Part 9

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She had waited for him where he told her to and he never showed up. She had to bear the sad looks from Noah and the pity conversation as if she had just been dumped.

She should have known he wouldn't be any different from all the other guys that have come before.

With a dejected heart and fear of going home, she finds herself taking the bus to beer palace for a break. Maybe Eli will sneak her a class like he always does when she is depressed.

Thoughts of Archibald owning the place are king forgotten till she sees him nursing a glass with over a dozen bottles littered on the counter. A funny sense of deja vu passes through her and she wonders how she has never noticed that man sitting there on her many day visits.

He is not aware of her presence till she smacks the back of his head with her textbook. The action happened before she registered what her hands were doing.

"Next time you'll think twice before standing a girl up you idiot!" Gavin who watched the interaction staggers to his friends aid dying of laughter

"Oh my god please do that again" his green eyes glow in humour

"Who are you?" Philomena looks around trying to find where he came from

"Your next boyfriend, Gavin. I would never stand you up" her lips spread into a smile

"Nice try but i'm only here to_" what is she supposed to say to them I'm just here to drink and forget my problems for free.

She settles for "I don't know why I'm here" her head twists to the side like a kitten which has Archibald wanting to hold her.  "I'm going to get going" He grabs her hand suddenly halting her movements.

"Wait here...please darling" he pulls Gavin along to stand close to the stage where he knows she can't hear them "do you have my pills"

"Tell me what happened at the meeting. What was said that has you driving your life away and begging for your antidepressants. I thought you were over this life"the young Prince drags his hand through his now messy flop of hair.

"I would be sitting in a therapist's office if I wanted a pep talk, Gavin. Give me what I asked you for, if not then feel free to leave. I can easily find myself another servant. After all money can buy anything and anyone" Gavin being used to his friends behaviour just ignores it

"You know better Archibald. I am your brother not your servant and I only want the very best for you" Archibald keeps his eyes locked on the ground not saying a word "just don't end up in a hospital this time. Two years is long enough, you have to overcome this.." grey eyes lock on his with those words. Gavin can tell Archibald is done with this speech. " Fine, just...Keep it together. Don't mix them like you did last time"

Gavin looks at his friend in sadness knowing that he will never open up to anyone. He silently watches him pop two blue pills in his mouth and chase it down with more beer.

Philomena who was watching their interaction shakes her head disappointedly at him drinking beer with drugs. She enjoys a drink here and there but doesn't like drunkards. Archibald is behaving like a drunkard.

"It was nice meeting you Philomena" he sees the surprise look in her eyes and chuckles "Archibald has not stopped talking about the girl who ran away with him. I can tell you're going to be a permanent person in his life"

"Do I have to" he laughs at her statement

"You haven't been around the real Archibald if you haven't asked yourself that question." He appears to hesitate for a moment before saying "Please take care of him. He's been trough a lot but if he does anything wrong just call me" he says in all seriousness and passes his card to her. "Don't be a stranger Philomena"

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