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At breakfast the next morning, Ron's stomach erupted in a loud roar, much like that of a lion. It was a roar which captured the attention of not only the students, but the teachers and kitchen staff, too. Ron placed his hands upon his belly and tried to think about thoughts that would prevent him from turning to the colour of a ripe tomato. 

As he tried to do this, he soon caught the gaze of Hermione. He could tell just based on her expression alone that she was worried. After all, he had known Hermione for quite some time, now, which meant that he was able to pick up on her feelings fairly easily. 

"Hey, 'Mione. It'll be fine! I understand your worry about them taking part in this tournament but Fred and George don't faff around...much. The point is, they've got all of this under control. If I didn't think so, then I would be on mum's side. I would try to talk them out of this, too. Anyway, I need to go to the library and get started on some drawing," Ron said. 

"You draw now?" Hermione asked. 

Ron shrugged. 

"I had to do something over the summer break, when the three of us weren't hanging out, or you know, when just us two weren't hanging out. With no Dark Lord left to fight, I'm able to concentrate my efforts on old habits," Ron said, with a smile. 

Hermione was just glad that somebody seemed happy because she was certainly far from it. Her mind had been racing through all the potential outcomes of the Triwizard tournament and it was safe to say, it hadn't looked pretty. 

"But if you want me to stay here with you, I'm more than happy to do that, too," Ron said kindly. 

Hermione just reached out across the table to take Ron's hand in hers, then, and she gave it a gentle squeeze. 

"I suppose I can't stop them, so I'm going to have to help them," she said. "I'd like to think that I'm smart enough to know how to overcome most of these challenges." 

Ron's eyes lit up with admiration, then, in response to that statement. 

"'Course you are, 'Mione. You've always been the smartest of any of us," Ron said. 

Ron's kind words warmed Hermione's heart and almost made her forget all about why she had been worried in the first place. Of course, she wouldn't forget completely. The worries were still present, they just didn't seem quite so chaotic. 

Hermione and Ron continued to eat their breakfast for a few more moments, until they were joined by Harry. 

"Hi, Harry. What have you been up to this morning?" Ron asked him. 

"I've been helping Ginny with training and everything. It's going to be weird not leading the Quidditch team anymore but I know that nobody could do a better job than she can," Harry said, with a grin. 

It wasn't any secret that Harry liked Ginny incredibly much, and he had always believed in her, too. 

"You two are going to have to come along later! Like I said before, this match against Slytherin is going to be a tough one and we have to do everything that we can to beat them. Sure, Draco and I may be on better terms, now, but that isn't going to stop our good, old-fashioned rivalry now, is it? So, promise you'll be there?" Harry asked and Ron and Hermione could easily detect the energy behind his speech. It would be difficult to turn down such an offer, even if their thoughts were preoccupied by the Triwizard tournament. 

"Sure," Hermione said, and both boys waited because they could tell that she had more she wanted to say. "Just know that McGonagall is going to be doing an announcement about the Triwizard tournament this evening, during dinnertime, so we're going to have to be present for that, too. Fred and George could do with a little support, I'm sure," Hermione said. 

Harry's eyes filled with warmth in response to that suggestion. 

"Of course, Hermione. We'll be there," he said. 

"Good," Hermione said with a satisfied smile, before she notified the both of them that she needed to go to the library to get on with some more studying. 

Harry and Ron bid her farewell and Harry then sat down opposite Ron on the table, and grabbed himself a few sheets of toast. 

As Harry and Ron ate, their eyes scanned the Great Hall and eventually settled on the considerably empty Slytherin table. Where was everyone? 

"Isn't she Iris' sister?" Ron asked, as his eyes settled on Estella. 

"Yep. That's the one. Perhaps she'll know where all the other Slytherins are. We should go and ask her," Harry said. 

At this suggestion, Ron gave a murmur of agreement and the two boys soon stood up from the Gryffindor table to make their ways towards the Slytherin one. 

"Uh, hi, I'm Harry Pott-" Harry began to say, only for Estella to look up and grin. 

"I know who you are! You're Harry Potter. Everybody knows who you are," she said. 

Harry smiled at that, as his cheeks pinkened slightly. 

"Anyway, we wanted to come over here to ask you if you know where all the other Slytherins have got to?" he asked. 

Estella took a bite out of her marmalade toast, before she replied. 

"They're all out training in the rain," she said, "I'll be joining them soon. I was just a little hungry." 

"You should probably go and join them, now, I doubt Draco will be very happy if you're late," Ron said. 

"And I should care because...?" Estella trailed off. 

Harry smiled at that. 

"I like her," he said. 

Estella smiled, this time around. 

"You're probably right though, Weasley. It probably would be a good idea for me to go and join them. I'll probably take a walk before doing so, though. What's life without a little adventure? Anyway, I'll speak to you soon, goodbye!" Estella said, and then made her way out of the Great Hall. 

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