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The following morning, Iris decided it was about time for her to check out the Quidditch pitch. Once she arrived, she found one of the Weasley twins. Although she wasn't sure which one this was, she decided to take a guess. 

"George?" she asked. 

"That's me!" George said, grinning ear to ear. "Good to see you again, Iris," he said enthusiastically and Iris could tell by the kindness in his voice that he meant every word. "Ginny is sick, so I'll be leading the team today," he explained. 

"Is she going to be alright?" Iris asked. 

George gave a small nod of his head in response to that question. 

"She should be. I think she just ate one too many boiled sweets," he stated. "Now, let's get going. Brooms up," George said to his team, and they then lifted their brooms up using nothing but magic. 

"Uh, George, don't you think it's a little bit too soon for us to be flying-" Ron began to ask, but George quickly silenced him. 

"No, no. It's fine," George said. He could be a little impulsive at the best of times. He swiftly got onto his broom and began to soar through the sky. 

Iris looked up towards the cerulean atmosphere above her head and stared in amazement. She could only wish that she could fly a broom so well. 

George used his initiative to quickly navigate the Quidditch pitch and eventually landed back down upon the green grass, a short distance away from Iris, who smiled at him. 

"That was epic," she said. 

"That's only the basics," George replied, "But thank you. I'm sure in the nick of time you'll be able to fly just as well! You just have to have a little confidence in yourself." 

That was one of the problems, Iris thought. She had never been sure how to gain confidence in herself. Estella had always been the confident one out of the two of them and Iris had simply stood back and watched in awe. Perhaps George was right. Maybe it was about time for her to have a little more confidence in herself. After all, if the Weasley twins could fly so well, she was sure she could do it too. She considered herself to be very inspired, for a moment. 

"We have to be especially determined if we're going to win this thing," George addressed his teammates. "So we best get to work. I'll talk to you soon, Iris," he told her. 

Iris gave a nod of agreement and waved to George as observed him get back onto his broomstick and fly into the air once more. Her brown eyes followed him through the air for a couple of moments and she decided that it would probably be best for her to keep an open mind when it came to this whole Quidditch thing. After all, Iris knew that she wanted to make friends. It seemed that a good way to do that would be to join the Gryffindor team, especially when the Weasley twins were a part of it. Aside from that, though, she had also enjoyed the time that she had spent with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger so far. She thought that Quidditch would be a good opportunity to get closer to the two of them, too. She knew that Hermione didn't play Quidditch, but she still watched and that was a good enough reason for Iris to want to become more involved with it. 

Besides that, her sister Estella had always been telling her that it would be good for her to get a hobby. What better hobby than to join the Gryffindor Quidditch team? After all, it would only be a matter of time before Estella joined the Slytherin Quidditch team and Iris didn't want to be the only member of her family who had never played it before. Even her mother played years ago! She simply had to try. 

As Iris observed the Gryffindor team soar into the air, she checked the skies for any signs of a wizard or witch who was in need of any help. Back at Ilvermorny, she had been very proficient when it came to creating potions to heal. With that in mind, Iris decided it was about time she made her way towards the potions room. There she would be able to start making up a potion to help Ginny with her sickness. 

So, after she had waved a farewell to George, Iris made her way away from the Quidditch pitch and towards the potions classroom. 

As she began to search the cupboards and cabinets, it didn't take her long to find exactly what she needed. One phoenix feather, a jar of lemon sherbets and a frog's leg. She really hoped this would work. 

After the lemon sherbets had been melted sufficiently, Iris was able to convert them into a liquid- the base for her medicine. Once this was done, she began to make her way in the direction of the Gryffindor common room again, where she was sure she would find Ginny. 

As she arrived, though, she found not Ginny but Hermione reclining on one of the red sofas of the common room. 

"Good morning- well, afternoon now, Hermione," Iris greeted her friend with a warm smile upon her face. 

Hermione sat up and placed her book down next to her. 

"Hello, Iris. It's good to see you again," she said. 

"I made a medicine for Ginny. I was wondering if you knew where she was," Iris said, though it sounded more like a question. 

Hermione gave Iris an expression of consideration for a second, before she answered. 

"Yeah. She's upstairs. She doesn't feel very well at all. Let's hope this medicine works, shall we?" Hermione asked. 

Iris gave a nod of her head at that and the two girls soon walked up the stairs towards the girls' bedroom. 

"Hey Gin. Iris brought you something," Hermione said, as she sat on the end of her friend's bed. 

Ginny sat up in bed then with an expression of curiosity upon her face, ready to accept whatever it was that Iris had created for her. 

The Weasley Twins (A Fred and George Weasley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now