"-eathe with me. Come on, breathe with me baby." The voice became more clear. He noticed his cheeks were wet with tears. He could feel air fill his lungs. How long has he been crying? Everything was so skewed.

"That's it Steve. Breathe for me baby." Apollo said. It was Apollo? He showed up? But why? He was just annoying right? Why would Apollo show up?

"Apollo?" He muttered. He wiped the tears from his cheeks. He was embarrassed, he cried infront of his friend. He then realized he was still on his friend's lap. He moved to get off but he was held in place.

"Steve. Calm down. It is okay." Apollo soothed as he raked his hand up through Steve's hair. "Just take a moment, ground yourself."

He wanted to argue but he knew he shouldn't. He knew he was right. He needed to get his thoughts straight. He took a moment and just leaned into Apollo. He saw Little Foot sitting beside them staring at him. He hated how safe he felt with Apollo. He couldn't help but give in and relax in his arms. How could he fight against the man who showed up and calmed him down? 

"Why are you here? Why did you come over? How did you get in?" He questioned as he finally had enough composure to speak. He looked up at the younger man and he prepared himself for the answer he was going to get. 

"What do you mean? You left the game and the call. Not to mention ending your stream after you started to cry. I was worried. I ditched my stream and everyone to come check on you. Your roommate let me in." Apollo explained. He was acting like it was a normal thing to do.

"My roommate..." For a moment he had forgotten he lived with someone. He forgot that Cib lived with him. "Why did you come here for me? What was the point? You just find me annoying, just like everyone else." He muttered.

"Steve, you know we are all just joking. None of us actually think you are annoying. You are out friend. You are my friend. We love you."

"No, you guys don't. You all never take me seriously. I'm a fucking joke." Steve forced his way off of Apollo's lap and he started to pace. "Nobody loves me. I'm just annoying. I'm a bother. I can’t be loved by anyone."

"Steve what are you talking about? Of course we love you. You are so important to us." Apollo stood up and took a step towards the distressed other.

"No...no you don't."

"We do. I do."

"You are lying."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"Steve, I promise you I am not lying."

"You can't love me if I don't even love myself!" Steve blurted and he stood staring at Apollo. He finally realized what he said and he covered his mouth in shock. He had just said something he never wanted to say. Saying it meant he believed it, and he had been lying to himself. He didn't want to believe that even he himself hated himself.

He watched as Apollo's face went from shocked to neutral. What was he thinking? Steve's mind started to race again. What was he going to do now? He was frozen in spot anticipating the next movement from Apollo.

"Steve. If I did not care. I would have not showed up. I would have stayed home and laughed at the fact you left. In fact if I did not care I wouldn't even talk to you. I know for a fact the others all love talking to you." Apollo grabbed Steve's hands. "Why did you not say something sooner? You could have told us we were hurting your feelings. We would have stopped."

"I didn't think anybody would listen, let alone take me seriously. So I stayed quiet, I just took it. I guess I couldn't anymore."

"Next time talk to us okay? None of us want to upset you."


Apollo smiled and he pulled Steve into a tight hug. Steve hugged him back and buried his face into his neck. He hated how he felt safe in Apollo's arms. He just let himself give in and he accept the comfort. He wasn't paying much attention to what was happening until he noticed they were back on his bed and he was curled into Apollo's side. He could feel Little Foot laying against his back.

The last thing he heard before he drifted into a much needed sleep, after the exhausting panic attack he had was Apollo's voice, "I'll always love you Steve. Whether you believe me or not."

A/N: Okay my first Steve oneshot. Tell me how you liked it. I am excited for this book. Please feel free to leave requests. Also I just realized I have no idea how tall DumbDog is. Also guys did he turn 27 or 28 this year? Google gave me both so I am a little lost on that.

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