Zamira nodded even though she couldn't breath properly. Nanadani was continuously rubbing Zamira's back but to no avail. Her condition wasn't getting any better.

"Manik..." Nandani calls his name drained in worry.

Manik peered inside the car only to see Zamira's glazed eyes and her struggling with her breathing.

"Zu baccha do you want to come out. We can walk in fresh air for a while."

Zamira nods and both Rishab and Manik extend their hand for her she takes both of their hands as she pulls herself out of the car.

"Carefully..." Rishab placed his hand over her head as she might have banged it.  "Bhai you walk with her. I will be right back." Saying that Rishab rushed in even before Manik could ask anything. Manik sighed.

"Come on..." he takes Zamira's entire weight on himself. He looks back at Nandani who was looking at them with a small smile. "Do you wnat to walk?"

"No..." she nodded. "I will sit you guys can walk."

Manik nods understandingly. "Alright Zu... very slowly baccha."

Zamira nods gently. It was like a father teaching his daughter to walk for the first time. Zamira was so drained out off her energy that she couldn't even hold herself together. She hadn't felt this worse in a long time. Her heart was throbbing in her chest, she could feel the uneasiness in the tips of her fingers. If not for Manik holding her she might have been sprawled on floor. Manik was dabbing the sweat off her forehead. It wasn't that hot but her body temperature seemed to have negotiated with her circumstances.

"What is disturbing you so much?" Manik asked gently.

"Uh... nothing." She said without looking him in the eyes.

"Zu baccha you have tell me what it is. I promise if there is anything I can do, I will."

"I know." She admits still not meeting his gaze.

"Then why can't you tell me."

"It's nothing. Honestly..."

"Look at me."

Bitting her lips she met his gaze and her eyes teared up.

"Did anybody say anything to you? Are you disturbed because of what happened? You don't have to worry. If you want me to tell everyone the truth I will. I promise you, I will do exactly what you want. I can't see you like this."

"No it's not that."

"Then tell me what it is. I can't see you like this baccha."

Zamira's inner turmoil broke her resolve. She was feeble at the moment that it took energy of every single cell of her body to say what she was going to say.

"It's not you. It's Ivaan." Manik couldn't help feeling surprised but he nods encouragingly. "Please don't make me say this." She begged as she turned into a crying puddle.

"'s okay. It's okay. Tell me what happened. What did Ivaan say to you?"

"When I was coming back from washroom, I met Brian. I swear I didn't know what he was doing there. I didn't call him dad. I didn't."

"I trust you, Zu. What did Ivaan say?"

Zamira then explains how Ivaan misread the situation and over reacted and what all he ended up saying to her. Something inside Manik was hurting so much that it was hard to be expressed. Ivaan's words felt like a gazillion rocks being thrown right into his chest. It was so painful. At that moment he wasn't the one holding Zamira instead she was holding him, just not in the literal sense.

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