Chapter 8 'I'm sorry'

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-y/n pov-
I woke up after a 2 hr nap. I heard Chrollo talking to someone on the phone. I wanted to know what about was he talking and with who, so I listened to their conversation.
"I did it"
"But it wasn't her first time, you lied to me"
"I don't know, I hope I'll find out"
"I said that because I wanted to gain her trust and it worked."
"I don't love her or never did, but she's better than my other hoes, so I'm gonna keep her until she'll become boring"
"I know but she's damn good in bed and she's pretty"
"Maybe I'll love her but I don't think so"
Then he hangs up. Tears forming in your eyes from his words. You heard his footsteps so you pretended to be asleep.
He lays down next to you. "Wake up y/n" he says leaving small kisses on your checks, nose, forehead and lips.
You kept "sleeping". Soon he gave up then left the room. After a few mins you got up, but you fall remembering that he destroyed you a few hours ago. He runs into his bedroom to check on you. "Shit y/n are you okay?" He picks you up like you are made of paper. "I'm okay put me down" he does as you said, but he grabs your waist helping you. You sit down and put your clothes back on.
Y/n: "I have to leave, thanks for everything"
C: "You can't walk y/n, how are you gonna get home?"
Y/n: "I'm on car today"
C: "I can drive"
Y/n: "Yeah whatever"
You two get ready and leave his house. He helps you to get in the car, then enters it himself.
As he starts driving he puts his hand on your upper thigh rubbing it.
Y/n: "Chrollo..."
C: "What's wrong y/n? You are acting weird since we left my house"
Y/n: "It's nothing"
Suddenly you feel his hand in your panties rubbing your clit.
Y/n: "Chrollo... no.."
You take his hand out of your underwear.
C: "If you say so.." he sighs
*Time skip*
He parked the car, opened the door for you and picked you up.
C: "It was nice to spend time with you, I'll text you later"
His lips meet your. He licks your bottom lip asking for entrance and you let him in as well. You wrap your arms around his neck. He breaks the kiss, saliva connecting your lips. "I love you, y/n" he hands you your car keys.
Y/n: "Goodbye"
You enter your house, tired barely walking.
"Where and with who were you y/n? I thought you were only mine?~"
You saw Hisoka sitting on your couch, he was very angry and stared at you with dark aura.
"Hisoka, I'm s-sorry, he forced me to"
H: "He is gonna pay for his actions~"
Y/n "I'm so sorry baby"
H: "Wait, did you call me baby?~
Y/n: "Yes I did baby"
I walked towards his angry figure and kissed his soft lips. He puts me on his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist. I place my hands on his chest. After a few minutes of making out, I back off.
Y/n: "I love you Hisoka"
H: "You what? I can't hear you~" he smirks
Y/n: "I love you so much Hisoka"
H: "Huh? Say it louder"
H: "I love you too, y/n~"
I really love him. He places his lips on mine again. Everytime he kissed me, I loved him more.
You broke the kiss. "Can we take a shower together?"
H: "Yes we can~"
He picks me up and enters the bathroom.
*Time skip*
You and Hisoka cleaned yourself up. You were tired, you wanted to sleep. You look at the watch and it's 10:32 pm.
You sit down next to him, hugging his warm body. He hugs you back. While he's watching movies, you kiss his on his nose "I love you". He leans down to kiss you back. "I love you more y/n~". After hearing his words, your eyelids start to get heavier. You closed your eyes and fell asleep hugging Hisoka.
*Time skip*
Weird loud sound wakes you up. You rub your eyes and look around. Hisoka was standing at your broken window. "W-what happened?"
You get up to see what is he looking at. Your eyes widened at what you saw.
H: "Y/n, go back to sleep, I'll be back"
C: "Because that bastard is with you, what is he doing here? You said nothing was happening between you two"
Y/n: "At first, don't call him bastard, his name is Hisoka. Secondly, I didn't say anything about our relationship. You don't love me, what are you doing here? Why do you need me if you don't love me? Because I felt good in bed?"
Hisoka's and Chrollo's eyes widened.
H: "You said what?~"
C: "Y-You heard our talking... I-I'm sorry y/n"
Y/n: "You can leave now if you're done"
C: "Y/n, please liste-"
H: "You said what? You aren't gonna use her, if I see you lay your finger on her, you will regret it.~"
He faces me "And you aren't gonna leave your house without asking, if I find out that something happened between you two again, you will regret also~"
C: "Stop it Hisoka, she doesn't love you"
Y/n: "What do you know about my feelings? What if I love him, not you?"
H: "Leave now or I'll kill you~"
Y/n: "If you were wondering who took my virginity, then he is standing next to me" Your words made his heart drop.
C: "W-When? When did that happen? Why him, y/n"
Y/n: "Because I love him, now leave and never show up on our eyes"
He looked straight in your eyes not looking away, then left. You kinda felt bad for him, but you remembered that he wanted to use you and he didn't loved you.
"Let's go to sleep, Hisoka" I grabbed his hand pulling him on the bed. I laughed at how cute he was and kissed him. "I love you, y/n, goodnight~"
"I love you too". He fell on my chest, hugging my waist, and I played with his hair. Minutes later I felt his hands relax, he was asleep. I kissed top of his head. "Sleep well". Then I closed my eyes.

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