Part 2

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"Sophia we are not sending him to military school again just because he does not get along with you! That's preposterous" King Rudolf says to his impudent wife

"Don't you dare blame this on me, we both don't get along with him and who can. That thing has been sucking the life out of me from the moment you brought him here. From the moment you created him and nothing has changed. He was a bastard then and he is still a bastard now. There is nothing you can do about that"

"That's where you are wrong. That 'thing' is my son Sophia and I love him!" the king's voice elevates two more octaves defensively

"How can I forget that he is not my son when everything about him reminds me of her? The way he can't go a day without making sure that his room is clean and bites his lips when he is in uncomfortable situations; it is all her Rudolf.  The boy can't breathe like a normal person and cries at every chance he gets. He can't go a day without playing the victim and that is not a trait we are known for. But whether you like it or not everyone seems to think that he is my son and for that reason alone I plan to make the right decision"

"Don't talk about her!" Rudolf gets in her face "You are heartless. Wish I had seen it before you killed her. At least you got one thing right in your speech, he is my son and I want my son here with me. I want to see my son when he wakes up and when he goes to sleep. He is mine!"

"I was forced to be with you. Dragged to the alter like a deranged animal to be sacrificed and after I did all the hard work you expect me to sit back for a simple palace whore to reap the fruits of my labor. I would kill her again and again if I could"

"Believe me if I could make a choice on who my husband is to be; you wouldn't be considered. Everyone believes that he is mine and that gives me the right to choose what happens to my son" she bitterly enunciate 'my son' knowing nothing in this world could make her love him

"We were both forced to be with each other. Sophia we can't do this-" the king rubs his face, a clear sign that he is beyond frustrated "We can't make him repeat our mistakes Sophia. We may not love each other but we have to do the best we can for him" Rudolf's tone returns to normal as he moves to wrap his arms around her waist

"We can and we will, by sending him to another boarding school. Perhaps this time the military will do him some good" Sofia snatched herself out of his arms

He watches her move in shock which quickly turns into anger "I forbid it" he says slamming his hand on the desk

"It is a good thing you can't forbid something that has already announced to the public" Sofia leaves the office and leans on the wall basking in her victory.

She has spent the last few month getting a few soldiers on her side that are more than willing to put an end to the Williams family. Starting with Archibald who will die in line of duty

The oblivious young King is lost in thought throwing things in one of his suitcases. He is intent on spending the night in a hotel with his best friend when he overhears the door opening.

Thinking the person at the door is Gavin he yells from the closet "help me get out of here before they decide to find me"

Sophia hatred grows with the statement but in a voice as sweet as honey she retorts

"Leaving so soon son" Archibald freezes with his hand in his still in his watch drawer. "Coward living up to his name" his hand slowly retreats and he ventures out into the bedroom.

Sophia is casually sitting up on his bed with the most upright posture. He knows it is never good when she smiles and her teeth's were glistening.

"I never meant to spit my drink at her. I know the tabloids will have a field day with it. I'll spend a few days at the Marriott for the craziness to die down"

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