Part 14

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Saint Nicolas

"I think the kids are gonna be very happy with their gifts this year" Olivia said as she and Nick arranged the last stack of brightly wrapped present's beneath the massive Christmas tree.

"Zara's gonna go nuts but little man...well, he's not even 2, he'll still be happier with tearing open the wrapping paper" Nick grinned.

"You're probably right" Olivia laughed "He did get a kick out of it last year.

"All done! What do ya think, Mrs. Amaro, we do a great job or what?" he asked as he and Olivia stepped back to admire the beautifully decorated tree that stood proudly in their festively adorned living room. With the lights from the tree bathing the room in a glow as soft as the one from the fireplace, everything took on a romantic feel, especially with the huge bay window behind the tree from which they could see the snow falling heavily outside on top of everything that was already covered in a ton of white.

"I love it when you call me that" she said as she nuzzled against his cheek and planted a kiss there. "It'll be midnight in less than an hour" she reminded him, toying with the pompom on the tip of the Santa hat atop his head

"Officially Christmas" He smiled, looking down into her big, brown eyes as he pulled her close "I'm so thankful I get to be home with you and the kids."

"I almost thought you wouldn't make it." Nick, along with a few other hand-selected detectives had been at Quantico in Virginia helping the FBI on a case that had kept him away for almost a month. He'd flown in last minute just this morning and they spent the day as a family with the children who'd helped with the tree – Olivia had saved that for last, knowing how much it meant to Nick. But now that the kids were fast asleep and they finished with the gifts, it was the first time Nick and Olivia had been alone since he left Thanksgiving night and there was a lot to make up for.

"No way I would've let that happen" he placed a kiss on her lips as his hands tangled in her hair

"Wait" she said as she pulled away, sucking his kiss from her bottom lip.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just that Christmas Eve is almost over and we have to open a gift before midnight.

"Almost forgot. Okay, I get to pick."

"No, it's not under the tree."


"No. not yet. I have to go get it, be right back" she said then left the room. Nick turned down the softly playing Christmas music even lower before taking a seat on the sofa. He picked up his phone and went through his messages – mostly holiday wishes from friends and family while waiting for Olivia to come back. He sent out a few replies before engaging Fin in a conversation. He didn't hear Olivia re-enter moments later and was startled when he heard her voice purring low and sexy from across the room

"You can come and open your present now, baby." he turned his head to look in her direction and was struck dumb for a moment when he saw her standing there by the tree wearing nothing but a very short, very thin red silk robe that was tied with a huge red bow and left very little to the imagination. She had let her hair down and it fell around her shoulders in lustrous dark waves. Nick was sure that he'd died and gone to heaven but then, there was no way anything in heaven was as beautiful as what he was seeing!

"Uh... F-Fin I gotta go!" he stammered and hung up the phone without another word, letting it drop from his hand and onto the floor and without bothering to look back at it. He mindlessly wandered across the room as if being pulled by a divine force, then once he was in front of his wife he just stood there with his mouth open as his eyes roamed her body, drinking in every inch from head to toe, savoring her incredible curves while he silently gave thanks to God for creating something so exquisitely gorgeous and sexy then prayed that the children wouldn't wake up while he and their mother released a month of pent up sexual frustration.

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