Chapter Thirty Eight

Start from the beginning

Hermione and Ron were sharing a moment as she tried to teach him to play piano, and Lolita and Theodore sat beside each other as they read. Harry was trying to figure out how to get the Snitch open that Dumbledore had left him in order to figure out the message. They were all interrupted when they heard clattering. They hurried into the kitchen to see Kreacher had returned with Mundungus— and Dobby. After questioning him, they realized he'd sold the locket to Umbridge, who wore it protectively around her neck. They knew it was going to be challenging to acquire, but they had to try. So, they came up with a plan to infiltrate the Ministry using Polyjuice Potion.

Lolita, Theodore, and Harry took the potions Hermione had brewed. Her and Ron stayed behind, just in case something happened. They made their way inside, and after a while, they found Umbridge. They also discovered how awfully Muggles and Muggle-borns were being portrayed, considering Voldemort was in charge. They were ridding Muggle-borns of their wands and magical rights. Umbridge was over the Wizengamot. Harry found her there, and stole the locket off her neck. At that point, the Polyjuice was beginning to wear off. They narrowly made it out of the Ministry. Hermione and Ron saw what was happening as they used the last fireplace to exit through the Floo Network. They all ran towards her and joined hands, and she Apparated them away. But Corban Yaxley had grabbed onto them. Hermione had to Apparate once more to lose him, and when she did, Ron got splinched.

They looked up at the trees overhead them. They sat up quickly. Harry grabbed the locket that laid on the ground next to him and stuffed into his pocket. They'd done it. But, as he looked over, he saw Ron groaning in pain with a bloody arm and Hermione panicking next to him. Lolita and Theodore jumped up, rushing over to him. Harry just stared, in shock. He looked bad.

"Harry, quickly, in my bag. There's a bottle labeled Essence of Dittany." Hermione told him, and he searched for it quickly through the mess of items. "Unstopper it." She ordered, and he did.

"Hermione, his arm..." Harry whispered.

"I know!" She exclaimed, it pained her to see him like that. It did them all, but her the worst. Harry handed it to her. "It's going to sting a little bit..."

"What happened? I thought we were meant to be going back to Grimmauld Place?" Lolita asked.

"We were! We were..." Hermione cried. "We were there, but Yaxley had hold of me, and I... I knew once he'd seen where we were, we couldn't stay. So... So, I brought us here. But... Ron got splinched."

He'd finally calmed down once she'd finished dowsing his wounds in the Essence of Dittany. She jumped up, and Lolita took a closer look at his arm. Hermione began casting protective enchantments. "What are you doing?"

"I don't fancy another visit like the one we had in Shaftesbury Avenue, do you?" Hermione gave him a look. "Theodore, can you get going on the tent?"

"Tent?" He questioned. "Where am I supposed to find a tent?"

He looked over at her bag, realizing then. Lolita began wrapping Ron's arm. He'd lost consciousness due to all the pain. Harry stayed by his side for confort. At least they got the Horcrux, and the real one this time. By night, the tent was set up and they were all fast asleep. The next day, the five of them took turns using everything they could think of to try and destroy the locket. Nothing was working, but they should've known that. No sort of regular magic could destroy such a dark object. Ron felt better, but they were all starting to feel a little disheartened.

What happened at the Ministry?

Umbridge had one of the Horcruxes. We used to Polyjuice Potion to go in.

Brilliant, but you guys barely made it out. You have to be more careful.

I know. When we Apparated, Ron got splinched.

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