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Hermione sauntered into the Gryffindor common room only to find that Fred and George were both nowhere to be seen. She supposed they must be fairly busy given everything that they now had to prepare for. She knew that in addition to them entering the Triwizard tournament, they were also going to be assisting Harry and Ginny in getting the Gryffindor Quidditch team prepped for the next game. It seemed that they certainly liked to keep themselves busy. Hermione was smart enough to know that she couldn't waste her free time. 

While Iris and Ron continued to speak about various matters surrounding Hogwarts' legends and legacy, Hermione crept up the stairs towards the girls' bedroom to get started on some more studying. It was her final year of Hogwarts, so of course Hermione was going to take it particularly seriously. As she read from her textbooks, she found her mind considerably soothed. She knew that she had previously been very anxious when it came to the matter of Fred and George entering the Triwizard tournament, but she knew that it was no use stressing. The best use of her time would be to work out how she could help the two of them to survive. 

Just as she had several years back when Harry had taken part in the tournament, Hermione had already begun to analyse the situation. In all honesty, she thought that Fred and George were both crazy to put their names into the goblet of fire after they had seen everything that Harry had been through. Nevertheless, she knew that nothing would ever stop Fred and George. They were two physical balls of energy and they would do whatever they wanted to. Hermione was smart enough to know that she couldn't stop them, but she knew that she could be there for them to rely upon at the very least. 

However, Hermione set her plans for them aside. She had always been a perfectionist and knew that to get the top grades on her NEWTS, she was going to have to work her very hardest. 

She studied for a little while longer, before she eventually decided to make her way back downstairs, where she found that Harry was still awake in the main common room. 

"Hi Harry," she greeted him with a warm smile and Harry looked up to meet her gaze with his emerald green eyes. 

"Hello Hermione," he said with a pleasant warmth in his voice. "How are you doing?" he asked her. 

"I'm still trying to work out what exactly we're going to do now that the twins are entering the Triwizard tournament and that's not even to mention that Iris' sister has decided to join them, too. And Neville?! Is he completely insane?" Hermione asked. 

"Hey, keep an open mind, Hermione. Neville was the person that killed Nagini. Without him, we might not even be here today. We owe a lot to him, actually," he said. "I just know that the twins are going to be fine. I have a lot to think about at present, anyway. You know how keen I am to get our Quidditch team to win this thing. I have to help Ginny prepare them all. That's not to mention that we now have a new person on the team, too, so long as  Iris joins it. It'll be all okay! We're going to win this thing!" Harry said energetically, "And the twins are going to win this tournament." 

"You know there can only be one winner, right?" Hermione asked. 

"Well, if either of them win, it'll be seen as a victory for the both of them, I'm sure," Harry said. 

Hermione gave a small nod of her head at that. 

"You're just overcomplicating the situation, Hermione. You have nothing to worry about. Fred and George are going to be just fine. I promise. I know them," Harry said, "And they have always been able to work their ways out of difficult situations. I just know that." 

As Harry spoke, Hermione's eyes flickered with admiration. 

"You seem fairly confident about all of this," she stated. 

"Well, I am confident about it," Harry said. "Anyway, I need to go and find Ron so I can give him some pointers for the game against Hufflepuff this weekend. I'll see you later, Hermione." 

"Yeah. See you later," she said. 

Harry could tell by Hermione's expression that she was still a little worried, so he stayed for a further moment. 

"Hermione, honestly, just try your best not to stress," he said. 

At these words, Hermione released a deep breath. 

"Alright then, Harry. I'll try my best," she said. 

Harry smiled at her and then left the room. His next planned stop was the Quidditch pitch, which he quickly arrived at to find that Ron was already there, waiting for him. 

"Chocolate frog?" Ron offered. 

"Always," Harry said, with kindness behind his eyes. 

"Just like old times, eh?" Ron asked. 

Harry couldn't help but smile at that. A widespread grin took over his features and if anyone who knew his father had seen him, they probably would have told him that he looked just like him. 

James Potter had always been a very confident and energetic wizard and in this way, Harry had a lot in common with him. 

Ron was right. It was almost just like old times. Of course, a lot had changed since they were kids. The most notable of these changes was that there was no longer a maleficent wizard out to get them, which was most definitely the best of the changes to Harry Potter's life. 

"I can't stay long because I have a date with Ginny later today, but let's get started on preparing for this game," Harry said. 

Ron's lips twitched up at that. 

"That's unsurprising. You're always spending time with Ginny," he said. 

"Well, she means a lot to me, Ron. You know that. Anyway, let's start getting things sorted," Harry replied, and the two boys soon started to work on getting things prepared for the Quidditch game. 

The Weasley Twins (A Fred and George Weasley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now