Part 13

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Turn me on (my take on how Nick and Olivia really met)

After leaving court, I got a call from Cragen saying that I needed to get to a crime scene ASAP. Unable to catch a cab, I quickly made my way down into the subway and hopped the 4 to take me uptown and that's where fate stepped in. I literally fell into his lap – the train stopped and I wasn't holding on tight enough so I went flying backwards into the seat behind me. Luckily he was there to catch me.

"Oh God, I am so sorry!" I apologized before turning to look at whose lap my ass had acquainted itself with. I immediately smiled as I was greeted by a pair of brown eyes that looked right through me and a face that made me bite my lip as I took in his beauty.

"No, it's okay." He assured me, never taking his eyes from mine. "better me than the floor, right?" he said and smiled showing off his perfect white teeth.

"Yeah." I agreed, breathless as we held each others' gaze. A couple seconds passed before I noticed that I was still on his lap and cleared my throat, breaking the trance before standing up and adjusting my skirt, thankful that I was wearing panties today. "I'm Olivia, by the way - Benson"

"That's a beautiful name....Nick Amaro" He introduced himself then, as if he was suddenly reminded of his manners he stood up and offered me his hand. I nervously shook it before he raised mine to his lips and kissed it, never once taking his eyes from me. My smile grew wider as I felt heat rush to my face.

"It's nice to meet you, Nick." I wanted him! But then, how could I not? Tall, tan, chiseled features that I could see even under the beard - he was a god!

"Tell me something Olivia; what would a guy like me have to do to get a beautiful woman like you to go out with him?"

"Just ask." I was standing so close to him that I could feel the heat emanating from his body and coursing straight through mine. I felt my nipples grow rock-hard as I got wet and I felt a throb in between my legs; I would have let him fuck me right then and there if he had asked. I squeezed my thighs together trying to relieve some of the pressure that had begun building.

"Easy enough; how about dinner this weekend?" I noticed that he was still holding my hand.

"I'd like that." I said as I took his cell phone from his hand and put my number in just as the train came to another stop. "That's my number, use it!" I told him, handing him back his phone.

"I will." He promised as I let go of his hand and got off the train. As the doors closed, I turned to look back at him and he had the biggest smile on his face as he looked down at his phone. I smiled and continued down the platform to exit the station.


Later that night after a long day at work, I headed home, had dinner alone in my apartment and then a nice hot shower. It was a warm night so I threw on an old tee shirt with my panties before crawling into bed just as my phone rang. I looked at the display and didn't recognize the number but decided to answer anyway as I slid my finger across the screen.


"Hi, it's Nick Amaro...the guy from the subway"

As if I would forget! "I remember" I said as a huge smile spread across my face. God, his voice was even sexier than I remember; and there I was again, turned on just that fast! How does he do that?

"I won't keep you long, I um, I suddenly remembered that I never gave you my num..."

He continued talking but right now, I was too caught up in how he was making me feel to concentrate much on what he was saying and I let that sexy voice go through me as I pulled on my hardened nipple through my tee shirt and squeezed my thighs together.

"Olivia, you still there?"

"Yes...I'm sorry. Thank you" I said, hoping that it matched up with whatever he had said.

"No problem. Anyway, it's late so I'll let you go; I'll call you tomorrow?"

"Yes!" I agreed a little too eagerly as I tried to calm my body but it was no use. I was beyond hot and bothered and I needed release!

I thought of asking him to come over right now and just let him fuck me half dead but for whatever reason, I didn't and instead just said:

"Good night Nick."

Please come over and murder my vagina

"Good night Olivia"

As soon as he hung up, I dropped my phone and put my hand down my now soaked panties and began rubbing my aching clit feverishly while sliding down against the pillows. Before long, I began moaning his name and I rubbed with more fervor, spreading my legs and using my other hand to twist my fingers deep inside me, imagining Nick's face the entire time!

"Oh God, Ohhhh God! Yes... yes... yeeessss!" I gasped, rolling over onto my stomach, the side of my face now pressed into my pillow as I continued to pleasure myself. My fingers, were buried inside me to the hilt and my orgasm was coming so hard that I was literally in tears. "FUUUUUCK!" I cried and kept going, whimpering and moaning as my body jerked and spasmed. I screamed his name when I finally exploded, squirting in torrents and I just lay there for a moment, trembling and breathing hard as I came down, my eyes closed and a contented smile spread across my face.

"Holy shit!" I heard from my phone and looked over at the other side of the bed, mortified to see that I'd never disconnected the call with Nick. I'd masturbated while screaming his name and he heard the whole thing.

"Fuck!" I cried as I quickly grabbed the device and turned the power completely off. When I was finally able to move I got up and stood on shaky legs as I pulled off the sheets I'd just ruined then went to take another shower, thinking how I would never live this down.

And just when I thought that things could not get worse, the next day at work, Cragen walks into the squad room while I'm on the phone, needing to introduce our newest detective to the squad.

""...this is Detective, second grade, Nick Amaro." Cragen announced and thinking that this had to be a cosmic fucking joke, I immediately looked at him, just as he looked over at me and for a moment so brief that it went unnoticed, we both froze!

Say something, you idiot! I demanded of myself and of all the things that could have come from my mouth...

"This is a whole new world, Serpico!" What the fuck was that Olivia?! I asked myself while he gave a smile and I refocused my attention on my phone call while making a mental note that Saturday was so cancelled!

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