Part 18

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"Dear God, I'm crumbling. Everything is pilling down on me and I don't have time to process anything. I feel like i'm dorwoning and as much as I am trying to pull myself out of it my clothes are weighing me down. You cant just expect me to go along with what you have planned when it involves me becoming tied to that family. Not a good thing to say but I meant it when I said i'd rather die. So kill me now father but in case you don't, I still need you to survive. In Jesus Name I pray with thanksgiving. Amen"

Domenico is quick on his feet, ironing out the final details of the outfit for the prince and his date when the feeling of someone patting his back causes him to stop.

"How did you get back here?" he puts aside his tools "I cant have people in my work space. Talia!" he calls for his assistant

"She is on a well deserved break and won't be responding but you and I have need to talk"

"She shouldn't bother coming back and who the hell are you"

"Forgive my forgetfulness. I'm Clark, assistant to King Rudolph of the house of Williams in Luxembourg. The king would like a moment of your time, please follow me"

Domenico leads Clark to a parked rolls royce in the garage of his warehouse. Clark opens the door to reveal an empty row and gestures for Domenico to enter.

The overhead lights are turned on after a moment of sitting in the dark car

"I..m...your highness" he bows dramatically at the finely dressed man

"Rise, I'm too old for your cutesy" Rudolf says handing him a glass of scotch

"Your grace to what do I owe the pleasure"

"My sources tell me that you Mr Domenico is creating a masterpiece for my son and his lover, is that true" he does not wait for a response "I want you to deliver a message to my son but...don't make it sound like a message from me

You have two beautiful girls and I'm sure its not every time you speak that they listen but they will listen to everything a stranger says. I need you to be the stranger I need" Domenico gulps but listens tentatively to everything

Steely blue marble eyes analyze every detail of its body as it suddenly dawns on Archie that something within him has changed. He cant quite put his finger on it but he knows. He feels it in his bones

The man staring back at him in bright burgundy suit seems to have his life in order. He feels as though in just a split second the cover will fall and everyone will know how much of a disgrace he is to his own people.

Domenico places a hand on his shoulder bringing him back to the present

"Magnifico! You are a sight for sore eyes my prince. Alright ladies! Get it moving, quick, quick" he ushers them out of the change room only to come back in just as Archie is about to pull off the pant

"I've followed your journey closely. My eyes were glued to the television screen when you were first presented to the country with bright cheeks"

"Thats great Domenico but we can talk about this when I step out" Domenico stays standing in the change room "Get out" frustration sets in for Archie

"You need to go back to Luxembourg today to be sworn in as the rightful heir to the throne. You have no reason being here, touching toes with commoners" Archie scoffs, pulling off his pants without a care

"Watch your tongue, I'm paying you enough to be treated with the upmost respect" he pulls on his original pants before turning to face the determined french man

"It is time for you to leave your life here and go home"

"You know nothing! Refrain from speaking on matters that have nothing to do with you if you hope to see a better future"

"Is that a threat my prince" Domenico challenges fearfully, wondering how far the King's protection goes when compared to his son

"I don't make threats I make promises" Archie walks out of the store without saying anything else.

He drives home with blurry eyes and clumsy hands. Archie parks the car in the driveway but makes no attempt to get out of the vehicle.

Thoughts of his parents hit him from every angle and the pressure of having to carry everyones burden weigh him down. Being consumed with anger for all the terrible parents in the world, he begins to slam his hand on the steering wheel. What starts off as gently taps turn aggressive as he punches the centre of the wheel screaming in pain.

The car begins to spin, deep breaths become pants as the air around him feel shortened. It is like being stuck in a bottle that is sealed, water slowly builds up in the bottle as everything around you begins to feel and taste acidic.

The loud honking sound is enough to pull Gavin from his sleep to find his friend's face turning red as his arms and hair flair in every angle. He immediately opens the door to help

Archie fall out unto the dirty parking lot still hitting the pavement clumsily, gasping for breath and crying like a wounded animal. Gavin gathers him into his arms as they both sit in the dirty parking lot. Gavin whispers sweet nothing into his ear to help him calm down.

"What happened?" A moment of silence passes before Archie opens his mouth to speak

"They got to Domenico; he said its time for us to return home"

"Shit..." Gavin says running his hand through his hair

"They can't just waltz into my life whenever they feel like presenting the perfect image to the media. I won't do it I won't be their play thing any longer"

"What about the throne? We are to leave right now if we hope to make it with enough time to spare getting final details ironed out"

"Are you deaf or just daft?" Archie looks at his friend disappointedly "I am not stepping a foot out of this country. I have built a lift for myself here with my lover. Throne be damned" he stumbles his way back into his car and drives off

Philomena is awoken by the sound go rocks tapping on her window. She opens it to find her blue eyes boyfriend waiting outside with a rock in hand to throw

"What are you doing here" she asks with a smile growing on her lips

"Come down, we need to talk"

She nervously sneaks her way down the stairs and out the door, crossing the street to his parked car. She is not fully seated when he leans over the consul, pulling her into a punishing kiss. She gasps giving him room to plunge his tongue into her mouth

Archie has his head in Philomena's lap as a random movie plays on the television in his room. They are both too lost in thought to pay any attention to the movie.

"Penny for your thought" he says with his eyes closed, enjoying her fingers in his hair

"My mother has given the go ahead for the wedding to be planned" she leans her head back as his eyes fly open "I don't want to be a Taylor" He sits up beside her

"You don't have to be, not when I'm here" determination shines in his blue orbs

"The only way you can stop this is by marrying me" she jokes

"Let's do it then. Marry me Philomena Kings"


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