n i n e t e e n ❤️

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"Right you are, Harry," Fred replied to his friend, then. 

George had a glint of positivity in his gaze, too. 

"Yeah! This year is bound to be better, especially with the Triwizard tournament taking place!" he said. 

"Let's just hope you win this thing, ay?" Harry asked. 

"Oh, we intend on it," Fred said, with a confident expression. His brown eyes brightened slightly with his hope. 

The trio then got to work on helping the first years with getting onto and flying their brooms correctly. This lasted several minutes, before one of the first years almost flew right into the grass and had to be taken to the infirmary due to their shock. 

After that scene, Harry, Fred and George decided that it was probably a good idea to take a break from flying practice for the day. 

They weren't alone for long before they were joined by Iris. 

"Hi. I heard what you were all up to. I want to help, too," she said, with a sweet smile. 

Fred couldn't help but feel his chest warm slightly in Iris' presence, but he ignored it. 

"Sure. We're done for today but maybe next time?" George asked. 

Fred nodded in agreement. 

"I'm down for next time," Iris said kindly. 

"I better get going. See you all later," Harry said warmly, as he looked between his friends. 

"Yeah. See you later, Harry," Fred and George said. 

"Bye Harry," Iris said with a pleasant expression. 

After Harry had turned and walked away, George informed the two of them that he was going to go and have some snacks with Estella in the Great Hall, so Fred and Iris bid him a farewell, too. 

"Walk with me?" Fred asked, as he met Iris' gaze. 

"Sure," Iris said, trying her best to ignore the little flutter that stirred in her heart. 

The two of them began to walk on side by side, all the while making small glances at one another. Of course, neither one of them noticed that they were looking at each other. 

At least, they didn't notice for a while, until they reached the warmth of the Hogwarts castle again. 

"So, Iris, 'cause I'm curious- what have you been up to all day?" Fred asked. 

"Studying, mostly. However, I was just in the potions lab working on a healing potion for the Triwizard tournament. You know, just in case," Iris said. 

Fred smirked at that, as he reached out to gently nudge Iris' arm. 

"Aw. You care," he said. 

Iris' warm brown eyes reflected the light, as she turned to meet Fred's gaze again. 

"Of course, I care, Fred. You're my friend," Iris said with a smile. 

Fred wasn't sure what to say to that. He felt his heart warm again but tried to ignore it. After all, Iris was a friend and his date to the dance. He was in no frame of mind to complicate matters between the two of them all of a sudden. Although, he had to admit to feeling a distinct pattern of jealousy as far as George and Iris were concerned. 

Sooner than Fred could reply to Iris' statement, Estella joined them in the hall. 

"Hello, you two. Have either of you seen George?" she asked. 

Something registered in Iris' mind, then. Estella must have some sort of attachment to George. Sure, it may have just been a friendship, but she couldn't help but notice the fact that the two of them had been spending a lot of time together recently. She supposed they were just friends. After all, she couldn't assume too much, especially when she hadn't seen her sister for quite some time. Now that the two girls were in different school houses, it certainly felt as though they got to see each other less and less. 

"No," Fred said quickly. 

Iris gave him a look, which caused Fred to scoff. 

"I'm only joking. He just went off in search of you, actually," he said. 

"Ah, okay. I'll try to find him. Thanks, you two," she said with a smile. 

The other two nodded and bid her farewell, then. 

Once Estella was out of their line of vision, Fred turned back to Iris and smiled. 

"It honestly means a lot to have you around, Iris," he said, "I know I've mentioned it before but it really does mean a lot to me. It's always good to meet a new fr- friend," he said. He wasn't sure why he faltered on the last word, either, but he could tell that Iris had noticed it. 

"Even though I'm not my sister?" Iris asked. 

"Hey, you're a Gryffindor, Iris. That makes you extra-special. You're one of the team, as it were," Fred told her with a kind grin. 

"Thanks, Fred," Iris said. 

Fred just gave a nod at that and they continued to walk on a little further until they had reached the Gryffindor common room. 

"I think I might take a nap soon," Fred said. 

Iris' eyes flickered with curiosity at that statement. 

"Are you tired?" she asked. 

"Guess so. I've been up quite late recently and I don't know...having some weird nightmares," Fred admitted. It only took him a second to remember that he hardly ever mentioned his nightmares to others. He discussed them with George on occasion, but that was about it. 

"If you'd like, I could make you a potion to help keep the nightmares away," Iris said with a friendly smile. "I just want to do whatever I can to help out." 

Fred's eyes grew warmer at this suggestion. Iris could hardly believe that they could get any warmer than they already were, but she now had evidence of such a thing. Fred took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Iris, taking them both slightly by surprise. 

"Sorry, I realise that was a little impulsive but it's good to know that someone genuinely cares," Fred said. "I don't exactly open up much." 

"Well, you don't have to worry about that with me, Fred. Anyway, I hope you sleep well. I'll be here if you're plagued by any nightmares again," Iris told him. 

Fred smiled at that. 

"Thanks, Iris," he said. 

"Of course," Iris said. 

The Weasley Twins (A Fred and George Weasley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now