Part 31

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He'd wanted her for oh-so-long. But being in love and in a relationship with her best friend, he could never ask for such a thing. So he sat, two years, on the side lines, watching, fantasizing about how good she'd feel against his body; that long red hair of hers wrapped tightly in his fist while he forcefully fucked his wife and her. He wanted her so bad. And he wasn't greedy, just once would be enough for him; having her with his wife there. That was his fantasy. He'd fuck them both good. Have them both going crazy for the cock; his cock. He already had his wife absolutely whipped by it- God that woman! Never to be e mistaken, she had him just as whipped, if not more. He loved making love to and fucking his wife. Which was why he'd never offend her with talk of bringing her best friend into their situation. He knew what he had, was very thankful for it, and would never do anything to jeopardize it. Olivia was a freak in bed, they both were. Between the two of them, they had no qualms about what they'd do to each other in "bed" and even less qualms about asking for anything that wasn't done. Their sex life was great, so why couldn't he stop thinking about Casey Novak?

Today, after they'd gotten the kitchen cleaned up after dinner, he and Olivia were talking as they put the dishes away, him thinking once again how to bring it up when out of the blue...

"You know..." Olivia said, "My birthday is coming up."

Nick, putting the last dish in the cupboard and taking her in his arms to kiss her neck, "Yes it is. You wanna do anything special?"

"You mean in addition to you taking me to Jamaica for a week?" God, his mouth felt so good against her skin, but she had something to ask him. "Nick, baby..." She laughed moving away from him. "I need your full attention, I wanna ask you something important." She said sitting down at the table. "Come."

"Alright," he said as he took a seat. "What is it?"


He sat while she went on to shock him. Shock number one came when she admitted to him that Casey was a bit more to her than just a friend. They had been having a sort of friends with benefits type of thing for years now, that ended when Nick and her became serious. But it hasn't stopped her from wanting Casey, or vice versa. He had questions.

Shock number two came when Olivia went on to tell him that she and Casey have, more-often-than-not fantasized about being together again; even if just once more. And came close when they kissed at a Christmas party last year. Nick sat with his mouth wide open at that revelation and Olivia just happy to see that he wasn't angry but instead, he just had so many more questions.

His third, and probably the biggest shock came when after answering his questions as best she could...

"I said all that to say, well, Zara's gonna be with your mom this weekend..."


"And Casey and I were wondering if she could... join us"

"For?" Oh he knew what for. He knew damn well what for; he hoped. But either way he needed to hear it from her; needed to know that he wasn't just imagining this all, that she was giving him permission to get knee deep in..."

"You really gonna make me say it?" She smiled and when he just stood there, eyeing her with a curious, hopeful look. "I want to- we want to fuck each other again; but we thought you should get something out of it too. Sooo... we thought- you could fuck us both."

Cue Enya's - Only Time

It's what he heard playing in his head as he went through a myriad of emotions. He wanted to laugh while crying while screaming at the top of lungs while dancing, swinging his dick all while glitter fell from the sky all around him, bringing with it a crown for his head.

He was a king!

"You, wanna... are you sure? I mean you don't have to do anything just for me. Shut up Nick! Though I appreciate so much that you respect me enough to ask me. SHUT UP NICK! Honestly, I'd be honored just to watch. ¿Qué demonios te pasa? ¿Estás tratando de salir de esto? ¡CIERRA A LA MIERDA, TIPO!

"That's so sweet baby. But it wouldn't feel right if you didn't join us. So what do you say? Think you got enough for both of us?"

Sorry to end it here, lol but the threesome will be next update...leave reviews.

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