Part 19

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"No you can't be serious Archie. I won't marry you just because it is convenient" she says pacing back and forth by the bed

Archie follows her movements with his eyes "Okay you are giving me a migraine with the pacing around" she stops, looking directly at the man on the bed

"Archie marriage is not for the faint of heart. Why do you think I'm fighting tooth and nail to not walk down the aisle with Charles"

"Charles is not your boyfriend and you don't love him. You love me and I love you. We can do this" she scoffs

"I don't love you Archie, I just don't know where to put you in my life scale"

"Like hell you don't. You love me and you know it" Archie walks to stand in front of her "I see it in your eyes every time we have sex, every time I drop you off and in every smile and kiss. You hate the thought of being away from me for too long"

"Oh please" she picks up her scattered clothes

"Stop running away from people that care about you Philomena. For how long do you plan to keep this act up?" she ignores him "I have been called back. My family wants me to return and when I do I will be the one walking down the aisle with someone they picked. I would prefer to do that with someone that loves me for who I am, someone like you"

Philomena freezes at the door "Is that why you want to marry me, to avoid being in an arranged marriage? I thought I was worth more than that" she walks out, leaving Archie to ponder over his words

Peace opens the door to Archie with one hand in the air ready to knock and a corsage in the other. Her eyes scan over the fine burgundy material hugging his muscles before slamming the door in his face and rushing up the stairs.

"He's here Stella" she says in between breaths "What is it about this disrespectful boy that you like so much. He is no better than your boyfriend Ru..."

"Rodney and he was not my boyfriend. I don't tell you about the guys in my life for you to get involved, mind your own business and do you even know how rich that guy is" her greedy eyes meet her mothers as they both squeal excitedly

"My daughter, I always knew that I raised a good woman. I told your father but he wouldn't believe me. C'mon let's get you ready for my future son-in-law" Peace helps her daughter force her way into the burgundy dress designed specially for Mena

"Ah you look beautiful my daughter. Turn around" Stella's long hair spins around with her for more praises from her mother. They share a laugh together as they descend down the stairs together.

Archie has his back to the door, walking dejectedly to his car, feeling like an utter fool for thinking that she will go out with him after their argument the previous night.

"She's ready" Peace calls him back inside, leading him to stand at the bottom of the staircase waiting for his date

The clicking of heels is heard before his eyes land on the designer dress Domenico created on the wrong body. He watches as her breasts look ready to topple out of the dress

"What do you think baby? I am so happy that you had this made specially for me. I knew there was something irresistible between us" Stella excitedly makes her way down the stairs.

Archie steps around her to wait at the staircase again. She has to be here, she was so excited about the dress. He knows that Philomena would never give up her dress without telling him

"The person you are looking for is gone. She left a while ago with her ex after he made this big speech about how she was the love of his life and so on. Let's get going babe, don't want to hide all this goodness from the world. It would be a crime to" Sofia links arms with Archie who immediately lets the arm drop without a care

"Heh what is your problem" Peace shoves him. Stella begins to give her the signal to stay out of it "My daughter is standing here looking beautiful and you're not paying any attention to her. She is your date not that pig"

"Mama!" Stella cries out

"You're lucky" she stomps her way up the stairs complaining again "little little boys trying to be men when they can't make the right choices..."

"Let's go" Archie looks down at the woman trying to replace his girlfriend "I'm the right one for you. I mean she didn't even have the decency to tell you that she has been working things out with Rod. Maybe if she did you wouldn't have wasted your time on her" she looks at her manicured nails in interest

"Do I look like a fool to you Rhonda?" He towers over her as she shrinks in fear of his words

"Sofia baby, I know you know my name-"

"That dress is going in the trash where you belong. You seriously can't think I'll give up a gem like Philomena and settle for a pebble. You really can't be that daft" her eyes immediately water up in shame but she pushes her breast further up

"Do you know who you are talking to?" she screams before pouting in what she deems a sexy way "Honey we belong together and you know it. No one can match your energy like I can"

"No one can go as low as you do" he mutters

"Momma he touched me!!" she suddenly call out just as Archie touches the door nob. Archie's eyes almost roll to the back of his head

Peace runs down the stairs to her teary eyes daughter. She checks for injuries as the tears finally break free

"She put a spell on him momma" she whimpers

"Come here my baby, let momma clean you up and get that guy to take you to the dance and you can show him what he is missing" Stella nods, falling into her mothers opens arms "I will bring him back to you"

Peace promises already creating a plan of how to get rid of the problem at hand.


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