t h i r t y - s i x ❤️

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It was a few days later that Iris was offered an opportunity to catch up with Draco, in the Great Hall, again. 

"How are things going?" he asked her, as they both went to collect some muffins from the buffet table. 

"About as well as can be expected," Iris replied casually. 

Draco's eyebrow lifted at this. 

"So, I don't suppose that you have actually spoken to Fred since the last time?" he asked. 

"Nope," Iris said, with emphasis on the 'p'. She really did want to speak to Fred, she just wasn't sure when that was going to happen. She hadn't been the only one that was distant lately. 

"Well, whether the Gryffindors ever speak to you again or not, there's never a space for you at the Slytherin table," Draco said teasingly. He was thankful that Aria wasn't around because she probably would have elbowed him for that one and she was stronger than she looked! 

"Gee, thanks Draco," Iris said, as her eyebrows creased together slightly. 

Draco just smiled. 

"Let me know if there's anything that I can help you out with study-wise," he said. 

Iris supposed that this made up for his earlier comment, so she smiled a genuine smile this time around. 

"Thank you, Draco," she said. 

Draco gave a small, subtle nod of his head in response, before he made his way back over to the Slytherin table. 

It seemed that Draco was about as curious to what was going on as Iris herself was! She wanted to be able to settle the tension between herself and Fred, but she hadn't seen him in a long while, now. 

Ordinarily enough, this would have given her reason to worry, but she had been trying to do a lot less of that. Hermione's orders. 

Instead, Iris just released a much-needed sigh. She found that sometimes all she could do was wait. It was just fortunate that she was much more patient than one red-headed Gryffindor she knew all too well. 

At least, she had thought that she knew Fred well, but now she was beginning to reconsider that. 

After all those comments he had made about her being distant, who was the distant one now? 

Iris felt a presence behind her and turned expecting to find Fred, but instead she found Harry. That wasn't so bad, though. First and foremost, Iris needed a friend, which was why it was a very good thing that Harry had arrived, with a confident smile upon his face. 

"We did it," he said. 

"You did what? Crap. There was a Quidditch game that I forgot about, wasn't there?" she asked. She was beginning to feel herself becoming as forgetful as her sister! Then again, she supposed that she had a lot on her metaphorical plate to distract her. 

Harry offered Iris a slightly sympathetic smile in response to that question. "Well, yes, but we won! Against Ravenclaw! Just don't miss the Slytherin game, we sort of need you for that one," Harry said, with a meaningful look. Whenever Harry mentioned Quidditch, he got this intense look in his eyes which told Iris everything that she needed to know. There was a fire in his spirit, and Quidditch was one of the most important things in the world to him. "It'll be great!" Harry added, enthusiastically. His vibrant mood was a welcome distraction from the world of grey a life without Fred provided. 

"I promise that I won't miss it, Harry," Iris told him, with a reassuring smile. 

"We are going to win this thing. I don't care how much practice we have to do! It'll be my final game before I leave Hogwarts. A lot of people's final game, actually," he continued to say- including the twins. 

There was no question about it, Iris was simply going to have to be there. She couldn't let Fred down again, especially not after the last time. She hadn't meant to cause so much upset! She had just over-slept! Perhaps it would be worthwhile just going to Fred and apologising, as much as she hated apologising. 

"Of course, we're going to win Harry!" a new voice emerged then and Iris and Harry both turned to find that Fred had joined them. 

"I'll see you there, Fred. I have to go and find Hermione and Ron," he said. 

Iris swallowed, as Harry bid them farewell and walked away. Now or never...

"So, Fred, how's the pie?" she asked. 

Fred turned to her with an inquisitive stare. 

"You're asking me how the pie is? I haven't even eaten one yet," he pointed out. 

Iris shifted her weight between her feet a little awkwardly, then. Oh dear. 

She knew that she was socially awkward, but this seemed to be in a league all on its own. 

"Ask me again in five minutes," he said, as he took a pie and began to walk towards the Gryffindor table. He paused for a moment, to turn back to Iris with an expectant gaze. "Are you coming?" he asked. 

"Sure," Iris said in agreement. A momentary feeling of relief filled her lungs and she wandered over to the Gryffindor table with Fred to sit down opposite him. 

"I just know that I'm going to win this thing. With one task left, it's hardly going to be a problem. Of course, I know what the third task is. It'll be a maze task. We just don't know what the maze is going to be made out of, yet, but we have to retrieve a cup. Whoever gets to the cup first, gets to win. That should have been how the last Triwizard tournament went, of course, but it was a trap set up by Voldemort last time and..." Fred trailed off, as a slightly solemn expression took over his face, "We all know how that ended up." 

Iris met him with an empathetic expression. 

"Point is, I've got this," he said, self-assured as ever. 

There was something in the way that he spoke about all of this that made Iris almost want to believe him, but her worries remained. 

The Weasley Twins (A Fred and George Weasley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now