Simcoe x Reader PT ONE

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You took in a gulp, maybe he worried you being so close to Rogers, he would see you as a threat, like someone to raise the other rangers above and ditch Simcoe. But you had to be honest, even if it meant being removed from the rangers. "Yes, I suppose so." 

"Then why save me from a fellow ranger who was going to kill me? I was told Robert Rogers trained you all to hate redcoats as much as the rebels?"

"I have no real answer for you, Captain. I just saw him reaching for the pistol, maybe I figured it not a fare fight?" you truly didn't know the answer of why you yelled 'No'.

"I believe you, I can always tell when someone is lying. I want you to be my right hand along with Akinbode. Do you accept this role?"

"Yes, I do, Captain." you said trying to make eye contact, he broke the eye contact and walked past you, "Wonderful." was all he said as he rushed past. You turned around to look at him. He gave the order to keep practicing with the muskets and bayonets. You joined in practicing with the others and Akinbode joined next to you.

Simcoe had you and the men travel to some Connecticut rebels, to kill them in the night. You and Akinbode walked closely behind Simcoe, Simcoe then took a small moment to look up at the sky, "Beautiful sky tonight." he said. Simcoe went into a tent, once he killed the man inside he made the signal for you and Akinbode to enter the tent. Simcoe began to write on parchment with the mans blood. Akinbode then proceeded to ask why he needed the tongue to which Simcoe replied, "To put a fine point on it." and stab the quill threw the tongue and pinching the desk with a slight creek sound as the tip of the quill broke into the wooden desk. 

Simcoe afterwards told you and the others that you were to be stationed at Setauket, Long Island. On the way you found Simcoe talked to Akinbode a lot, Akinbode would try to bring you into the conversation to join in but it was to no avail, it never worked. Some time passed and you guys just arrived on Setauket Long Island. Simcoe began approaching a woman, she met his eye and dropped a bucket that she had been holding. She was an attractive woman. Redcoats came around the corner and rushed in front of Captain Simcoe. 

You saw a light argument, there was clearly history here. Akinbode then told you what the Captain did and how he was, and who she was. After a few days Simcoe told you to ready to men, that you were to "rescue" a major named Hewlett, but not actually rescue him. The men told you how he kissed the girl, the girl who dropped the bucket. You just shrugged it off. As much as you started to like the man all he knew was that you were a young Scottish lad. 

You just got to the rebel camp and Simcoe came up to you and Akinbode. "Go with the plan." he said, standing next to Akinbode and not to your side. He clearly didn't trust you, you think that he is distant with you because of how close you were with Rogers. You, the men, and Simcoe approached behind one of the rebel men, McInnis stabbed the man with his bayonet. The man fell to the ground with a thud. "I'll finish Hewlett. You lot take the rest." Said Simcoe. 

You followed Falkoff, McInnis, and Odell with Akinbode at your side and you all began killing the rest of the men in the camp. As you were killing one of the men you heard a struggle come from the prison spot were Hewlett was being held, you and Akinbode both ran inside to Simcoe. You saw Akinbode was talking to Simcoe and so you grabbed Mitchel the closest man to you and you both went off into the woods to try and find Hewlett.

That morning you returned without Mitchel as he was still searching his area. You approached the camp, a dead squirrel in hand. "Cold!" Simcoe yelled out. "Hungry!" you shouted back. "I coundna' find him. But he canna gone too far out, Captain." you said. 

Simcoe poured alcohol over his wound as you approached him. "What is that?" he asked. "A dead squirrel." You answered bluntly, you opened up the poor squirrels head and scooped out the brain and got closer to Simcoe, squatting down to meet his eye. "The brain will help with the wound, trust me."

Turn: Washington's Spies: HamiltonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz