Simcoe x Reader x Abe Pt1

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The next day you woke up and went back to the tavern to work. You arrived to see the man there waiting. "Morning Sir."

"Good morning Miss Strong. I realized that all this time I know your name but you do not know mine."

You open the tavern door and let him in. "Well, what is your name, Sir?"

"Lieutenant John Graves Simcoe."

"Well, Lieutenant Simcoe. What do you want this morning?"

"Just to sit. Enjoy your company."

"'Enjoy my company?'" you ask innocently, and walk to the other room to get things ready. He explained that he liked just being around you, even if you weren't sitting next to him. You thanked him and quickly brushed off the topic afraid this man was trying to get you to have feelings and fall for him, marry him. You politely ended the conversation as other men came in and ordered ale and eggs. Anna came in after them and helped you. For a few days you and Anna did what you could, you and Anna walked home and noticed Joyce wasn't in the hall where he usually sat for a while. Anna went to her room while you figured Joyce was just in bed. You were both shocked when you heard the next morning Captain Joyce was found dead in the woods, his throat slashed and with a stab wound. Lieutenant Simcoe took up the place as Captain in the wake of Joyce's death. Some people took note that Abe was missing.

Abe came back and was quickly called into questioning. Simcoe believed Abe was responsible for Captain Joyce's murder, everyone did, even you and Anna began to think that maybe Abe did do it. Then while you and Anna were bringing in the dried laundry a shimmery light went across your chest and Anna's chest too. It was coming from the shed house.

You both go into the shed and see Abe. "Abraham? What are you doing here?" You ask. "Just- here." he put a bag of money in your hands. "Abe..."

"This is for you to get Selah." Abe said, looking in your eyes. His fingers softly over yours. "We won't take money you took off a dead man." Anna took the money from you both and shoved it into Abe's hands. "What?" Abe looked at you both. "Captain Joyce. He was found dead."

"I didn't kill anyone, I got this on my own, from my crop." Abe put his hands on his waist. "I met Brewster."

"How is he?" Anna smiled. "He's great. He's as crazy and wild as ever. Beard." You all smile. "Glad he is still the same." you look to Abe and see the cut on his head. You put your apron cloth to it. "Take good care to make sure that does not get infected." 

He grins softly. He nods. "There is a different problem. Simcoe." Abe says. "Aye." Anna agrees. "He will surely pin Joyce's death on you still." Anna continued. "You can make sure of your innocence can't you?" you hold Abe's hands. "I can... I can." 

"Its clear, you should go. Stay safe Abe." you and Anna let him out the barn as he sets off. Anna and yourself continued about your day. The next few days were filled with drama and chaos. Abe was stuck in the crossfire. People in town believing he gotten away with murder, others who said not a word to defend him or help when his shed set a blaze with the rest of his crop supply inside. The previous days prior had been filled with Lieutenant Simcoe, now Captain Simcoe filling his days with you. He was spending more and more time in the tavern. He would make conversation with you. You found his conversations entreating but kind. He was trying his best to hold the conversations with you. You had to work, and besides you still had feelings for Abe. They both had flaws, neither man was perfect but you knew Abe for so long. "Good night Captain." you said closing the tavern door. You turned to see Anna in the middle of the room. "I see the Captain is getting quite close to you."

"Aye." you lock the door. "He is. Let us clean this mess." you quickly begin cleaning not wanting to think about it. Simcoe went on mission, all the men that had gone with him died but he was missing. Abe seemed in good spirits, all considering. He was not worried about Simcoe being missing, but he was distressed about his crop. Now, there was a new man in town. Robert Rogers, he was conducting an investigation. Abe was helping him, had you and Anna present the letter you and she found in his personal belongings. Abe's father was quick to point his finger to you and Anna as possible writers of the letter. The next thing you knew, it was the drummer who did Joyce in and Simcoe had returned. Anna and Abe were upset and sort of distant. It was getting more complicated everyday. Between the two of them and now Simcoe being back. What was going on? What were you to do?

Turn: Washington's Spies: Hamiltonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن