"But, Mr. Viseron, she is the last dragon in the world. Don't you want to be in a relationship? Your species is critically endangered..."

The dragon made evil eyes and then winked.

"It's a tragedy, but we are not beasts that we put together to mate.

We have a life and human feelings and she is my aunt. She also has a private life that I respect."

Journalist: "Ah, yes, the human Dany.!"

"I will ask you to respect their privacy. She is in school and needs all the support she needs to succeed in life. If need be, she can count on me."

Journalist: "According to our sources we have seen in India, a gigantic dragon, at least five times your size. Do you know anything about it?"

Viseron bent the spine of terror. crashed in front of the reporters and began to cry like a child.

"Mr. Viseron? Are you all right?"

He knelt down in front of the camera in a dogeza and begged, "Please..."

There was an interruption and the program resumed with a report about missing dragons and their beliefs. There was a brief summary of their nebulous and illogical story.

More questions than answers.

Then the special envoy went back on the air" Yes, our interview has just ended, Mr. Viseron is obviously no longer in a state. Probably an emotional shock. These creatures so close to us, so strong yet so sensitive, so fragile. Their presence alone creates mystery.

Only one word comes to us: "Fascinating".

For CNN, thank you!

Then the TV presenter talked about the impact of predators on local wildlife.

Meanwhile, at the Studio, Viseron could not get over it.

He was frozen in front of the reporters and his security staff.

"Mr. Viseron, the cameras are down, do you need help?"

"I'm screwed."

Reporter: "Who is this dragon?"

"It's their protective goddess... a hydra. She's supposed to look for surviving dragons."

Reporter: "So she's gonna come looking for you?"

Viseron lost all his strength "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Hide me!!!!! naaaaaaaaaaahh!!"

Reporter: "We won't hurt you, Mr. Viseron... "He turned his head towards his colleagues, seeing the creature trembling. But they began to be afraid. If a dragon of its size was terrorized, then what terror were the humans waiting for?

"Is it really that bad?"

Viseron nodded his head, crying. "It's a destroyer! It can crush all the armies of the world and pulverize mankind."

The amused journalist asked how it could be possible.

"She... she can go to other dimensions, for example, slaughter you in the world of dreams and your body will be found lifeless in your bed." And this is only a micro glimpse... Her fire is nuclear... You have no idea. She destroys and recreates worlds.

She will come for me now..."

The reporter dared one last question.

"Why are you afraid of it?"

"I have sinned... I have acted like a human and not like a dragon. She will punish me."

Reporter: If she protects the dragons, you're the last one, she won't hurt you... right?"

I am a dragon! Help me! (TOME 4 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now