f o r t y ❤️

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Suffice to say, the evening after the final task of the Triwizard tournament, Iris slept a lot more peacefully. She was relieved that Fred had won and more importantly, she was relieved that he was alive. Perhaps her worries really had been for nothing, but she was never going to allow anyone to convince her that they had been. After all, she knew well enough that worries oftentimes kept a person safe. 

"My philosophy in life is that you should do whatever it is that you want to," Estella said, as she went to sit beside Iris in the Great Hall the next day. "Keep an open mind, 'cause you never know how anyone feels about you until you try." 

"Estella, did you get that out of a fortune cookie?" Iris asked. 

"Maybe...why?" Estella asked, with an expression of curiosity. 

"Because it sounded just like that," Iris replied nonchalantly. "Listen, it's no use. Fred still won't talk to me," she said. 

"He will. Have you tried speaking to him?" Estella asked. 

Iris paused, then. 

"Well, no," she admitted. 

"There you go, then! Think positively. You two will be friends again soon enough, Iris. You just have to keep being persistent with him and then you two will be able to talk about how you were wrong about him not being able to win the Triwizard tournament and how he was wrong for yelling at you."

"I never said that he wouldn't be able to win the Triwizard tournament. I just expressed my concerns," Iris admitted. She really wished that she hadn't, now, though.  

"The thing is, you two have been good friends for so long now that you're simply going to have to find a way to set aside your differences and get along again! Besides, George and I are really good friends, now, so it would just be incredibly weird if you and Fred don't get along, Iris," Estella said. 

It was just like Estella to be thinking about how Iris' friendship with Fred could benefit her, but Iris supposed that Estella might be speaking some sort of truth. 

"Anyway, I've got to dash. Don't frown so much, it'll cause lines. I'll talk to you soon," Estella said with a smile, before she left the Great Hall. 

Iris released a tiny sigh and then decided it was about time she made her way to potions class. 

"Hello my Gryffindor friend," Draco said, as he went to sit beside Iris. 

Iris turned to him with an interested expression. 

"We're friends, now?" she asked. 

"Duh, otherwise I wouldn't be over here," Draco pointed out. 

Iris supposed that much was true. She peered around Draco to find that Aria wasn't with him. 

"Where's Aria?" she asked. 

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Draco replied. "She's ill. I've been trying to work out what exactly is wrong with her for a while now, but I've come up empty. Salazar...that sounded a lot better in my head. Point is, I need to make her up a medicine this potions lesson. Can you cover for me? Just pretend that I'm taking part in whatever it is the professor wants us to do today." 

"Draco," Iris said. 

"Yeah?" Draco asked, his grey eyes meeting Iris' for a moment. 

"I'm not going to do all of the work for you," she said simply. 

Draco released a breath, as he ran his slender fingers through his blond hair, but an understanding expression passed over his face regardless. 

"Alright, then just do some of it? Making this potion for Aria is incredibly important," he stated. 

Iris supposed she was just going to have to help him out, even though she had a million and one other matters on her mind. She supposed that making the potion for class was going to be a good distraction, at least momentarily. So, Iris agreed and soon began to get to work on making the potion for the lesson. After several minutes, she was done and Draco had created the medicine for Aria. The two of them had been successful and nobody had even noticed what they were up to! 

The professor soon dismissed them, but before Iris could leave with Draco, the professor called her over to discuss the next assignment. She also gave Iris back her grade. She had received top marks. 

Iris could only hope that she would do so well in the next exam, despite her distractions. 

Soon after she had spoken with the professor, it came time for Iris to return to the Gryffindor common room. As she walked through the door, she wasn't sure who she was going to get to speak to next, but she was certainly relieved to find that Harry was the only one that sat there. 

"Hi, Harry," Iris greeted him. 

"Hey, Iris. Are you alright?" he asked. 

"I'm fine," Iris replied quickly, "You've probably got a lot of things going on right now. You don't need to speak to me." 

"I want to, though," Harry countered, "You'll find I'm a very loyal friend and I would be failing at my friendship duties if I let you deal with your troubles all by yourself." 

Iris couldn't help but smile at this. She really didn't know what she had done to deserve Harry as a friend, but she was so glad that he was in her life. 

"You can trust me," he said. 

And just like that, Iris began to talk to Harry about everything that had been going on with Fred. She spoke to him about all of her worries that had surrounded the Triwizard tournament and the fact that even though it was now over, there was still a distance between the two of them. Iris was surprised that Harry had kept up with her ramblings with how quickly she had spoken, but she felt as though she could trust him with anything. 

"It's all going to be alright, Iris. You two will be friends again before you know it," Harry said. 

"That's exactly what Estella said," Iris said. 

"Have you considered that your sister might be right?" Harry asked, with a small smile. 

The Weasley Twins (A Fred and George Weasley Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن