t h i r t y - f o u r ❤️

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To Iris, it had felt as though winter had been flying by. Soon enough, it would be Christmas again! And shortly after that, it would be time for the second trial. Although many people seemed to be excited about this fact, Iris could unfortunately not say the same. She was stressed out for Fred, especially after he had been so close to the troll in the last task that she had been fairly convinced he would be killed! Nevertheless, she knew that she had to try to gather up some courage for Fred. He had made it through the first task. He was a champion for a reason. Iris knew that she had to  have some hope for the next task. She didn't have a clue what was going to happen in the second, though. 

As she looked up from the picture that she had been drawing, Iris found that the sun was beginning to set. A full moon was scheduled tonight. For one reason or another, the full moon had always brought Iris a certain sense of peace, though she knew this wasn't the case for everyone. It was a werewolf's absolute nightmare. Nonetheless, Iris had always found some sort of serenity in the night time. All of her worries simply became background noise in her particularly busy mind. 

Iris continued to watch the sky as it turned from a light blue to a soft blush pink. The colour made her smile. It was rather comforting. 

The night sky could also be fairly comforting, as long as there were stars out. Iris had always found foggy and cloudy evenings particularly eerie. That was why she was glad that there didn't appear to be any clouds present in the sky, now, even though earlier in the day she had been convinced that it was going to snow some more! Iris like the snow, of course, but only around Christmas. 

As a cold breeze filtered in through the window, Iris went to close it. She had been in deep thought for so long that she decided it was probably about time she took a break from her art and went to check on the others. 

Once she got down the stairs and back into the Gryffindor common room, she found Hermione there. 

Hermione ran a hand through her soft brown hair and then looked up to meet Iris' gaze. 

"Hey, Iris," she said with a smile. "I was just going to come and see how you were doing! How are you?" she asked, with genuine interest. Hermione's hair was a little windswept, so Iris had a feeling that she had only just got back from watching the others at Quidditch practice. Iris would have been there, too, but she needed some time to herself. 

Aside from that, she had sort of been avoiding Fred, too. She didn't know what to say to him, especially not after their previous altercation. 

It always took Iris slightly by surprise that Hermione actually cared about her. Nobody back in Ilvermorny, besides her sister, had done that before. Then again, Iris had always been especially introverted. She kept so much to herself that sometimes she became curious as to whether anyone noticed her at all! Iris was really thankful that she had a great friend like Hermione in her life. 

Hermione's almond-shaped, coffee-brown eyes gazed into Iris' with a shimmer of intrigue. 

"I'm okay," Iris answered at once, deciding that it was time to, at the very least, try to break free from her reverie. 

Hermione nodded, and then dug into her pocket to get her reading glasses out. 

"Are you sure you're alright?" she asked again, once she had moved over to the red sofa to sit down upon it. 

Iris released a soft laugh. 

"Yes, Hermione. I'm honestly okay. I'm going to try to speak to Fred again at some point. I feel that it is what's needed," Iris said. 

Hermione gave a nod in agreement to that statement. She just wanted her friends to be on good terms again. It meant a lot to her. And she was smart enough to know that the only real way they were going to solve their troubles was if they simply spoke to one another. 

"Good, Iris. I'm glad," Hermione said and a small dimple emerged in her cheek, as she smiled slightly. Her cheeks grew a little rosier and her shoulders relaxed in the peace of mind that her friend was going to be alright, just as she had hoped that she would be. 

Iris jaw twitched a little, as she thought about the fact that she was going to have to speak to Fred now, just so that she wouldn't have told Hermione a lie. She didn't have a clue what she was going to say to him, even though she had been thinking about it for a long while, now. He had really scared her in the last trial, there was no taking that back! However, he hadn't meant to and Iris had to question whether maybe she had been simply over-reacting to the whole thing. Either way, she was determined to get on friendly terms with Fred as soon as she could because not having him around was worse than any of the worries she had to experience over the past few weeks. 

Hermione couldn't help but notice her friend's face grow slightly pinker, as Iris continued to think about Fred. She smiled knowingly, but Iris hadn't noticed that Hermione had been observing her so intently. 

Iris gaze shifted to her slender hands and she placed them together in an effort to calm her nerves. 

"It's just Fred," Hermione said caringly, "You'll be fine. Everything that happened will be under the metaphorical rug soon enough." 

"I certainly hope that you're right, Hermione," Iris said, then. "Thank you." Iris looked back towards her hands and Hermione watched as the light reflected the gentle silver shadows present on Iris' eyelids. 

"It's what I'm here for. Anyway, I better get back to studying. I'll see you soon, Iris. And have a wonderful Christmas." 

Oh yeah. Christmas. Iris had almost forgotten that she would be returning home for that. She just hoped that Fred wouldn't forget her while she was gone. 

The Weasley Twins (A Fred and George Weasley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now