Felicity just sighed, knowing that Thea would see that she was indeed, looking at stuff about Oliver.

Thea just shook her head, and gave the tablet back to Felicity.

"I miss him too, you know. But you're stuck in the past. It is time to move on. It is past time." Thea sighed.

"Well, what do you expect me to do? Just forget about him?" Felicity asked, not knowing whether to take offense to what Thea had said or not.

"No! You just need to move on, and stop living in the past! He would have wanted that for you." Thea corrected, sitting down in front of Felicity's desk.

"I've been trying." Felicity groaned, putting her hands up to her face, and just pulling the skin near her eyes to relieve the stress.

Felicity suddenly looked up, and back at Thea, automatically angered that she was telling her to move on when she knew what today was.

"You do realize what day it is today, don't you?" Felicity spitted out.

"Yes... I know." Thea suddenly whipsered, almost sad.

"Then why are you coming in here and telling me to move on? Hmm? Especially today of all days!" Felicity semi-yelled.

"Because today, especially, you don't need to sit here and be sad! You need to remember the good times and be thankful for the time you got to have with him!" Thea argued back.

Felicity just sat there, speechless.

"He loved you... But, he is gone. And, I hate that it's that way, but we can't do anything about it now... Except to keep living. Just like he would have wanted us to." Thea sighed, trying to calm Felicity down.

"But today is-"

"Yes, today is his birthday. And it's the day that he told you how he really felt about you. I know. It was the beginning of it all. But, today is also the day that we should celebrate his life." Thea spoke gently.

Felicity just fought back tears.

"Instead of having a party for him like last year, let's just have a girl night. That's what I came here to say anyway." Thea perked up.

"Okay... What do you have in mind?" Felicity asked, trying to move past all of the Oliver talk.

"You, me, and a club." Thea wiggled her eyebrows.

"You do realize that I haven't been clubbing since Verdant, right?" Felicity chuckled, embarrassed.

"So!? It'll be fun! Pleaseeeee!" Thea begged, standing up and leaning over the desk.

"Fine, fine. What time tonight?" Felicity gave in.

"Eight-ish? That work for you?" Thea asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure. Just let me get all this work done." Felicity laughed.

"Okay. See you tonight. And, Felicity?" Thea called out before walking out.


"I didn't mean to move on from him. If you're not ready yet, you're not ready. I just meant to move on with your life. Don't stop living because he stopped." Thea smiled, and blew Felicity a kiss, and then she walked out.

Felicity just sighed, wishing that today wasn't so hard, but it was. Especially with remembering the night of Oliver's birthday party that he finally told her he loved her.

Oliver's party was cut short by the sound of a tornado siren.

It was weird because Starling City rarely got tornadoes, and it just happen the day that Felicity and Oliver were going to finally spend the night together after the party. It wasn't to be intimate or anything, it was just to be there for each other, and to finally let Oliver in her life more. They had been together for some time now, and she just wanted him to stay the night with her.

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