47: Teamed Up

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Once again, Saturday afternoon arrived and so, the King, the Princes, the soulmates and the Royal Defense Force were all present in the palace's wide backyard.

"Good afternoon, Princes," the Royal Defense Force, led by Junmyeon, greeted. The Princes bowed back.

"Uhm... hello... we're here too..." Seungkwan sassed.

"But we just greeted everyone," Jisung of WANNABLE defended.

"And exactly how? You just greeted the Princes," Seungkwan responded. The other soulmates, on the other hand, found it unnecessary to nag.

"Well, aren't those who end up with Princes get to be royalty also? By that principle, you, as their soulmates, are technically Princes too," Namjoon explained. With his explanation, all the soulmates flushed red.

"With their reactions, it's easy to know who's what in the relationship," Baekhyun teased, causing the soulmates to even blush more.

The King cleared his throat, "Before we begin today's training, I have to announce something."

"What is it, your highness?" Yoongi asked.

"As the adorable soulmates of my sons are slowly becoming respectable Paragons themselves, in addition to Chan, Woozi and Jeonghan, Seungkwan and Minghao already got their powers this week," the King happily and excitedly told the Royal Defense Force. "And so, just like the aforementioned three, the latter two will also get their own trainers."

"Fingers crossed," Baekhyun mumbled, his eyes were shut tight and his hands were pressed together in a prayer.

"Seungkwan manifested Hydrokinesis so his trainer will be none other than Junmyeon, the leader of ERI," the King said.

"What an honor. Please take care of me," Seungkwan bowed. Junmyeon responded in the same way.

"And the trainer for Minghao who developed Photokinesis is—"

"ME!" Baekhyun exclaimed as soon as the word "Photokinesis" reached his ears. "Finally, someone who has the same awesome power as I have."

"Yes, Baekhyun. You will be in charge of Minghao's training," the King sighed.

"Looking forward in working with you," Minghao shyly greeted.

"Don't worry, kid. You are in the best hands," Baekhyun proudly stated. The rest of the Royal Defense Force only shook their heads.

"Proper training will start next week but just for reference, how exactly did your power manifest?" Junmyeon asked.

"My power manifested when we were at the beach. We were playing beach volleyball when the ball landed on the water. I volunteered to get it but when I reached the sea, the water was moving away from my feet. Then, I sprayed water to Vernonie from the ocean," Seungkwan recalled.

"Hmmm... that's pretty good. So, we need to practice your control," Junmyeon thought.

"As for me, we were in Funtone last Tuesday to know our eye color. As we were riding the elevator down after the matching, the earthquake struck, trapping us inside. My power manifested by radiating light to lighten up the whole elevator," Minghao narrated.

"How bright was the light?" Baekhyun asked.

"Like eight fluorescent lamp lights," Jun described as precisely as he could with his imagination.

"For an enclosed area, that's pretty impressive," Baekhyun commented. "Makes me think of the first time I manifested my power."

"Yeah, that one was in the newspapers," Chanyeol chuckled.

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