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"It's going to be fine, Iris, I promise," Estella said to her younger (by one year) sister Iris, as the two of them prepared themselves for their trip to Hogwarts. They had previously been studying at the wizarding school in America, Ilvermorny, but after their mother had remarried, it was time for them to move away to the United Kingdom, where they would soon be studying at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "I think you've just been thinking too much about this whole situation. After all, it's just school. How bad can it be? On second thoughts...Anyway. That doesn't matter. It'll be fun. Just think about all the cute English wizard boys and girls that you and I are going to be able to meet, now!" Estella said, with an optimistic glint in her gaze. 

It was easy for her to say, Iris considered. After all, Estella was going to be going into her final year of school, while Iris still had two to go. As much as she didn't mind school, she couldn't help but be concerned, especially when she considered the fact that Hogwarts had been a total battle zone months prior to their arrival. 

Estella caught onto her sisters still conflicted expression and spoke again, with warmth behind her words. 

"It'll be fine, I promise you. You have me there to look after you as your excellent older sister, after all," Estella said. 

Iris gave her sister a look, then, "Why doesn't that instill me with confidence that this year of schooling is going to be as good as you keep making it out to be?" 

Estella released a breath, then, which told Iris that she was about to ramble on about a lot again. 

"If you go into this with a negative mind then of course you're not going to have fun! You need to keep positive no matter what happens, Iris. It'll be fun!" Estella said, with a great grin spread across her face. 

"It's going to suck," Iris replied. 

Estella didn't look even slightly taken aback by this. 

Iris sighed. She had many reasons to sigh. After all, she had only just got used to her time at Ilvermorny and now she had to leave again? She could scarcely believe this was all happening so quickly. She wished that she could freeze time, but she was only a sixth-year student and her parents had strict rules against using magic outside of school. "Maybe I should have just elected to live here with dad." 

"Dad is busy working for the American Ministry of Magic. You already know that, Iris! That's why you have to move to the UK with us, even if you have proven yourself to be so severely against it. It's going to be an amazing time, Iris! I just know it. Think about everything that we are going to learn. Now, we don't have time for chit chat so get your things together." 

"I've got my things together, Estella. It was you who has been taking a long time to get everything sorted. I don't know why you insist on taking so many books, anyway," Iris said. 

"Hey now, I have to read," Estella said. "Aside from that, have you seen Onion?" she asked. 

Iris' nose wrinkled up at this question. 

"You mean your fourteen year old cat that is somehow still alive? Nope. Haven't seen him," Iris said. 

Estella exhaled with annoyance. 

"I'll find him. You go downstairs and help mother sort things for us apparating. You know it's going to use up a lot of magic. It isn't easy to travel between entire continents." 

"I know, but it'll be fine. Besides, mom has done it enough times already," Iris said. 

Estella wasn't paying much attention to her younger sister, she had fully thrown herself into operation find Onion as soon as possible. She couldn't stand the thought of leaving the house without him! Though she knew that Onion was an intelligent cat and would probably be alright without her, it simply wouldn't be the same without him around. 

Fortunately, Estella eventually found Onion under one of the sofas in the living room. 

Once she had him in her arms, she rushed towards her mother and sister with her suitcase and the trio (plus cat) were soon far away from the US of A and approximately 4,227 miles away in the UK. The next mission was to get to King's Cross Station, where they would then get a train from platform 9 and 3/4. 

Iris had thought it considerably laughable when her mother had mentioned that they had to get a train from platform 9 and 3/4. After all, it wasn't even a whole number. How was it possible for such a platform to exist? 

Estella had told Iris that she was being ridiculous when she reminded her, once again, that she was in fact a witch. 

Soon enough, they arrived at the platform and their mother kept checking that the two girls were alright. Once she had established that they were going to be just fine, it was time for her to bid the girls a farewell. 

"I'll miss you," she said. 

"Likewise, mom. We'll see you soon, though," Estella said. 

"Do I have to go?" Iris asked. 

"You'll be fine, Iris. I promise," their mother told her. 

Iris gave a small nod her head. She supposed now, more than ever, she needed to be brave. She couldn't be seen to be a wimp before she had even reached Hogwarts' castle. 

Thus, the girls said goodbye to their mother and wandered onto the glossy red train to Hogwarts. 

"Let's just sit here. It's empty," Estella said. 

Iris swallowed. "Sure," she said, as she tried to ignore the cold grey eyes of a blonde wizard nearby. 

"Ah, I've heard about him from a friend who goes to Hogwarts," Estella said. 

"You have friends that go to Hogwarts?" Iris asked. 

"I do! I met her through a wizarding pen pal thing. Her name's Hermione Granger," Estella explained. 

"Oh, interesting," Iris said, as her brown eyes continued to scan the train until they fell upon the sight of a group of ginger siblings that walked into one of the carriages nearby. 

The Weasley Twins (A Fred and George Weasley Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ