Part 32

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" I fight the world, I fight you, I fight myself"


"I had no choice but to call your father" Gavin says to his best-friend's retreating back as he makes his way to his fiancee "Archie will you stop for a minute and hear my side

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"I had no choice but to call your father" Gavin says to his best-friend's retreating back as he makes his way to his fiancee "Archie will you stop for a minute and hear my side. Your silent treatment and scowl is enough for me to know you're pissed"

"I am not pissed Gavin. I am ecstatic so much so that I am a raging bowl of anger exactly what I want to be whenever I am going to see my wife" sarcasm coats each word as a dark humourless laughter escapes him Gavin nods his head acknowledging that his friend is indeed upset  before saying "I will never regret calling the King because he got the job done. You are now a free man thanks to him"

"I was a free man before him! Haven't you been listening to me in the past years we've been here. For the first time in my life, I am not being seen as a mollycoddled trophy on its way to the slaughter house. I have a family of my own now with Philomena and she loves me for who I am. I am a free man with her by my side"

"Free men do not lie about their childhood and hide a freaking kingdom from the people they love. You are not a free man Prince Archibald Saint William, you've never been"

Archie stops in his track as the painful memories associated with the name come back to him After a moment of silence he walks back till he is chest to chest and nose to nose with Gavin. He breathes down at him and Gavin pays close attention to his darkened pupils a clear sign of anger

"If you want to go back home so bad then so be it but you will be walking into those golden gates alone because hell will have to free over before I, Prince Archibald Saint Williams will step foot there again. They exiled me once and now I am exiling myself" he turns back to his path to his wife Gavin punches the air out of frustration and says "Canada is not our home! Never has been and never will be and you know this. You can come back for her later but for now we have to go home"

"Send my regards to Sophia" Archie yells back without stopping.

Gavin watches him disappear into Philomena's room and turns to leave when a sudden earth shattering scream is heard coming from the room. He runs immediately into the room where he finds Archibald holding his now awake wife in his arms as her body shakes erratically as if she is having a seizure.

He runs back out to find help "Nurse!" he screams down the halls "We need help! Help!" two nurses rush to his aid and he guides them to the room.

They walk in to find Archibald still holding his wife close to his chest but she is not moving anymore. He is crying into her neck whispering sweet words to her and making promises. They look down to find her arm bleeding as the needle that once used to be there dangles on the floor

"Sir please move away from the patient" one nurse gently say to him as the second one rushes to stop her bleeding arm.

Archibald pays no attention to them still whispering inaudibly to his wife. He finally lifts his teary eyes to look at Gavin with a smile on his face before placing a gentle kiss on the nose of his wide eyed wife. It suddenly dawned on Gavin that this is what he wanted.

It wasn't the green eyed devil everyone denies meeting but something similar. 'What am I returning to' he finally asks himself. Just like his best friend was back in Luxembourg, notorious for changing girls as often as their sheets were changed which was every morning. But the stillness settles in him.

He wishes Elle was by his side and not on the date she is now with a classmate His phone rings in his hand bringing him down to reality, one glance at the royal ember on his screen and every trace of the desire disappears only to be replaced by his sense of responsibility to the throne.

He answers immediately stepping away from the room where Philomena is getting examined with an ever doting Archibald at her side

"I hope you are getting everything ready on your end. We are running out of time for the celebration" Oliver rattles off into the phone making his way down the hall towards the kings office

"There's been a slight hiccup in our plans" Oliver stops in his tracks not noticing one of Queen Sophia's servants hiding nearby listening in

"We can't have any hiccups Mr. Gavin. The King is running out of excuses and the people are beginning to notice. The council is not getting any better either"

"I am well aware of this Oliver but Prince Archibald's wife just woke up from her coma. There is no way we can get him to walk away from her now"

"I do not care for the prince's chosen bride. He has to return and that is final. I will go over this detail with the king and get back to you. Please keep me informed on any changes with the Prince. The throne will forever be indebted to you, Gavin"

"Thank you Oliver" he ends the call more determined than ever to get his best friend away from his wife. Archibald will get over it just like he does with everything else

The servant wastes no time walking to the opposite wing of the castle where Queen Sophia is walking back and forth trying to find a way out of her situation

"I said I don't want to be disturbed, can't you understand simple instructions you imbecile" she yells at the servant waiting at the door

"I am sorry my queen but this has to do with Prince Archibald Saint Williams and I believe you would like to know of what I heard" the maid rattles off nervously and fumbles with the door handle when Sophia tells her to enter

"Speak now, I don't have all day" Sophia says sitting elegantly behind the desk in her office

"Um well I-i just like heard Oliver King Rudolf's assistant speaking on the phone with Gavin and he said they are running out of time for the Prince to return"

"If you came here to tell me what I already know then leave. I do not have time to waste"

"Nono my Queen, the Prince has chosen a bride" Sophia freezes making the servant feel like she has just said the wrong thing

"They don't care what happens to the bride they just want to bring the Prince back  and when the call ended I heard Oliver say something about a doctor not doing his job is the girl is still alive. I think the king tried to kill Prince Williams chosen bride" she confesses with shaking lips that only worsen till her whole body is shaking as Sophia makes her way to the standing servant. Her freshly manicured nails trace the servants milky cheeks

"Oh my dear you have done an excellent job and for that you will be rewarded" a weak smile graces the servants lips

"I want you to follow Oliver around and report whatever you hear back to me. Come back tonight dear for your reward" The servant leaves with a smile bright enough to challenge the sun as Sophia sits down ready to put together a new plan that is sure enough to put an end to the Williams.


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