t w e n t y - e i g h t ❤️

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Following her potions lesson, Iris returned, once again, to the Gryffindor common room. She wasn't expecting for anyone to be there, but the presence of one Fred Weasley took her by surprise. 

"Hi Iris," Fred greeted her, but Iris said nothing in response. 

She had far too much going through her own head to even acknowledge the fact that Fred was speaking to her. 

Fred impulsively stood up from where he had previously sat, to walk right over to Iris to stand in front of her. 

"Iris, talk to me. You seem distant today," he said. 

Iris turned to meet his curious gaze, then. 

"Is everything alright with you?" he asked. 

"I'm fine," Iris said. 

Fred raised an eyebrow at this one. 

"Are you sure that you're fine?" he asked again. 

"I'm fine," Iris repeated. She had a lot going through her mind, but there was too much of it that she simply couldn't share with Fred, particularly when a lot of it related directly to the red-haired boy. 

As he ran a hand through his slightly disheveled hair, Fred just turned to Iris with a subtly concerned expression. 

"You know, you don't have to keep things hidden, especially not from me," Fred said. 

"I'm not keeping anything hidden, Fred. I don't have anything that I need to talk about," she said. 

Fred hadn't expected for Iris to be quite so stubborn, but he supposed that everyone showed their true colours with time. 

Iris returned her attention to the book in front of her and Fred promptly picked it up and placed it behind his back. 

"Fred," Iris said with a stern tone to her voice, "Give me back my book." 

"No. I won't. Besides, don't you have a class that you should be attending?" Fred asked her. 

"It's divination. I'm not going," Iris said matter-of-factly. 

Fred's eyes narrowed slightly in response to that statement. This was also new. He hadn't expected for Iris to be quite so defiant, either. 

Sooner than he could respond to that statement, George entered the common room and glanced between the two of them with an interested expression. 

"I just went for a fly around the Quidditch pitch. Fred, you should have come with me!" George said excitedly. He liked to be independent from time to time, but things felt weird when Fred wasn't around. 

"I was busy," Fred said, not taking his eyes off Iris for a moment. He didn't have a clue what was going on with her, but Fred could be especially ambitious. He was going to work it out, no matter how much Iris pushed him away from doing so. He couldn't help but feel as though he had a part in all of this, either, considering the way that he had acted around her the last time he had one-too-many beers. "But I'll be there next time. Besides, the two of us have a lot to be preparing for if we're to win this tournament." 

George nodded in agreement. 

"We certainly do! Anyway, Fred, could I have a word?" he asked. 

Fred's eyes widened in surprise, as he wasn't sure what George wanted to talk about. Nonetheless, he gave a murmur which sounded a lot like 'yes', and then made his way out into the hall with George. 

"Is everything alright with Iris?" he asked. 

"You couldn't have asked her that yourself?" Fred retorted. 

George released a small breath. 

"I don't know. Sometimes she just seems so distant. It's as if you're the only one that can really get through to her. I don't know, Fred. She trusts you. I don't think it's too ambitious to believe that you actually have a shot of getting through to her," George said. 

Little did he know, Fred had a significant part in why Iris had been so quiet in the first place. At least, he believed that he did. He just hoped that he wasn't being too brash in that matter. 

"I'll try my best. Anyway, do you want some chocolate frogs? Ron brought me a load of them and there's ton going spare," Fred said, for he could be particularly generous when it came to the people that he cared about. Aside from that, he was keen to change the subject. He wasn't a fool when it came to realising how George looked at Iris, but in the same vein, he couldn't allow his twin brother to have her. His feelings for Iris weren't going to diminish, even if he was still working out just how he felt exactly. All he knew for certain was that he felt a lot better when Iris was around, and strange in her absence. She hadn't been a student for that long, but he liked to think that the two of them had become good friends in the time that they had known each other for, and he wasn't about to lose that. 

Before George could answer Fred's earlier question, the two boys were approached by none other than Aria Honey. 

"Hey Fred, hey George," she said, with a kind smile etched into her face. "How are the two of you doing?" she asked, with an expression of genuine curiosity. 

"Good. I'm great," Fred was quick to say, which prompted an eyebrow raise from George, who, for one reason or other, wasn't entirely convinced by this statement. 

Aria placed a hand upon Fred's arm for a second. 

"Are you sure?" she asked him, "'Cause you know that I can detect when something is going on, and you two have been acting differently ever since the Embers girls arrived." 

"That's false information," George said swiftly. 

Fred hurried to back him up. "We've been acting as ordinary as usual. Right, George?" he asked, as he placed a hand upon his brother's shoulder. 

"Right, Fred," George replied simply. 

Aria removed her hand from Fred's arm, though her concern remained. 

"If you say so," she said, "I really should get back to drawing, but let me know if there's anything that I can help the two of you out with. I'm here for you, you know?" 

Of course, the twins knew this already. Aria was one of their most loyal friends, but they couldn't suddenly blurt out all of their secrets to her. 

The Weasley Twins (A Fred and George Weasley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now