Mena's Escape: Two

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"By the time I close and open my eyes, your cone sized bodies should be exactly where I put them" Philomena remains still with a hand on her hips listening to her sons rush to the couch before opening her eyes "I can't leave you both for a second without hell breaking loose. Antonio sit down before I put my hands on you"

Her four year old son grumbles his way to his brother but doesn't sit down casing his mother to pounce on him, she pulls him in closer to her body by the neck of his shirt and whispers loud enough for them to hear

"Try me Williams" he quickly stumbles to his sit next to his brother with his lips pouted knowing not to take his mother's threat lightly. Adonis tries to hide his laughter but fails drawing his mothers cold eyes to his body. He coughs dramatically but tries to avoid looking at his brother knowing it'll make him laugh all over

The tense atmosphere is cut by the opening of the door as Elle walks into the house with take out bags filling her hands.

"I brought Chinese!" she screams loud enough for the boys to hear making them forget all about their mother's threat but still remain sitting as Philomena joins Elle in the kitchen. "You look like you haven't had a break in years" Elle says laughing at Philomena's stained joggers and shirt. She chooses to not mention the beds nest that is her hair

"Please don't talk about how I look right now with how much the boys had me doing, I am just about ready for a vacation" she dramatically plops her body on the stool before hearing the laughter coming from the living room. "You should be watching tv not giving me more reasons to come down there and put my hands on you!" She screams knowing the boys will hear her and sure enough they immediately go quite on the couch just bumping shoulders

Elle laughs more at her friend "I know its been a long day but aunties here now to help. Go take a quick shower and come down for dinner. We'll wait" Philomena blows kisses at her before saying

"Damn the school for having this stupid mid-winter break. I pay thousands of dollars to have them educated and help me keep my sanity only for them to do this. Give them a full week at home with nothing to do. Just stressing my life. Hell I might as well get a refund" she rants dramatically stomping her way up the stairs

Antonio hears his mother and couldn't resist putting in his two cents

"Swear jar mommy" he says from his hideout behind the wall almost scaring Philomena who just ignores him. Thus prompting the attention seeker and troublemaker of the twins to hug her lower half an attempt to stop her from moving any further but he immediately lets go when he sees the pure anger in his mothers eyes.

"Come put me in your swear jar" she responds ignoring the rest of her sons protests and marching up the stairs to get a bit of her sanity back

Elle shoves the head of her godson a little when she walks by giving him the look to keep his mouth shut even though she was trying not to laugh

"What are you two up to now?" she asks looking at the cute faces of both boys as their grey eyes widen to scary size that only makes them seem cuter and more innocent "ugh one look at you little devils and I'm in love all over again. Come give aunties some sugar" the boys jump off the couch running to hug her legs.

Philomena signs returning to her kids at the table waiting. They don't notice her enter as they animatedly tell their auntie of their day. Detailing all the crazy things they had done to drive her absolutely insane but she wouldn't change it for anything in this world. They are the only reason why she is still alive and fighting

They finally sit down for dinner, say grace before digging into the takeout. Both boys moan dramatically as if to say this food tastes better than their mothers cooking. Philomena only smile at her sons

"What is it like being stuck at home with mommy" Elle asks trying to make conversation but Philomena cuts in again when both boys try to speak at the same time

"How many times do I have to tell you both to not talk with your mouths full and one at a time. Adonis the food is not going anywhere baby so please slow down. Now Anton speak"

"Ugh" he breathes out drastically making Philomena and Elle share a laugh "It's crazy" he whispers almost like a secret

"Crazier than you trying to fit your brother in the washing machine"

"Mom, you said we will pretend it never happened..." he responds

"That was until you said being with me is crazy"

'It was good crazy"

"Anything you say baby, Adon" he looks up at the call of his name but doesn't say a word "Okay then moving on_"

"Hey you told us not to talk if there was food in our mouths and I had a shrimp in my mouth"

"Was it good?" Elle asks wanting to know if she should get this meal for next time. Philomena suddenly speaks before her son can with curiosity lining her full eyebrows. "Wait did you say shrimp" he nods' yes' "Shrimp oh sweet Jesus Adonis baby you are allergic to shrimp"

Like lighting she is out of her seat running for the epi-pen she saved for emergencies like this.

Her son forgetting what he is not supposed to eat and eating it

His lips are beginning to swell when she returns and his eyes are watery with a red tinge appearing at the edges as he is struggling to breath. Philomena quickly administers the medication before rushing to the hospital for him to be examined.

She return after midnight with her son fast asleep in her arms and carefully carries him to the room he shares with his brother. She gently puts him in his bed and kisses his cheek, whispering 'I love you' before turning to look at the picture on the nightstand. It is of her and Archie standing at the alter with their megawatt smiles. Archie is looking down at her with love as she is looking at the camera

She ignores the lingering sadness and leave the room after repeating the process with her last baby. She quietly enters her bedroom making sure the door is open just a little in case any of her babies woke up before changing and making herself comfortable in bed. It took a year but she finally did it. She packed away almost all his belongings only leaving a few shirts to sleep in. The smell of his skin would have been long forgotten if she hadn't bought and stored the perfume and aftershave he used. To her he is still right here in her heart where he belongs along with her biggest regret of not professing her love to him when he was alive



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