t w e n t y - o n e ❤️

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Later that day, Harry walked to the Great Hall in search of some food and, of course, his friends. 

It had been a while since he had last caught up with Ron and Hermione, so he was keen to do that. He had been spending so much time helping out with Quidditch practice and everything else. However, he was fairly confident that they were going to be able to beat Slytherin in the next big Quidditch game. They just had to stay focused. Focus, Harry had found, was necessary for a variety of games, including Quidditch and wizard's chess. This was a trait that he had tried to instill in the younger Quidditch players, too. Of course, it had rather helped that he hadn't had to train them alone, Ginny was doing a brilliant job at leading the Gryffindor Quidditch team and Harry was so proud of her for that reason. 

Eventually, Harry found Ron and Hermione sat in their usual spot at the Gryffindor table. 

"Hey Ron! Hey Hermione!" he said with energy in his voice. 

Ron was surprised to see that Harry was so lively, considering he had been so busy lately. Ron had expected for his best friend to be considerably more tired than he was. Nevertheless, it was definitely not a bad thing to see Harry in such good spirits. 

"Hello, Harry," Hermione said. 

"Hi Harry," Ron said, picking up some fruit pies from the table in front of him to place on his own plate. 

Hermione regarded him with apprehensive eyes. 

"Will you ever stop eating? I began to grow worried after you scoffed down your third pie," she asked. 

"I'm nervous," Ron said simply. He could understand Hermione's concern, given that he had a tendency towards getting ill if he hate too much, but it was a coping mechanism more than anything else. 

"About the game today?" Harry asked him, to which Ron nodded in response. 

Suffice to say, Ron wasn't a big fan of playing in the rain, and there was much more than the simple drizzle currently occurring outside of Hogwarts castle. 

"It'll be fine! More than fine! We're going to beat Hufflepuff. We're rather good at that. Just don't tell Aria that I mentioned that," Harry said, referring to their friend from Hufflepuff who had recently joined the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. "And just stay focused. You already know what you have to do." 

"I wish I could be as straightforward as you are, sometimes, Harry," Ron said. He felt as though he had a tendency towards over-thinking. It hadn't really ever gone away, even with Voldemort dead.  With so many siblings, Ron could often grow concerned for people, whether they were family or friends. "But it'll be good to see the team all together again," Ron added, lightening the mood a little. If there was one thing that helped Ron when he had been over-thinking, then it was socialising with his friends. Besides, there was such an overwhelming sense of belonging and comfort that came with being a part of the Gryffindor team that also aided to ease his worries over the game. "Hermione- you look as though you're worried about the game, too, so you can't judge me. Is everything alright?" Ron asked her, as his blue eyes settled on the small crease between Hermione's eyebrows. 

"How do you know when I'm worried about something?" Hermione inquired, then. 

"'Cause you're my girlfriend, duh. I always know when you are worried about something," Ron replied, matter-of-factly. "You can talk to me about anything, 'Mione. You already know that," he added, with a genuine smile. "I've honestly been worried about the game and the tournament for a while now. So, you know, I get it. And I didn't forget anything, did I? 'Cause I distinctly remember asking you to the ball yesterday." 

Hermione turned to him and her expression softened, then. 

"No, you haven't forgotten anything. I'm just concerned about what this first task is going to be. That's all. If there was a way for me to help Fred and George out, I would do all that I could," she said. 

"It's trolls," a new voice chimed in this time around and the golden trio looked up to find that they had been joined by Estella Embers. 

Estella quickly straightened her green and silver tie, all the while Hermione gazed at her with an expression of curiosity. 

"It is?" Hermione asked, "I was beginning to think that was just a rumour." 

The corner of Estella's mouth twitched up slightly, then. 

"Well, it's not just a rumour," she said plainly. "It'll be fun, though! Where's your sense of adventure, Hermione? You did help kill the Dark Lord, didn't you? I'll be fine. Fred and George will be fine, too. It's just a learning experience. I'm not afraid of a little troll. I'm going to win this thing, anyway, you know. Nevertheless, I'm sure the twins will do well enough," she said. 

"Must you be so inclined to look through rose-coloured glasses?" Hermione asked. 

"I'm confused," Estella said. 

"It's just a saying. What makes you so confident that you're going to win the tournament, anyway?" Hermione asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. 

"Honestly? 'Cause I've prepared a lot! And I've never lost at anything in my life," Estella said. 

Hermione could tell from the expression upon Estella's face that she was, in fact, telling the truth. 

"Well, let us know if you need any help," Hermione said. 

"'Mione!" Ron protested. 

Hermione turned to him and frowned. 

"What? I can't just let her do this all by herself," she whispered back to him. 

Estella raised an eyebrow at the three of them. 

"I can do this all by myself," Estella said, choosing to be as independent as always. "If you want anything done in this world, then you have to do it yourself. Anyway, I would love to stay and chat but I really must get back to preparing for the tournament and the dance. See you all later," she said, and with that she exited the Great Hall once more. 

The Weasley Twins (A Fred and George Weasley Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن