Mena's Escape: Three

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It is day four into the boys mid-winter week long break and Philomena has decided to treat them to a day full of fun. They started with in the mall where she got them new games for their play station, clothes, new shoes, and a few toys. Both boys had so much fun as did their mother even though she had to keep them in check more times in the day and was tired from all the running and walking. Shopping for two kids who share different interest is enough to make any mother stress now times that emotion by ten as her kids are twins who enjoy play fighting in public.

The dimming rays of the sun radiate off the black jeep in the parking lot of the local grocery store where Philomena normally shops. She turns to look at both her sons in the backseat waiting on her word to jump out of the car and cause trouble

"When we get in there you do not talk or look at anyone or anything especially if that person slash thing is not myself or your brother. Stay together at all times and Antonio do not touch anything and protect your brother. Adonis keep him in line. If he does anything wrong come call me. Scream for me if you feel scared"

"Momm.." Adonis whines giving his brother a look

"I am not playing. Come give me a kiss" they both kiss her cheeks before stepping out. Philomena is quick to grab a hand in each side for the first half of shopping but has to let go when the kids abandon the cart

She suddenly hears the voice of a boy crying for his mother and just like that she knows it's her son from the itching feeling ablaze in her chest. She abandons the box of granola bars she was reading and rushes to rescue her son. There is a sense of urgency that falls on her as she weaves her cart through people not caring for anyone she hit along the way. She enters the ice cream isle to find the security speaking to one employee with a vice like grip on her sons.

She leaves her cart stomping her way up to him, snatches her sons out of his hands before checking them for injuries. Adonis throws himself into his mothers arms crying. Philomena feels her heart strings being pulled as she tries to pull him back but he has a strong grip on her neck.

"Everything is okay my love, let me see" she coos gently coaxing him to allow her to do her check. Even though she sees no marks on him she knows this is the cry he makes when he is hurt or scared "I need you to calm down baby and tell me, did anyone hit you" she shakes his head falling back into his mothers arm as she breathes out her relief "What happened Anton"

"Zack and I wanted to try the pink ice cream and compare it to the white one but when we were eating it this lady" he points to the female employee "came and started calling us thieves. I told her our mommy will pay but she pulled the ice cream out of Zack's hand and made him fall. Then she called the big man and told him to throw us out"

"That is not true" the lady tries to defend herself

"Are you trying to tell me that my son is lying to me when his brother is crying from whatever you did to them"

"I know how this looks but they were trying to_"

"They were trying to what, steal your measly ice cream. Is that enough reason to hold my children captive like a bunch of criminals"

"We have protocol"

"A protocol that only goes into effect when you see two black children by themselves. I would like to speak to your manager"

"That is not necessary"

"I will tell you what is necessary after I make you pay for laying your filthy hand on my sons. Call your manager or wait to hear from my lawyer" Philomena remains on her knees not caring about her white pants getting stained as she continues to comfort Zack and pulls Zeke in as well. It takes a lot for him to react but she knows he feels things deeply.

She looks up when she hears the footsteps of the manager approaching where she is and gasps when she realizes who it is.

Lele's once long blond locks have been cut into a nice bob with violet highlights. A color that looks to be working in her favor as it highlights her features

"Hello my employee just informed of the misunderstanding between_" Philomena quickly corrects her

"Misunderstanding? Lele you know better" her bright blue eyes squint for a second before the recognition appears

"Philomena is that you. I can't believe this and you have children? Are they for him" Zeke lifts his head to look at the lady wondering why she is smiling at his mother

"Who is him?"

"You're joking right, you had them with Charles before he went missing" all this new information to Philomena begins to make her head hurt

"Never speak to me about him and I'd rather die than have his children"

"Which means their father is the rich man you kept doing favours for" Philomena's hate filled eyes travel from the top of her hair to the worn out no name fitness shoes on her feet and back up

"You know you haven't changed one bit, still the salty bitch begging for peoples seconds I see" her lips fall flat as does the employee and the guard "I don't need your services anymore, look forward to hearing from my lawyers"

Philomena tells her son to get her bag which he does quickly rushing back to his mother as she stands back on her feet with Zack in her arms and the groceries long forgotten.

"No Philomena please hear me out..." Lele says following close behind as she exits the building heading straight for her car "There is no need to involve your lawyers when it can be resolved right here"

Philomena tucks the boys into their seats, shuts the door before turning to her ex-friend. Who looks just about ready to shit brick all around

"Oh really, what can you give me that will be equivalent to what your people put my sons through"

"I can give you a year pass to shop, you can take home whatever you want and not pay a penny"

"If that is what I wanted then I would just buy this whole franchise and never have to pay for the rest of my life. So again, what do you have to offer that can appease my cold heart"

"I can tell you where Charles is" she rattles off in a rush

"Why would I want to know where that abusive fuck is?"

"Because he has been underground looking for ways to get back at Archie for trying to kill him and what better way than to kill you" Philomena freezes feeling the fear begin to crawl back as the shock fades "Oh wait you had no idea. He came to me four years ago beaten badly and barely hanging on and told me your boyfriend had ordered a hit on him"

Philomena knows Archie was very protective of her when he was alive but was it enough to drive him to get blood on his hands. Even if the blood was that of the man forcing her into an arranged marriage just because he wanted to abuse her in every way possible.

"I guess this must be a lot for you to take in but I will give you all the information you need if you will just not press charges. This is the only thing my parents left me and I don't want to loose it so please consider my offer. Please Philomena, you know where to find me"

Lele walks back into the store with a smile knowing this is just the beginning but hoping Philomena will take her up on her offer. She then watches through the glass windows as she climbs into her car and drives off. Zack turns to his brother see if he is thinking the same thing he is and when he winks they open their mouths together

"Mommy swear jar"



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