t h r e e ❤️

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As the Weasley twins wandered into the Gryffindor common room, Iris took a moment to wonder which was which. How was one supposed to tell the difference between two identical twins, anyway? Iris believed that their own mother must have trouble enough differentiating between the two. Either way, Iris had to admit that there was something in their smiles that made her want to talk to them. She didn't think that they would ever look her way, though. Why should they? They were a year above her and she was a new student! They had very little reason to look her way at all. Iris supposed that shouldn't have bothered her quite as much as it did. As soon as she found someone remotely interested, she wanted to be their friend. She had always been like that, even back in Ilvermorny. 

Nevertheless, it was usually her older sister, Estella, who captured people's attention. 

"Look, George, I know it's unlike me but I'd actually like to pass this year and that's precisely why I came here to study. Undisturbed, nobody's around, apart from-" as Fred's warm brown eyes settled on Iris, he paused in his speech. "Oh, well, it seems there is someone here," he said and a small but confident smile found its way onto his face. "You're Iris Embers, aren't you?" he asked. 

At his question, Iris felt herself partially taken aback. She really hadn't been expecting Fred to notice her at all but in many ways, it was sort of nice that he had. She had always expected to feel slightly invisible, but the fact that Fred had spoken to her had changed that idea around. 

"That's me," Iris replied nonchalantly. "Are you Fred or George?" she teased. 

"I'm Fred. The attractive one," he said, as he held a hand out for Iris to shake.

Although she was a little surprised, she did shake his hand. It was warm and much larger than hers in comparison.  

George just rolled his eyes at his twin's previous statement. 

"We have the same face, you idiot," George replied. 

"Anyway, it's great to meet you! It's always nice to meet other members of house Gryffindor. The best of the houses, in my opinion," Fred said. 

George just gave a slight shake of his head. 

"Honestly, watch out for this one, he's trouble," he said, only to be elbowed slightly by Fred in response. "It is really nice to have another person here, though, Fred's right. Plus, the school feels infinitely better now that the threats of our deaths aren't hanging over our heads." 

"You can say that one again, George," Fred said. "Anyway, I really must get on with some studying and 'studying'. I have to figure out some more recipes for our sweet shop, but do not tell McGonagall that's what I'm doing or she'll call our mother again and I'd rather that didn't happen." 

George shivered as though there was nothing more threatening than a lecture from Mrs. Weasley.

"Catch you later, Fred," he said. 

"Yeah. See you later, Fred," Iris added, with a kind glint in her coffee-brown eyes. 

Fred smiled in return and then made his way out of the room. 

As George caught Iris' gaze, he began to speak again. 

"Anyway, the point of the matter is that school life should be much better this year. I'm optimistic, anyway. I have to admit it was honestly terrifying last year. Danger was around every corner. I'm fairly sure one of the Death Eaters stole my sweet supply. The list of troubles and torments just goes on. We were convinced we lost Harry at one point, too, but he ended up being okay! Voldemort, the bald arse, is finally gone, so it's happy times in Hogwarts town again," George said. 

Iris released a small chuckle at that. 

"Well, that's good. I was worried about coming over here but I feel a little better now," Iris said. 

"I can imagine that moving to a new school is quite stressful, but you'll fit right in here," George said, with a confident grin.  "You just need to have a little bit of courage, which I'm sure you do have. After all, you were sorted into Gryffindor for a good reason. I better go and see how Fred is doing, now, but I'll talk to you later, Iris." 

"Sure! See you later, George," Iris told him, with a sweet smile upon her rosy lips. 

George made his way out of the room and Iris was left to contemplate everything she had been told for a few moments or so. 

Soon, she was in company again when Ginny wandered into the room. 

"What a day! It's weird being the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team now but it's also pretty exhilarating," she said, with a bright smile upon her face. 

"We play Quidditch at Ilvermorny, too. I mean, we used to, and by 'we', I actually mean my sister. I don't have very good hand-broom co-ordination so I ended up falling off a load of times," Iris explained. 

Ginny considered Iris' words for a few moments, as she took her red hair out of its ponytail. 

"Well, I'd be more than happy to teach you the ropes at some point, if you wanted me to," she offered, with a reassuring smile. 

"That means a lot. Thank you, Ginny," Iris said with a friendly expression. 

Ginny just gave a shrug of her shoulders, as though it wasn't a big deal at all. 

"It's just so much fun!" Ginny said energetically, "So, I'm certain you'll love it. I started Quidditch a short while after Ron and Harry did, so I picked up quite a few things from them. That's besides the point...you should join us later today, we were going to do a flight around the Quidditch arena, if you wanted to join us." 

"Sounds interesting! I'll consider it, Ginny," Iris said. 

"Of course! Anyway, I better go and find Harry. He owes me a chocolate frog. I won a bet. It's a long story. I'll see you later," Ginny said. 

Iris nodded her head in agreement and then watched as Ginny ran her long fingers through her soft hair and then left the common room. 

The Weasley Twins (A Fred and George Weasley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now