f i f t e e n ❤️

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Once she had entered the Great Hall the next day, Iris found Ginny Weasley sat at the Gryffindor table, so she decided to walk over to her to join her. 

"Hi Ginny," she greeted her, with a warm smile.

Ginny looked up from the croissant that she had been eating and smiled with warmth in her kind brown eyes. 

"Hello again, Iris. It's good to see you. It was also good to see you at the Quidditch pitch the other day! You should really start playing the game," Ginny suggested. 

Iris knew that she was still considering it. She had to admit that it helped that the Weasley twins were on the team, even if it was a little anxiety-inducing. She didn't really love the idea of the two of them watching her fall right onto her butt. Nevertheless, if anyone had given her the confidence to take part in the game, then it had been the two of them. 

"It would mean a lot to me," Ginny added, after she had finished a bite of her croissant. 

"I'll consider it," Iris promised. 

"Good! It'll be good to have a friend there. Besides, I've had a lot more to do for the team this year, as I've taken over as the captain of the team. However, I wouldn't change it for the world. It's a great sport and it means a lot to my brothers and I," Ginny said, "And I'm more than happy to prove that girls can do just as awesome a job on the Quidditch team as the boys can. Trust me, with me in charge we are going to win this thing! Just don't tell Draco or any Slytherins, for that matter, about what we have planned. I know it must be difficult to keep things from your sister, but remember, she's the enemy! At least, in Quidditch," she said. 

Iris released a soft chuckle at that. 

"Noted, Ginny. I promise that I won't say a word," she said, with a smile.  

"Good! It's good to have you around," Ginny replied, with a grin. 

"It's good to be here, Ginny," Iris said. She really did mean that, too. The Weasleys' sister brought such a great energy and spark with her that it was almost infectious. She was glad that she was considered a friend by the Weasleys. Back at Ilvermorny, though she had loved it, she hadn't had that many friends. 

Iris had tended to be more of an independent person. She liked to go off and do her own thing. She supposed that things were different, now, though. She wanted to spend more time with her new group of friends, more than anything else. 

"What did you get up to this morning?" Ginny asked Iris, when she had met her gaze again. 

"The usual. I got on with some light reading and then drew for a little while," Iris replied. 

Ginny's eyes lit up with a shimmer of curiosity, then. 

"I didn't know that you drew! You should show me some of your work some time. You know, I think so many people get caught up in using magic that they sometimes forget the simpler, more authentic skills," Ginny said. 

Iris couldn't help but smile at that. It felt good to receive some sort of recognition for her work. 

"I bet you have your own sort of art style, too. You seem like an individualistic sort of person," Ginny said. 

It reminded Iris of the time her father had said something to her- that her talents were original, and though a lot of people drew, Iris had her own unique style that made her shine to him. She really did miss him a lot. She had never really been able to show off her art work to anybody in the same way that she had been able to show her dad, but she hoped that could change one day.

"This food is amazing," Iris said. 

"Amazing it may be, but a lot of it was made by house elves," Hermione said glumly, as she sat down beside the two girls. 

Iris immediately stopped her chewing. At least, she paused for a moment before she anxiously swallowed down the bite. 

"They do what, now? That needs to be changed," Iris said. 

"Iris-" Ginny started to protest. 

"Well, it does. It's so stuck in the past for house elves to be cooking and cleaning and doing everything that we should be able to do for ourselves! They don't even receive any payment. It's basically abuse," she said. 

Ginny just sighed, while Hermione regarded her friend with astonishment. 

"That's exactly what I've been trying to say!" Hermione said, then. 

"And what exactly have you been trying to say, 'Mione?" a new voice emerged, and the three girls turned to find that they had been joined by George. 

"That it's ridiculous that house elves are still being abused for their work," Hermione said. 

"Precisely! Now, you don't have to join me, but something must be done about it," Iris said decisively. 

George's eyebrows raised with some surprise, then. 

"I didn't know you were so passionate about social reform," he said. 

"Well, somebody has to be," Iris replied with a determined expression upon her face. She then stood up from the table and went off in search of McGonagall. She knew that she needed to talk to her as soon as was possible. 

In her absence, George looked towards Ginny and Hermione with some amazement. 

"I've never seen her so keen to do anything before," George said. 

Hermione's eyes lit up with admiration. 

"I like it," she said. "Someone here needs to fight for change. Just because Voldemort is gone doesn't mean all of our problems have disappeared! There's a lot that still needs to happen. Now, I'm going to go and find Iris, so I can help her out. You two feel free to stay here and chat over Quidditch or the tournament or whatever else. The grown ups are at work," Hermione said. 

Hermione then stood up from the table and left the room, while Ginny and George were left behind, releasing gentle laughs in her absence. 

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