Part 24

208 13 1

Naa - Make it out alive is
"House burnt down, burnt down to the fucking ground
I don't even care now if I make it out"


Philomena parks Archie's Lexus in the driveway, takes a moment to breathe in before entering the Taylor house. The plan is simple, pack and leave

Do not talk to anyone, look at anyone, smile at anyone, or listen to anyone. And if anyone comes too close then you call your private power ranger to the rescue

It's half past noon and judging by how quiet it is no one is awake. Which works more to her favour. The quicker she can get her things the quicker she can be back in bed and snuggled up tight in her husband's arms

The floorboard of the stairs creak with each step alerting someone of her presence and just when Philomena least expects Charles bring down the buckle of his belt harshly against her head

She screams falling to the floor in pain, clutching her now bleeding head as she finally catches a glance at her punisher

"I don't know who you think you are and I don't care to know, so long as you live under the same roof as me you are my property! You really got some balls putting your hands on my baby sister and whoring yourself out to men before coming back in the morning like you ain't done nothing" he says in beween harsh kicks to her stomach

Peace hears the rustling and makes her way out of the master bedroom to a bleeding Philomena and a deranged Charles

"Ohhh Charles, how many times will I tell you to stop this girl from making a mess of my floor. Huh you better get her to clean up after herself"

"Oh she will clean, won't you Philomena..." he pulls her up by the head when she doesn't respond "You answer me when I talk, you hear that bitch"

Philomena nods fearfully "Charles please let go, your hurting me"

"I haven't even started. I think it's fair for the men in this house to have a taste of what you've been giving those boys outside huh" he slams her head face first into the bars of the balcony

"No Charles please don't do this" her voice begins to fade just like her consciousness

"And when I'm done, I'll have all the boys take rounds with your ass" with her last strength Philomena begins to struggle making Charles loose his grip and push her down the stairs again

This time with all the injuries her body has taken she is unable to to stay conscious and fade into black.

Archie rocks on his heel before knocking on the door. He couldn't stand the thought of her being away from him for too long and yes he did promise to let her handle things on her own. Which he would allow her to do but only after he knows she is safe.

Charles looks at his mother fearfully as they both know there is no coming back from this. She is dead.

"Hurry, go call your father and Stella" Charles rushes to do just as his mother has said as Archie finally decides to let himself in by using the spare key under the mat that Philomena uses sometimes

The scene that welcomes him is one that freezes each and every cell in his body as his own blood runs cold. His wife is laying at the foot of the stair unconscious and bleeding as the people she called family are dragging her body towards the basement. Obviously still not aware of his presence

"What the fuck is going on here?" Archie asks just as Gavin says "Are you out of your mind. You can't just burst into their house like you own the place. Not that you would buy this dump...oh shit"

The Taylors stand frozen in shock as Archie pulls Philomena into his arms. He gently taps her cheeks

"Come on baby, open your eyes... What the fuck did you do?!" Charles recoils angrily

James comes to his sons rescue saying "first of all you walk into my home and then you accuse me of doing something to that whore. Now I don't know who you think you are but in this place you are a nobody that will soon be arrested if he doesn't get the hell out of my home"

"The only one going to be arrested is you and your nascence of a son. Get the car Gavin" Archie walks out with his wife laying unconscious in his arms

"You foolish boy, what have I told you about putting your hands on that girl huh"

Stella scoffs loudly, "Oh please, you have literally never tried to stop him daddy and remember what happened in the kitchen"

"You better shut up over there before you join her! I am just raising a bunch of idiots in my home. Look at yourself, stupid girl. At this point I have given up on you getting married. There is no man out there that will want you, shameless she goat"

"Uhh mom can you tell dad to find someone else to beat on" Stella hides behind her mother only to be pushed away

"James this is not our children's fault and any man will be lucky to marry my baby girl! Do not yell at my children for that useless girl, when we all know she is just faking it like she always does"

"Faking it!!" Charles yell "didn't you see the same thing I did. She fell down a flight of stairs and landed on her head and do you see the blood over there. I think we really crossed the line this time"

"You and who.. my son, you crossed the line. I did not send you to play macho by the staircase"

"Dad!!!" Charles yells

"Don't dad me, I'm going back to bed and I do not want a word of this to find its way to her mother. Lord knows she will use this to find a way into this country and take more money from us"

Charles looks up still in shock of the whole situation as his father stomps his way back up the same stairs she had tumbled down.

"Are we ever going to talk about this?!" Stella kisses her teeth sassily

"You brought this on yourself Charles, I don't have the energy to stand here and just watch you..." with that she follows her fathers lead back into her bed

"Heyhey look at me, I saw what happened and she brought this on herself. If anyone asks she tripped.."

"I kicked her"

"She tripped and fell. From now on that's all you say. Do I make myself clear" Charles nods 'yes' to his mother but the fear still lingers in his eyes "Now go shower whilst I make you some hot chocolate"



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