chapter 1 - another day in the life...

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On a warm summer day... somewhere... in an all-boys high-school playground during lunch hour break, a small group of serious players (they think they are, and that's all that matters to them) had bagged a picnic table and benches for themselves. While they ate and discussed important world issues – online POV RPG battle royale strategy game – demon king dominator (dikidee – for short) (I'm not making this shit up... yes I am). A student among them was playing as the others watched and, similarly to all back-seat drivers, offered directions, spurring the lad on to play aggressively and loudly. Loudly enough for nearly everyone to notice within a 10metre radius of him. Elsewhere, another student, a recent arrival to the school amongst the other juniors, had raised his nose into the breeze listening to the soft, soulful voice of a child carried on the wind to find him "pa-pa... pa-pa."

OS: ["yes, I know, little one... I can hear you"]

The more diminutive juniors seated on the same bench with their lunch boxes open, picking at the tasty sandwiches and snacks, stopped abruptly, having never heard before the language the gigantic boy sitting between them had spoken. The local area suddenly became silent. Curious, the tall lad looked down from his great height and saw a few gaping mouths staring back at him. that very moment, at the picnic table behind him, an abrupt outburst of congratulatory cheers cut through the air startling everyone back to their senses. The giant boy could hear whispered curse words that annoyed him, none more so than the words"I made it to the top I'm the effin' demon king, hah haaaa! Yes!!"

They were so engrossed in watching the replay and mocking his opponents they failed to heed the tall slim giant's approach. Stopping a short distance from the table, still, no heads rose, and someone had dared to block him, bent over pointing his backside, waving it around... more than his atrocious raging hormones could endure anymore. Once the giant saw an opening, rose his foot and bam!

"OI!" His toe connected with the underside of the table, raising it enough to bounce the gaming pad and frighten all those that had gathered. Finally, that backside had stopped waving and quickly stepped aside, scared it may well be the next target if he hadn't.

The self-proclaimed new"demon king" looked up at a cold staring giant.

Usually, the "player supreme" (as he dubbed himself) would make a stand and shove a fist into an aggressive adversary, an oft-used punch-first-ask-questions-later tactic. However, that vicious kick had nearly disassembled the table. The pad was rocking like a see-saw on the board that popped its 4inch nails from the impact. Having first noticed this, he had immediately assumed someone quite large and robust had shifted that 2x4 and when he looked up, he saw his assumptions realised. Still, he was a smart-arse of a kid, already carrying a plank of his own on his shoulder, easily irritated, especially when some loser is gawking at him. "What!!!"

Muttering in a deep sinister voice, which is sometimes the habit of teenage boys trying not to squeak, the giant announced calmly and succinctly, " the real demon king, and you are now my slave. The rest of you can get lost."

A tarty boy loomed too close "make meh...!" and his soul spontaneously felt an ominous brush with hell visualised in his mind's-eye. Transitionallylucid for a moment, the boy refocused on the true face of hell itself, and he baled. The others were about to gang up too, but seeing their friend inexplicably scamper, they gave chase to determine what his problem was?

The eerie tall boy blocked his newly declared slave's exit from the bench.

"what the fa... do you want with me!?" cutting himself short of cursing as the crowd of curious onlookers grew, no doubt there was a chance one of them would rat him out.

"if you're the new demon king? Then you must have conquered the old one first. Isn'tthat how it is?"

"duh! What's your tag?" thinking the bully had been knocked down to second place, he was about to check the scoreboard and report him.

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