Part 7

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Philomena remains silent for most of the ride just looking at the passing trees in thought. The bus that left her comes into view and she sees everyone getting off and a police car parked behind it. A smile that can only be described as evil spills on her red lips.

Archie's lips also spread into a smirk when he sees her smile. Theres just something, something so small about her that he likes but he can't place a finger on it.

"What happened back there? People don't just go around kicking garbage cans for the fun of it so why did you" she gives him a rundown with her eyes

"You know with your fancy shoes and watch you shouldn't be this infuriating. It doesn't suit you and I wasn't kicking a garbage can for the fun of it_"

"then what were you doing"

"If you would let me talk you would know. I was just venting..." she breathes in deeply and lets it go "If we're asking questions then what were you doing in the bar, mister" she says stretching the 'mister' as if it was below beyond his title

"I was at work"

"I know all the workers at beer palace and you are not one of them"

"You don't know the owner do you?" he chuckles at her shocked expression

"Thats a lie, you're pulling my legs"

"You have deep trust issues little fox. Besides I would only pull your legs if you were spread eagle" she speechlessly looks at him "use your words" he whispers focusing back on the road with a dirty smirk

"I would never" she finally says

"That's what they all say... until they wake up begging for more" he laughs at her sunken cheeks

"I miss when we didn't talk. You're annoying" she turns back to the window

Archibald remains silent as well but is laughing mentally at her childlike behaviour. No one has been able to bring out his relaxed side in a long time and he is enjoying the attention

The white jaguar sits in the parking lot of a semi-detached house in a new-urban neighbourhood. They have both been sitting silently in the car for a while. Him waiting for her to leave and her being afraid of what will happen when she does go in

"Why won't you go in" he finally asks bringing her out of thought

"I'm sorry" she still remains seated with her fist in her thighs "um thank you" the passenger door opens and she steps out but can't bring herself to let go of the car door. He notices her hesitance but doesn't point it out knowing that she may not want to talk about it

Instead he says "can you say that a little louder for the people in the back" She smiles "I didn't hear you"

"I am never going to say that again. Never!" she fiercely whispers, putting emphasis on the last word

"Remind me to film it if you ever do say it again" her eyes change colour from green to hazel

"Believe me I won't and we will never see each other again"

"You sure are indeed a fox. Beautiful enough to get anyone to chase after you and yet never lives to see the sun" he analyzes "you only come out at night" she slams his door. Leaving a shocked Archibald to watch her back retreat into her home

You take one step forward with her and she takes ten steps backwards.

He shakes off the thought and reverse out of the driveway and on to the streets.

Monday comes and the routine that is Philomena's life starts again. Falling into line with the numerous students pilling in the building for their lectures

So far a lot of students are talking about Noahs rejection and the blame is all falling on Philomena who is more than eager to confront people and explain her point of view. Explain that she had clarified to all her friends, Noah included that she has no interest in having a date. She was all for going alone but he may have been listening to Rod.

"Philomena wait!" Speak of the devil and he shall appear

"You have a lot of balls running up to me like this after all that shit you've been spewing about every girl being on the table after all that shit you did" he raises his hand in surrender

"Don't go around blaming people for your problems pumpkin. I said what I said and it had nothing to do with you, not my fault you have issues with everything"

"I don't have issues" she grits out " You know what, I don't have to deal with this shit" she walks past him but he pulls her back gently

"Hold on okay, fine i'm sorry but I know you and I have some unfinished business to handle. We can do that at the party if you would be my date" are you dumb? She thinks to ask but instead says

"I'd rather roll in pig shit and die" this time he lets her walk to her class without getting in her way

Noah comes into class with a new girl making everyone wonder who she was whilst the boys cheered him on.

Class ends and Philomena is at her locker to switching out her books when her phone rings and she picks up

"What is this that I'm hearing about you shagging rich men for money? At the very least they should be the prime ministers son" her best friend Elle from church says

"Hello to you too Elle, i'm doing great. Thank you for asking"

"You're welcome now talk"

"They are all lies now what have you been up to"

"I haven't been up to anything but you've been busy. Running around with a money bag"

"Your ashy ass would know what it would looks like to be running around with a money bag. Elle I have another lecture but i'll call you later. Then we can talk"

"Fine don't tell me" Elle cuts the call making her roll her eyes.

Philomena exhales loudly being used to her friends antics. Turns back to her locker almost done unpacking her books when she hears his voice and freezes

"Knew i'll find you here, my little fox"



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