chapter 1 'unexpected meeting'

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Name: y/n l/n

Age: 25

<your pov>

You walked home after a mission which was about killing two rich men and stealing their money. It was dark and cold here. You heard something move in trees, the sound made you flinch and you started walking faster than before. Suddenly, you felt something on your shoulder, you turn around to see what it was. 

You turned around and you see tall, handsome man with teardrop and star on his cheeks. He has orange eyes, red hair and sharp nails. You were just standing and looking at him. he spoke "Dear, what are you doing here at this time alone?~" 

You replied fast "Oh, I was walking home after a mission, what about you, what are you doing here?" Your heart started pounding very fast when you felt his arms wrap around your waist. He ignored your question and said "My name is Hisoka, what's yours doll?~" You turned around and he let his hands go off, you replied "y/n, nice to meet you Hisoka". He smiled and answers "Nice to meet you too, doll. Want me to walk you home? It's dangerous here~" 

You were about to answer, sound of gunshot cuts you off, but Hisoka saves you. The man screamed at you "YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIVE AFTER WHAT YOU DID!" You were in shock, trying to understand what just happened. Hisoka got his cards out of his pockets, then he threw them in mans arms, legs then head. The man fell while looking at you with death stare. You didn't knew him. Hisoka killed him saving your life. But why..?

You froze looking at him. He walks towards you and says "My, my, doll face nearly died if i wasn't there. Tell me about your completed mission, dear~". He grabs your hand and you start walking. You flinched at his touch, but he didn't notice it. You told him about the mission and smirk appeared on his face. You were confused but didn't say anything. You two walked in silence.

*skip time* 

You were standing in front of your house, still holding Hisoka's hand. He was looking at you, waiting for you to speak. The words finally escaped your lips " Thank you Hisoka for saving me and walking me home. Goodnight" You hugged him. He hugged back, you felt his heart beating fast, smile appeared on your face. He said "No, thank you, y/n, you made me feel better. May I come in?~" you felt his warm breath on your neck, which sent you shivers down on your back. Before you could answer, you felt something warm on your lips. Your eyes widened. Soon you realized what was happening you push him off....

To be continued~~~~

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