t h i r t y - s e v e n ❤️

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Later that afternoon, Iris found Harry in the Gryffindor common room again. He had been talking to Ron at first, until Ron had to leave to go and study with the twins. 

Iris was just glad that they were finding time to do their academic work amidst all of this chaos. 

"Hi, Harry," she greeted him with a smile, and Harry turned to her to fill her in on what had happened while she had been away. 

Iris then proceeded to tell Harry all about what she had been up to, too. 

Before she had gone to the Gryffindor common room, Iris had met with Estella and the two of them had gone to visit Hagrid. She needed to clarify something about her caring for magical creatures classes. 

The conversation with Harry offered Iris a distraction from everything that was going on with Fred, which she was thankful for. 

"Have you two spoken?" Harry asked. 

"We have. Briefly," Iris replied. 

Harry just gave an understanding nod of his head at that. He was just pleased to know that Iris and Fred were actually talking again. 

"Hey, Iris, that's great! It's important that you two keep talking. You're good friends and it would be weird if you two didn't get along, especially when Fred hardly shuts up about you at Quidditch trials-" Harry cut off quickly, then, "I shouldn't've said that," he said. 

Iris' eyes widened a fraction in her surprise. 

"Fred talks about me?" she asked. 

Harry gave a small nod of his head. 

"I can't say anything else on the subject, though. Thing is, you two just need to keep talking to each other, I'm sure that you'll be fast friends again soon enough!" he said, with the glint of determination in his emerald green eyes. 

Iris just hoped that Harry was right. 

"Anyway, I need to go and study with Ron. I'm keen to get good grades this year. It feels like a second chance, you know, after everything that happened last year. I'll speak to you soon, Iris," he said with a kind smile. 

"Yeah. Talk to you soon, Harry," Iris said politely, as she bid him farewell. 

Alone for a couple of moments, Iris allowed Harry's words to sink in. Fred had been talking about her! That had to be a good thing, right? At least, Iris really hoped that it was a good thing. She couldn't deny the fact that she had been thinking about Fred a lot of the time recently and she just wanted him to not think badly of her. Notwithstanding everything that she had previously said, she certainly didn't think badly of Fred. She was sure that she never could think badly of him. 

Harry's enthusiasm over Iris and Fred speaking again had allowed her to understand that their arguments didn't only affect them. Hermione, Ron and Harry were all good friends with Fred, of course, but they were also her friend. Iris didn't want to let her friends down. She just wanted to be there for them and to help them out and constantly arguing with Fred certainly wasn't helping matters! 

Be that as it may, she couldn't just forget the fact that Fred had been seriously stressing her out ever since he had started to take part in this whole Triwizard tournament. Her nerves felt especially frazzled and she wasn't sure who to talk to about any of this! 

At least that was the case for a couple further moments, until Hermione walked into the Gryffindor common room with a stack of books in her arms, which Iris hastily went to help her carry. 

"Thanks, Iris," Hermione said with a smile. 

"You are so hardcore, Hermione. Just look at how much you're reading for classes, aside from everything else that you've been doing! You're amazing," Iris said, with passion behind her warm eyes. 

Hermione gave a subtle shake of her head. 

"I wouldn't say that, Iris. Not really. I just try to do what I can," she said. 

"Well, whatever you're doing is most definitely working. You're already top in all of our classes and we haven't even done the mock exams yet!" Iris pointed out. 

At these compliments, Hermione felt her cheeks flush slightly. She supposed that everything that Iris was saying was true. 

"Thank you, Iris," she said again. 

"Anyway, you got here just in time! I need to talk to you about things," Iris said, and she reached out to take Hermione's hand in her own and led the two of them over to the red sofa of the Gryffindor common room. 

Hermione's eyes sparkled with intrigue, then, underneath the low lights of the ceiling above them. 

"Fred related things?" Hermione asked. 

Iris blushed despite herself. 

"Yes," she managed to say. She wouldn't talk about this with just anyone! She really did feel particularly lucky to have Hermione in her life. She knew that she could trust her. 

"Alright, keep talking, I just need to sort through these books," Hermione said, as she busied herself with sorting the books, in front of her, into piles. 

Iris smiled a friendly smile. 

"I'm just worried that Fred doesn't like me, I guess. I think that's the main thing. I'm worried about everything that I said and-" 

"Iris, you're especially well-liked. You are one of my dearest friends and you shouldn't doubt that for even a millisecond! Of course, Fred likes you. Who wouldn't?" Hermione asked, as she met her friend's gaze again. 

Iris sighed. Hermione's compliments did mean a lot to her, of course, but she still felt troubled. 

"I just want to be helpful, Hermione," she said, "I don't want to hold him back from his own ambitions. That's why I have been so distant, lately. I never feel as though I'm saying the right thing to him anymore." 

Hermione gave Iris a sympathetic stare, then. 

"Listen, Iris. All Fred really needs is for you to be there for him. That's as simple as it can get. You just need to be persistent with him, no matter what. You can't let him go, alright Iris?" Hermione asked. 

"Alright," Iris said in agreement, managing a more genuine smile this time around. 

The Weasley Twins (A Fred and George Weasley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now