f o u r t e e n ❤️

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Iris headed into the Gryffindor common room the following dawn to find that she wasn't the only one that had awoken early. 

Fred Weasley was there, too. 

Iris hadn't caught sight of him immediately, so she flushed a little when she found that she wasn't alone. 

"Hey, Iris. I was just about to head out, actually. I have to go and help Ginny out with the Quidditch team's practice. Care to join me?" he asked. 

Iris smiled at that. It was nice that he had noticed her, to say the least. She tucked some of her mousy brown hair behind her ear and nodded in his direction. 

"Sure, Fred," she said with warmth behind her words, so the two of them soon set off towards the Quidditch pitch. "You know, I have to say that I admire the fact that you still find time to look out for the Gryffindor team, particularly when you have so much going on with the Triwizard tournament and everything else." 

"Thank you, Iris. You can do a lot when you put your mind to it," Fred said, with the sort of self-confidence that inspired Iris and many others, too. 

Eventually, the two of them reached the Quidditch pitch. 

"Hey, it's good to have you around," Fred said quickly, before he wandered towards the team to begin to help Ginny give them some pointers. 

Iris knew it had only been a small comment, scarcely worth thinking too much on, but it warmed her heart. She couldn't help but find herself slightly mesmerized by Fred Weasley. Perhaps it was partially because he was a little older than her, maybe it was because he seemed so brave. He followed what he wanted and Iris had always looked up to that in people. She couldn't help but find him particularly inspiring. She knew that many girls often talked about the Weasley twins and had tuned most of their commentary out before, but as she got to know him better, Iris found herself understanding the gushing and gossip around the boys more and more. 

Further into the pitch, Fred had just met up with George and the two of them were about to mount their brooms. 

Before they did so, Fred sent a wink in Iris' direction. 

"Ready Fred?" George asked, gaining his brother's attention after a moment. He couldn't help but notice how Fred had been caught up in his observation of the new Gryffindor student, but he was sure he could tease him all he wanted about it later on. 

"Ready George," Fred replied. 

The two young men soared across the pitch, before eventually returning to hovering just in front of the rest of their team. 

"Now, everyone, listen carefully to Ginny. She's going to tell you everything that you need to know. We're ex-players but we still know a lot about the game," Fred began to say. 

"So, don't be fooled," added George. 

"You need to ride your broom confidently," Fred said, which led to a few giggles from some younger female fliers nearby. 

George decided to ignore them; Fred just looked towards them with a slight look of disapproval. 

"You need to be confident," Fred repeated. 

"And not only that, you need to be brave, too! Quidditch can be a very dangerous sport. Of course, it can. That's where the courage comes in," George said. 

"You're going to have to be able to play in a variety of conditions, come rain, snow or even thunderstorms. You name it, you're probably going to have to play in it," Fred said, swiftly running his slender fingers through his slightly windswept hair. 

George nodded in agreement, before he went on to speak again. "Allow Quidditch to be a creative game. You need to think carefully about your flight techniques and where you're going to be if you want to secure the win." 

"But most importantly..." Fred started to say. 

"Have fun!" Fred and George said simultaneously.

Fred grinned. "That's the most important thing!" he said. 

After he had said that, George impulsively zoomed into the air and used his initiative to soar through some hoops nearby. The other students watched him with impressed expressions. 

Fred scoffed. 

"Show off," he said under his breath. 

"ANYWAY," Ginny said, then, immediately silencing the murmurs of chatter nearby, "I think I can take it from here. Thanks Fred. Thanks George." 

"You're very welcome," they said at the same time. 

Fred and George then high-fived, before they flew their brooms back down to the grass of the pitch below. 

"Hey, I think they'll be alright," Fred said. 

"Yeah. Besides, they're not the only ones that need to be brave. We have an entire Triwizard tournament to get through," George said. 

Fred's eyes flickered with acknowledgement at this statement. 

"Noted," he said. 

George smiled. 

"We've got this, Fred," he said. 

"Oh yeah, 'course we do," Fred said. "Anyway, I better go and get started on some new sweet recipes for the store. You alright to keep Iris some company? Is that alright, Iris?" Fred asked her, as his warm brown eyes settled on her. 

"Oh yeah, of course it is," Iris said, with a kind smile.

"Awesome. Catch ya later," Fred said, before he bid his brother and new friend farewell. 

In Fred's absence, George turned to Iris with a pleasant expression. 

"How are you doing, George? Are you sure you're going to be alright for this tournament?" Iris asked. 

"Why?" George asked, "Are you having doubts?" he added. 

Iris gave a small shake of her head at that. 

"Not really. No," she said. 

From the glimmer in George's eyes, she could tell that he was as determined to win this thing as his brother had been. 

"I'm sure that you can do this, George," she said. 

"Of course, we can," George said, with the same type of self-confidence that his brother had spoken with earlier. "Fred and I have always had pretty competitive spirits. We're just glad that we can finally enter this thing." 

"Well, I'm sure you'll do amazingly. Good luck," Iris said. 

"Thank you," George said with an expression of sincerity. 

The Weasley Twins (A Fred and George Weasley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now