Chapter 13: Spilt Milk

Start from the beginning

"Hey! Where're you running off to?"

"You can get the... you know... condoms." He whispered making sure no one was around and he looked embarrassed. He turned around ready to run away again.

"Oi!" He looked back at me, "I don't know what ones to get. There's too many to choose from!" I whispered.

"Just pick one!"

I smirked and walked to the exact spot where they were stacked and Izzy was still looking at me.

"Ooh! Izzy, what about "ribbed for her pleasure?" I asked quite loudly, making his eyes bulge a little and he came scuttling over.

"Shhhh! Quiet! People might here you!" He murmured.

"Why are you so embarrassed about them? You should be proud buying them; we're practising safe sex and we're not reproducing." I smirked, still speaking a little loudly.

"I'm embarrassed," he looked around, "because I'm Izzy-fucking-Stradlin' and I don't want some prick to take a picture or something of me buying fucking condoms. I hate being photographed."

"Dude, chill, I don't see anyone who actually gives a shit who you are in here at the moment. Looks like you're not that famous." I laughed.

He stared at me for a while with a stern face but he eventually caved shaking his head and looking down at his feet, eventually smiling.

He sighed looking back up at me, with a slight smile.

"Fine, which ones would you like, Mel?"

"I don't fucking know, I've never bought them before. The guys I've been with already had tons stacked in their bedside tables."

He laughed and eventually stood still right behind me searching the rows. Eventually he said:

"I guess we can just get regular..."

I nodded and picked up the regular packet.

"No no get the 50 pack." He muttered and slapped the, what I read, 12 pack out of my hands that magically landed back on the shelf without dropping, and he reached for the 50 pack.

"Ah fuck it we'll get two of 'em." And he chucked two 50 packs of regular condoms in his basket.

I started to piss myself laughing. "So now we have 100 condoms. Someone's thinking that they're going to get a lot of action." I turned around and looked up at him.

He looked down at me sheepishly and gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

"Believe me, once you get a taste of this," he ran his free hand down his chest "you'll just keep on wanting more." He winked at me and began to walk off.

I was left there standing with my mouth open. Since when did the shy and awkward Izzy, have this flirty and sexy-as-fuck side to him? But, I can tell you, I didn't really care where it came from, all I wanted was more of it.

I jogged after him to find him at the check out with his sunglasses sitting on top of his dark, shaggy hair, taking out them items for the check out guy. I took my time to walk over to him since I was taking in Izzy's appearance; he was wearing black skinny jeans, faded blue low cut Converse's, and a grey tee-shirt that fit him perfectly. It was funny seeing him in normal clothes for once, because every other time I met up with him he was always wearing leather pants, sometimes black or yellow, Doc Martins and those plunging neck line floppy shirts with a leather jacket.

He must have felt perving eyes on him since he looked at me and slightly smiled, holing out his hand for me to hand him my over-filled and heavy basket.

When the clerk told us our amount, which was a little steep but we did buy half the store, we both reached for our wallets but Izzy refused to let me pay, and I wasn't even allowed to pitch in.

We walked out of the shop with three big paper bags each and we plonked them in the back seat of my car. Izzy got back into the driver's seat and began to drive off, but he took a different route; the road that went along the beach to his house. He took out a cigarette and a lighter literally out of nowhere and lit it.

"A smoke for breakfast, eh?" I laughed.

"Oh yes, healthy goodness." He handed it over to me and I took a drag. I wasn't a smoker but if I was ever offered one I would always take it. I liked them but I just wasn't obsessed with the like the rest of the world was.

We shortly arrived back at Izzy's house and we walked in the house with a bit of difficultly since he were probably holing too many bags at once, plus we had Ripley jumping all over us.

"Get down!" Izzy growled at her and she immediately did, looked up at us sadly and moped off.

"Damn son you've got some discipline in you." I said as we walked into the kitchen and dumped the bags on the bench.

"Mmm." He mumbled as he took off his sunglasses and began to unpack. "What do you want to eat because I don't know about you but I think I'm going to die if I don't eat anything in the next 5 minutes?" He asked.

"I'll have whatever you'll have." I shrugged my shoulders.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "I can make scrambled eggs or something?" he looked at me with his beautiful eyes, which kind of made me want to jump him right then and there.

"Yeah sure, I'm happy with that." I said as I jumped on the kitchen counter, swinging my feet in little movements.

"Alright." He said as he passed me, patting me on my thigh. "Oh, can you let Ripley out? I think she might need to piss or something." He pointed over to the large glass backdoor where Ripley was pacing by.

I jumped off the counter and walked over to her.

"Hey girl, you want to go out?"

Obviously not. She saw me and scuttled away from me like no tomorrow and went bolting towards Izzy, who had just opened a carton of milk, and she crashed right into him, making him drop the carton right on Ripley's head, making milk spill everywhere.

"Fuck! You dumb fucking dog!" Izzy yelled making me jump.

Oooh shit.

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Love you all xoxo 😘

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