, Chrollo Lucilfer" "I love you too, Y/n."

I brush my lips against his. He kissed back, I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen our sweet, lovely kiss. Soon I pull back, saliva string connecting our lips. He sighs "I-I'm sorry, Y/n, I'm just afraid of losing you.."

'I'm just afraid of losing you..'  The same thing said Hisoka, but cheated. Should I trust him?.. I think he will treat me better. He cried right in front of me... Or he just forced tears?.. Was he manipulating me?..

I smiled and kissed him on lips. I back off  "I'm sorry, but I have to leave. Don't worry, I'll be back soon" He nods as I stand up and put jacket on. I kiss him for a goodbye. I left the house and walked to Hisoka's house to check on him. I know he cheated, but my feelings towards him didn't stop. 

*time skip 15 mins*

I walked in without knocking. What a mess. I thought. I walked to his bedroom. "Hisoka..." I saw him crying. Our eyes met. He had dark circles his eyes. Like very dark. He gets up and hugs me tightly. "I'm so sorry y/n, please forgive me. I love you so much. I miss you. I regret sleeping with that woman. Every time I think about cheating on you, my heart breaks in small pieces. I'm really sorry, I regret going to the party then. If we stayed home, it wouldn't happen. Before I met you, everything around me was black and white. But when we loved each other, you made my world colorful. I broke your heart and you left me. I just want to kill myself I'm useless and~..." he cried out on your shoulders. You patted his head, words finnaly escaped your lips "Hey don't say that.. Who said I don't love you huh?" he looked up with puffy eyes which hurted you more. "W-what?~" "I said I still love you dummy" I poke his forehead. "Does that mean you are taking me back?~"His warm smile plastered his face I had to think for a while and said "I'm still mad at you... I'm here to warn you.. My dad-" Suddenly he falls. "Y/n~.." he yelled in pain. "HISOKAAA" I saw knife in his stomach. I looked behind and there was a woman. Canary.  I took my shirt off and wrapped it around his wound.

"Stop trying, young woman. There was poison on the knife, and no antidote's gonna help" she took her phone and called someone. "Hello Mr. L/n, mission completed." Your eyes widen realizing that your father planned this. THIS. HISOKA'S DEATH. I was very angry. I stood up and placed my sharp nails against her neck. Blood drops forming. I took her phone "Listen here dad... You are gonna regret this." in answer he laughed which made me angrier. I dip my nails down her throat. I killed the woman. I knew if she used poisons she must have antidotes. I found the antidote. I sucked out the poison, Hisoka tried to stop me "Stop fighting, poisons don't work on me" finally I finished my work and put the antidote in the wound. 

He began breathing normally. I knew he was getting better. "Hisoka, are you gonna be alright? I want to talk with my dad. I'll make sure no one will hurt you." "Thank you, Y/n..~" he awkwardly smiled and I kissed him on cheek. I called my old friend who was a hunter and killer as me. My childhood friend, Illumi. I told him to keep an eye on Hisoka. 

*Time skip*

I knew my dad was strong, but not as strong as me. I entered his house but I didn't saw him. I turned around and there he was. "Hello darling" he acted like nothing happened. I felt someone punch me in stomach, I quickly got up and threw a knife in his throat. Before other man could shot, I stabbed him 5 times. My dads eyes widen in shock. I was done with his security. "Your turn" I smirked and watched him take his gun. He couldn't shot, so I took a chance to kill him."Y/n I'm sorry" He was all shaking. "Too late" I cut his head off and step on it. I just killed my dad.. He deserved it.

*Illumi's pov*

Y/n said to look after some guy named Hisoka. I arrived to his house and watched around. I felt someones eyes on me through window. I entered the house to tell him I'm here because of Y/n. I saw red head standing infront of me. He tried to act like he wasn't hurt but failed. "Who are you?~" he asked. "Y/n asked me to keep you safe." When he heard her name he smiled....  He had feelings towards her. "Who is Y/n to you?" I asked being curious.

"She's my lover. Why?~" Lover?! I felt my heart drop. "Just asking" I thought she loved me as I loved her....

*Chrollo's pov*

Y/n's gone and it's getting late. She said she'll be back soon, but 2 hours already passed... I hope she's ok.

*Y/n's pov*

I was going to check on Hisoka before I could go back to Chrollo. I stepped in his house. Fortunately he was alright. "Thank  you Illumi. You can go-" "Can we talk y/n?" he cuts me off

We walked to his bathroom. "What's wrong?" "Do you love Hisoka?" He seemed hurt. "Yes, why?" "thanks for the answer" He left the house.  I was still confused why he asked me that. I went back to Hisoka and hugged him tightly. "You don't need to worry. No one is gonna hurt us anymore" I said. "I need to leave, Chrollo must be-" 

"Chrollo? Are you and him together?~" "I don't know Hisoka. I just care about him like I care about you" I kissed him on forehead. He sighed "You should leave, your boyfriend is waiting for you.~" "Hisoka, he's not my boyfriend" He looked at me confused. "Be safe and sleep please. It hurts seeing you like this" I said and hugged him. Then I left.

*Time skip 20 mins*

I got home. Chrollo ran to me and his eyes meet mine. "Y/n are you okay? Where is your shirt? And Why are you covered all over in blood?" everything around you turned black. You passed out.


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